The Execution

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Y/n's POV
Javi, Mari, Gabe, Clem and I pushed our way through the crowd while keeping an eye out for any sign of Ava or Tripp, but we weren't having any luck.

In front of the crowd, Joan was standing on a stage, giving a speech. And beside her was David, standing on a stool with a noose tied around his neck. Behind her was a sheet, baring the New Frontier logo.

Joan: I don't know about the rest of you, but I didn't want to be here today. The people of Richmond deserve to be safe! David Garcia has to be punished for what he's done!

Javi: Shit...

Mari: Dad...

Gabe: We can't wait for the others, can we?

Joan: For years now, Richmond has been governed by one simple principle: Strong council, strong community! But, unfortunately, the actions of one of the members of that council, our security expert, David Garcia, have put us all in danger!

David: She's lying to all of you!

Joan glared at David before facing the crowd again.

Joan: I'm sorry to have to show you this. Truly, I am, but this is something you all need to see!

She nodded to two men who were off stage, and they came on and removed the sheet, revealing it to be covering two dead bodies.

One was Badger's. His head was nearly gone, after Javi bashed it on with his bat.

At the sight of it, people screamed, looked away, and some vomited.

But the second body was more surprising to me...

Y/n: Max...

Max's corpse was on display next to Badger's. Max's corpse had a big bullet wound in it's forehead.

Now that I think of it, I hadn't seen Max since we got to Richmond. Joan killed him and is trying to pin it on us.

Joan: David and his accomplices murdered these men in cold blood! Is this who we want in charge?! Someone this reckless?! This cruel?! Not if I have anything to do with it!

Gabe: I can't believe this is really happening. She's gonna kill him.

Javi: Try to keep your cool. Joan's smart, but we're smarter. We just have to be careful.

Gabe: We can't screw those up, Javi.

Joan's eyes wandered about the crowd, before settling to someone beside me. Her face then had this twisted grin.

Joan: Javier!

Y/n: Oh fuck...

Joan: I heard you were planning to crash our little party!

Y/n: Wait, she knew?

Joan: Why don't you come up here? Show your face to everyone? I'm sure this people would like to here what you have to say.

Javi: Happy to! Been waiting for this all day...

Joan: Then I'll try not to disappoint you!

Javi then stepped away from the crowd and up to in front of Joan. That bad feeling I had in the truck, only got a hell of a lot worse.

Joan: I had a very interesting conversation with your friend Eleanor last night. Isn't that right, Eleanor?

My eyes widened in shock, along with everyone else's. She betrayed us. That's how she knew we were coming. How she knew Ava and Tripp would be in the square. Joan has them. But where?

I know Joan's type. She's gonna want to torture Javi, using what he cares about most. His friends. Ava and Tripp have to be nearby, but I can't go anywhere without getting shot up by Joan's soldiers.

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