The Highway

770 27 5

Y/n's POV
When we got to the roof, there was a couple of walkers waiting for us.

David: Everyone hang back. Let Javi and I take 'em.

Javi went for the one on the left, he readied his bat and cracked the walker on the side of the head.

David went for the walker on the right. He ran straight for it and plunged his knife right between it's eyes.

David: Good to go. Let's move.

Eventually we ended up on the highway. While walking, I noticed Mari was walking alone, so I jogged up to beside her.

Y/n: Hey.

Mari: Oh, hey.

Y/n: You okay?

Mari: Yeah, I'm fine.

Y/n: So... everything you said to David back there, you mean it?

Mari closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Mari: Yeah... yeah I did.

Y/n: Wanna talk about it. I promise I'll not tell anyone what you say.

Mari: Okay...

She took another deep breath before continuing.

Mari: It's just... my dad, he's not the man I remember, and I know people changed when the meurtos came , but he changed for the worse. Growing up, Dad always talked about how Javi was a horrible brother and son, that he never cared about his family. But now the truth's clear. My dad's the one who never cared about his family. We stayed in our house for two months when the meurtos first came, waiting for Dad to come, because he knew that's where we'd be. But he never did. And for the past five years, Javi has done nothing but protect us. He put himself on the line for us, more times than I can count. And to be honest, I've never said this to anyone, but I see Javi as more of my Dad...

Y/n: Same way you see Kate as your mom?

Mari: Yeah...

Y/n: I don't know if you realised, but when Kate crashed the truck, you called out "mom."

Mari: Yeah, it was out of my mouth before I could stop it.

Y/n: Next time, I don't think you should.

Mari: What?

Y/n: I think you should tell Kate, and Javi, how you feel. Tell them that you see them as your parents and, if they're okay with it, ask if you can call them Mom and Dad.

Mari looked at me and smiled, before pulling me into a tight hug.

Mari: Thanks Y/n. That's perfect.

She was letting go of the hug, but next thing I knew, she put her lips to my cheek and gave me a kiss.

She then ran off to Kate, red faced and giggling.

My face went blood red. I looked around to see if anyone noticed what Mari did, and good news,  only Clem did. Bad news, she didn't look happy.

Y/n: Hey, you okay?

I asked walking over to her.

Clem: Fine. Why.

Y/n: Because your gritting your teeth.

Clem took notice that I was right and stopped .

Clem: What do what?

Y/n: Nothing. Is it a crime for me to walk with you?

Clem: I'm sure Mari wouldn't like it?

Y/n: What's Mari got to do with this? And why wouldn't she like us walking together?

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