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"Hello~?" I stay laid back on Minho's chest as I answer my phone and gulp down some more beer when I hear dad speak. "Hey I need to tell you something..."


"And you need to stay calm." I sit up and nearly spill my beer. "Why? What's wrong? What happened? Is mum okay? Are you okay? Did she leave the gas on again? Is the apartment on fire? My TeDdIeS?!"

"Kei calm down."

"I AM CALM." Minho watches confused and takes the beer can from me before I spill it. "Have you been drinking?"

"Yes but that's besides the point."

"You know you're a lightweight Kei."

"I don'T cArE jUsT tElL mE wHaT hApPeNeD!!"

"...Put me on the phone with your friend."


"Just do it Kei." I sulk and hand Minho the phone. "He wants to talk to you."

"Oh. Um. Hello?"

"Is it alright if my son stays with you for three more days or more?"

"Uh. I mean I'll have to check with our leader but I think it'll be okay."

"Thank you. It's just... His mother has dementia and went looking for him in the car and crashed and so she's in the hospital." I take my phone back and take it off speaker phone. "M-mum's in the hospital? Why is mum in the hospital?! You didn't tell me this!"

"Because I knew you would freak out! You can't come and see her yet Kei it'll make things worse."

"I can't even see my own mother? Are you kidding?" A ball forms in my throat and Minho rests his chin on my left shoulder as he pats my belly gently. "Please try to understand Kei... She got injured trying to find you and now shes forgotten you. It'd confuse her too much and she might end up having a fit again."

"But I want to see her~"

"I know..." I grab my beer and Minho frowns as I down the rest of it and push away my feelings. "Is she okay...?"

"She's doing okay considering what happened... She's only been awake for a minute and she was very confused and stressed."

"Did she forget me?"

"She's forgotten everyone sweetie... It was a really bad crash."

"Yeah but she never forgets me..."

"Kei... I'll come by later but I'm going to be staying at the hospital with your mother until she's well again so be nice to everybody. If you need money for food tell me alright?"

"I have my own money dad..."

"I know Kei. I'll tell you if something happens."


"I'll see you later."

"Bye..." He hangs up and I stumble off of the bed and over to my backpack. "Are you okay?"

Hidden Light | Male reader/OC POV X Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now