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"Moon I-"

"Fuck off you weirdo."

"I-it doesn't matter if you don't like me back we can still be friends!"

"I don't want to be friends with someone like you!!"

"Please Moon I'm not different I'm still me!" I wrap my arms around him and grab handfuls of his jacket. "Please~!" He pushes me off of him and my back smashes into the door. Chan and Hyunjin jump and look at the door when they hear a loud thud. I cough weakly as I wheeze a tiny bit. The pain in my lower back getting increasingly worse as I look at Moon with a face full of regret already. My head pounds as I lunge forward and punch Moon in the cheek. He falls to the floor and I lift him back up as tears form in my eyes. "Please listen to me!" Pain covers my face and he laughs like I'm an idiot before pushing me away from him and into the corner of the rock solid sofa. The pain strangles me almost as I hold my left side and hang my head. "You listen to me you freak!!" I look up and my face turns white when I see him swinging a wooden stool towards me.
(Vid. Watch from 0:06-0:27. Kei is Jungkook. Moon is Suga.)

It was definitely the right time for Chan to be nosey. Because he just about stops Moon in time before he could hit me with the stool and then pushes him to the ground. I feel my side crack and squeeze my eyes shut as I hug my side. "Are you alright? Keiko?"

"Don't be nice to him he fucking started it!!"

"Either way you don't try and smash a wooden stool against his head!"

"He's a fucking creep he deserves it!!" Hyunjin puts his hands under one of my armpits and helps me stand up as I stay silent from how much pain I'm in. Chan stands in front of me as I keep my eyes squeezed shut and my jaw clenched. "Let me see." I shake my head a tiny bit and he pouts. "I'll bite you!" I scoff which just makes my side hurt even more. "Do you guys not know?!" Neither of them care to hear what he has to say and instead both focus on trying to distract me and help me. "He said he liked me like how a girl likes guys!! That's fucking gross!!"

"I said I thought I did-!"

What the fuck is wrong with my side?!

I wheeze as I hang my head and Chan painfully holds me up on my other side before they both help me walk out. They take me to the nurses office in the building because Chan knows I wouldn't let them take me to hospital. "Your ribs on your left side are badly bruised."

They're just bruised? They're just bruised and I'm acting like this? But it really fucking hurts... Or I'm just a whimp... That's what they think isn't it? That I'm a whimp and I'm a freak.

"Can you do that?"

"W-what?" I look at the nurse confused and she sighs. "I said I'll prescribe you some pain killers but they'll cost around 44,000 won and you need to make sure you only take two in the morning and one at night."

"Okay..." She prints out a form saying what medication I need and I put it in my pocket before walking out and over to Chan and Hyunjin. "You okay? What did she say?"

"It's just a bruised rib and to apply ice to reduce pain and swelling."

"She didn't prescribe any pain killers?"

"No... It's not serious enough for that stuff probably."

I don't have any money to buy that stuff and if I say that to them then they'll buy it for me and I'll feel even more like shit.

We head home and I try to act normal as I sit down in the lounge for a little bit to move the attention away from me. "Can you wash up some dishes Kei?!" I get normally but my eyes get teary as I walk into the kitchen. I try to breathe as normal as possible too but just that feels like someone is stabbing me in the chest. Minho can clearly see I'm on the verge of tears and gently puts a hand on my lower back. "What's wrong?" I shake my head and he rests his chin on my shoulder. "Do you want to talk?"


I nod a tiny bit and he gently pats my back. "I'll be in my bedroom in a minute." I nod and leave the washing up as I walk into Minho's bedroom and sit down on his bed with my arm hugging my side again.

Pathetic... Freak... Whimp... Freak... Pathetic... Pathetic... Chan says being gay isn't bad but as soon as I even think that maybe I like another guy and tell him that because he was my friend he goes crazy and starts saying I'm disgusting and I'm not his friend anymore... I don't know... I don't want to find out anymore if people react like that.

My eyes go teary again and I look up quickly when I hear the bedroom door open. But as soon as I see Minho I burst into tears. He shuts the door behind him and quickly hugs me as I cover my face. "It's okay. Whatever's wrong will turn out alright." I cling on to him and he closes his eyes as I cry into his shoulder. I start getting lightheaded and breathe faster at the pain. "Kei?" He sees me hold my side and lifts up my hoodie to see my left side is swollen and bruised.

Pathetic. A freak. Pathetic. A freak. Pathetic-

"Look at me. Hey. I'll eat your food." I just cry harder and he panics. "I WAS JOKING I WOULDN'T EAT YOUR FOOD." He looks at me worried and gently holds my sides in his hands. His warm hands sooth the raw pain as the sobbing calms down a little bit. "I've got you." I calm down a lot faster and keep my eyes closed as he rests his forehead on mine. He stays hugging me until I'm fully calmed down and he knows when that is because I'm fast asleep. He walks into the lounge and over to Chan with a concerned expression. "Do you know what's wrong with Kei's side?"

"His ribs are bruised..."


"You should ask him."

"He's asleep after nearly hyperventilating because he was crying so hard and probably because of his side too." Chan frowns and decides to tell Minho vaguely. "He got in a fight..." I look like a ghost as I walk inside the lounge and my head pounds inside my head as Chan appears in front of me and then Minho does too when I don't answer them or even acknowledge they're there.

"They're dead."

Hidden Light | Male reader/OC POV X Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now