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"Where are you?"

"At one of your guys' practice rooms... Why?"

"Well we were gonna celebrate!"

"I don't really wanna celebrate."

"Then we'll celebrate and you'll sit in the corner."

"But I-"

"No, come on. You just won a trophy after a week of working your socks off."

"BuT hAn'S lOuD eNoUgH aS iT iS lEt AlOnE a CeLeBrAtIoN!" Chan bursts into laughter and Minho takes the phone from Chan. "Look, Kei, we all know Han is loud, but you have to push past this. You can do it Kei WE BELIEVE IN YOU-" I hang up on him and everyone laughs at Minho's frozen expression. I put my phone on silent and use the computer for music. I put on a playlist I made on youtube of kpop songs I know the dances to and put the video order on random quickly before running into the centre of the room and starting the dance straight away. Fifteen minutes later and I see Seungmin at the door with his face pressed into the glass. I laugh as I slowly stop dancing and pant as I walk over to the computer and pause the music. I shut down the computer and grab my backpack before opening the door. "You should really stop doing that. What if one of these days your face freezes in place?" He just looks at me with a blank expression as I smile and put an arm around his shoulders. "Ew."

"Jwndhwx- EW?!"

"You stink!"

"Not that bad!"

"S u r e." I flick his ear and he chuckles. "Why are you practising so hard anyway?"

"I'm not practising I'm just dancing until I black out a lil." He chuckles and I smile. "I'm kidding. I've just never had the opportunity to dance this much in such a nice place before. I usually just put some bluetooth earphones in and dance in my very small bedroom. That mixed with falling over my bed and anything on the floor and then my earphones fall out- I've just never been able to dance so peacefully with no distraction in such a big space before."

"Well why don't you just rent out a gym room?" I chuckle and he looks at me confused. "What?"

"I don't have enough money to do that kinda stuff."

"But you bought outfits and headsets for the competition?"

"And now I can't eat for the week." He frowns as I fan my muscle tank top and walk out with him.
"Damn. You're sweaty."

They haven't done anything... There isn't a surprise. I mean I don't want a surprise. I don't want the attention on me... Why am I disappointed then?



"Go have a shower you dung beetle."

"Tch." Chan smiles at me and I disappear into the bathroom. I have a quick shower and clean the scabs on my forearm gently before putting a bandage over them and putting a towel around my waist. Minho pauses as I walk out of the bathroom and stretch with my arms above my head as I walk into the bedroom I'm staying in. I put some moisturizer on my face and some lip scrub on as I sit down on the edge of Changbins bed. "What are you doing?" I look up and sink into my seat when I see Minho.

HE'S staring at me. And I'm only in a towel. HAH. AH.


"Uh. What?"

"What are you doing?"

"Um..." I point to the body butter and he smiles. "Body butter?" I nod. "What scent?"

"ᶜ⁻ᶜʳᵃⁿᵇᵉʳʳʸ." I pick up the body butter and start putting some on my arms. "Can I have some?" I hold the packet out to him and he happily takes some of the cream before putting it on his arms and walking out. "Thank you!" He leaves so I continue putting the body butter all over my body before grabbing some clothes. I put on an oversized dark blue turtleneck and some light blue ripped skinny jeans with some black socks before walking out. I walk over to Minho and hug his back as he walks over to the front door. "Where you going?" He wacks the front of my face and I fake cry as I step back. "I'm going to the shops quick."

"Oh I need to go too-"

"No you need to stay here."

"But I need to get some ramen???"

"No you don't." I look at him like he's high and feel his forehead. "You okay hyung?" He smacks my arm away. "Shush you."

"Wh... I... I need shopping though?"


"BuT I dO tHoUgH." He chuckles at my confusion and Chan hugs my back as I fake cry. "I need shoppiinnngggg~!"

"We can go another day whilst hes being weird."

"BuT I NeEd My RaMeN!"

"What kind?" I pout as I look at Minho. "The cheese one from Ottogi..."

"Okay I'll get it and you can pay me back then."

"Okay." I smile and he scoffs at how easy it was to calm me back down as he walks out. I get dragged over to the sofa by Chan and lay down on top of it as he lays down on my back. "BANANA BOAT." I giggle as Felix and him break into song and speak in perfect English with a londoner accent. "You lot should 'ave your own duo where you just perform old Aussie slogans. Not like a reenactment of the advert but like a remix of the song with really REALLY serious dance moves to it." They both stay silent so I look up and see everyone staring at me in shock. "Wot?"

"How do you know such good English?" I look at Chan confused. "My dad's from Essex?"


"We stay at his parents place for one month every year?"


"I've told you before hyung."

"No you haven't."

"But... I have...?"

"No you haven't."

"Oh... Well surprise." He chuckles and I carry on. "Oh also. Just in case I haven't told you this either. My mum is from Busan and my dads parents are from Busan so that's why I have an accent when I'm with my family."

"AH THAT'S WHY YOU SOUNDED DIFFERENT!!" I chuckle as he sits up in shock and smile endearingly as I watch Chan be an idiot. I end up falling asleep across the sofa so Chan leaves me alone and uses this as the perfect opportunity.

Hidden Light | Male reader/OC POV X Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now