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I keep on looking around paranoid about something once were at the police station and Minho whispers to me. "What's wrong?"


I just hope he isn't working tonight...

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"I need to report an assault and theft..."

"Okay no problem, what's your name?"

"Jeon Keiko..."

"Thank you, if you take a seat then an officer will be with you shortly to take your statement." I sit down and Minho sits down next to me. "Don't be nervous."

"I'm not..." He can tell I'm lying and puts a hand on my thigh as I whisper and hold my head in my hands. "I'm not nervous..." He strokes my thigh gently as I anxiously look around waiting for an officer to come up to me just when I hear a familiar voice. "Keiko?" I close my eyes as I freeze and the man walks over to me. "Are you okay?" I nod but still don't look at him. "Why are you here?"

"Jeon Keiko? I'm the officer that will be taking your statement."

"I can do that." Lucas steps closer and the officer nods even though he's confused as to why a detective would be taking a random statement. "Follow me." Minho grabs my hand as I stand up and Lucas looks at him confused. "Is this a friend?" I nod. "Could you wait in the reception please?" Minho's about to do as he says but I grab his hand tighter. "He's staying." Lucas sighs as we walk to his desk before sitting down. I sit down opposite him and Minho sits down next to me. "What happened?"


"You have no statement?"

"Oh... Uh... I. My card got stolen. My wallet. And they have access to my money and have spent all of it."

"Did they assault you as well?"


"I'm assuming you fought back." He writes it down as that and I clench my jaw. "No."

"You didn't?"


"Why not?" He sighs at my silence. "How many people attacked you?"


"Male or female?"

"I think male."

"You think?"

"I mean I can't be inside their head I don't know who they are."

"...How old did they look?"

"Maybe around their early twenties."


"I don't know. They might've been wearing high shoes-"

"Why didn't you come to the funeral?!" My eyes widen in shock before shame comes across my face. Minho looks at me shocked as well but I just keep my gaze away from them both. "Around five foot nine probably..."

"No I want you to tell me why you didn't come to the funeral. Were you drunk again? Or were you asleep?"

"I didn't see their hair and I don't remember their faces."

"Kei, they were your parents! If it was your funeral they would've gone to it!"

Because they're stronger then I am... By far.


"...They aren't dead..."

"Yes they are Kei. They're both six feet under the ground in a coffin and they were buried next to each other. I would know I saw their lifeless corpses whilst you were too busy drinking and pretending like you give a damn!"

"I don't care who you are, don't speak to him like that!!" I clench my jaw as tears run down my face and I try so badly to cling onto the thought that they're not dead but my brain won't let me. I feel the pressure build up in my head and close my eyes as I keep my head down. "I'm sorry."

"Why didn't you go?"

"Because I couldn't Lucas! I don't want to see that and I don't have to go and I don't want to see anybody I just came here to report a fucking lost credit card not get yelled at by my uncle because he had a problem with how other people live!!" I stand up quickly and the other two do too as I speak. "I didn't have to go to it and they're dead anyway so it's not like they'd care! It's my fault they died anyway why would I want to go and watch them get buried-!" I break down at my own words and Lucas hugs me into him which makes me cry even harder. Minho wishes there was something he could do as he watches me. "That's all I needed to hear Kei..." He let's me cry and waits until I've calmed down a little before speaking. "It's not your fault Kei. They went on a date and your mum left the gas on the stove on by accident and when they went back home they just went bed and drifted away..."

"No it's my fault~! I always have to remind her and I wasn't there to turn it back off or remind her~!!"

"That's not your job Kei."

"Yes it is!!!"


"Forget about the card it doesn't matter anymore." I turn away from him and he looks at me confused. "You'll need it for work won't you?"

Right. With the job I don't have anymore... Because they fired me. Because I'm me. Forget about everything. I might as well join my parents. Theres nothing for me here now other then stress and anxiety and depression. The members don't even care enough to ask me why I was covered in bruises... They don't care and they're the only other people that would.

"Answer my phone calls Kei!"

"I don't have a phone anymore." Minho gives Lucas my phone number quickly because I keep on walking away before running after me. He takes me into the manager van when he sees I'm about to just walk away and sits in the back seat with me. "Did it go okay?" The manager looks in the rear view mirror when I don't reply and sees me just staring out the window with a blank expression. Minho squeezes my upper thigh and I look at him quickly before he kisses my forehead and nuzzles my cheek gently. I close my eyes as I sink into the affection and rest my chin on his shoulder. The whole ride home no matter how much Minho tries to distract me, my own mind just makes me feel more and more like shit until we get back to his house and I disappear into the bathroom straight away.

Hidden Light | Male reader/OC POV X Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now