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"Mum I'm home-!" My heart stops when I see blood blotches all over the floor. I follow them obviously and my hands start shaking.

What if mum hurt herself? Was dad not here?!!

I run into the bathroom and scream when I see something that will scar me for the rest of my life. My mother laid back in the bathtub in a pool of her own blood. A blood covered knife laid in the weak grasp of her pale hand as it stays slumped over the edge. "Mum~?"

Please let that just be tomato juice. I would give anything for that to just be tomato juice and for mum to sleeping in the tub! Please!!

My whole body shivers as I try my hardest to wish for the best but the smell of blood piercing my nostrils is keeping me unfortunately grounded. "Mum please sit up~? Mum?" The cold air pierces my skin as the silence makes my head go fuzzy. I shakily lift my hands up from my sides and go to check her pulse when she jolts up and bites off my fingers. I scream as she drags me into the pool of blood and gasp as I try to keep her away. The blood enters my lungs as I cry and scream and she just continues what I thought was nonsense. That is until my body is paralyzed and all I can do is listen. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!! YOU LEFT ME ALONE IT'S YOUR FAULT!! IT'S YOUR FAULT IM DEAD!! YOUR FAULT-!!!!"

I gasp as I jump up and look around quickly as I pant for air. My body is still shaking violently as I quickly get up off of the bed I found myself on but my legs give out and I smack into the ground. My eyes tears up as I whimper and difficulty push myself up with my shaking arms and legs. I clench my jaw as I start crying. Chan sees me walk out into the lounge and walks over to me quickly when he sees me crying. "What's wrong?" He hugs me into him and I hide my face in his shoulder. "Did something happen?" I shake my head as I shiver and he rubs my back only to feel really how badly I'm shivering and also how cold I am. "Can you get him a hoodie?" Changbin takes off his own hoodie and I cry harder as he puts it over my head and shoulders. "I'm sorry~"

"Why why?" I whimper in disgust when I start getting a runny nose but someone quickly puts some tissue under my nose. I sniffle and close my eyes as I rest my forehead on Chans shoulder and hold the tissue up to my nose. But the image of my mother in the bath tub shows up in my mind again and I cry harder.

It was my fault~? She died and it was my fault? But that was just a nightmare wasn't it?

I quickly grab my phone from my pocket with my right hand and ring my mother. But my dad answers instead. "Mum?"

"She's in the bath tub right now Kei."

"S-she- Y-you need to check on her!"

"She's okay, Kei. You don't need to worry-"

"Ch-check on her now~!" He frowns at my shaky voice and Chan strokes my hair as I wipe my eyes. "Sweetie?!"


"Are you alright?!"

"I'm fine honey!" I sigh at the distant shouting and immediately relax. "See Kei? She's fine."


"Are you having fun?"


"Are you doing anything today?"

"I don't know yet..."

"Well don't worry about is alright? I told you I can look after her."


"Go have fun."


"I love youuu~"

"You're okay." He chuckles. "Okay byyeee~" He hangs up and I sigh through my nose as I hide my face. "Sorry..."

"For what?"

"Crying..." Chan takes off the hood from my head before kissing my forehead and stroking my hair out of my face. "Don't apologise. We all cry." I sigh and he kisses my forehead again before Changbin attacks my side. "KISSES KISSEA KISSESSSSSSSSSSS~!"

"NoO!!" I push him away from my face as I cringe and he whines. "Ah WhHyYyY~!!" He punches my shoulder and I smile at him. "Cuz you're stinky."

"YAH!" I giggle as he goes to punch my arm again but goes soft when he hears my giggle and melts into my side instead. "Come eat some ramen." Minho holds my hand and I look at him with wide eyes as he takes me over to the dinner table.

He's being nice. Hm...

I sit down next to him and get given a bottle of banana milk. "Do you want a glass?"

"No I'm okay. Thank you." Minho looks at my tired face and wipes away my sleepy dust before putting my hood up. I sink into my seat as a warm happy feeling spreads throughout me and get confused as I blank out.

Is this what having friends is like?

Hidden Light | Male reader/OC POV X Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now