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Minho hyperventilates as he sits down on the sofa and I walk over to him quickly. "I messed up- It's all ruined-"

"No it's not."

"Yes it is I messed up."

"Your talking about your voice cracking right?" He goes quiet as I put an ice pack on the back of his neck and hand him a bottle of water. He nods and I speak as he downs some water whilst cooling him down. "You didn't ruin it all then. I barely noticed and I'm sure the fans are too excited to notice." He sighs and I rub the back of his neck which seems to calm him down before he has to run off and I have to go over to my position also. Which is constantly looking around and keeping an eye on everything and sorting something out if it's wrong. I see I.N's lift isn't working and shout over to him. "I.N! I.N!!" He finally hears me. "You have to go up! Go up!!" He runs past me and up the stairs before walking onto the stage instead of jumping up onto it but it somehow works out nicer. I walk over to the stylist area and make sure the water bottles are on ice just when a stylist speaks to me. "Please can you take this and go and grab a shirt that looks exactly like this from the storage area but two sizes bigger?"


"Thank you so much." I grab the shirt before running off all the way underneath the stage and to the storage. I do as the stylist-noona said and then run back over to her. I pretend to be fine but I'm a little light headed for some reason as I help lay out the next outfits. I see one of the stylists miss her seat and quickly help her up. "Thank you Kei." I space out for a second as I think before grabbing my snickers bar from my pocket and giving it to her. "What's this for?"

"It'll help. Trust me." She chuckles. "Are you sure?"

"No I'm lying." She laughs harder and I smile as she opens up the chocolate bar and starts eating it. I continue placing out the outfits whilst she recovers from whatever that was. The members come back down after a few songs so the stylist-noona gets up as I walk off and grab two fans before walking over to Han and Chan and fanning them both. They both chuckle at my intense fanning before I shoo them over to the stylists to get dressed and run over to the sound crew when I hear that they need my help in my ear piece. This continues throughout the entire night and even when they're all back at their hotel I'm cooking them dinner.

Serious why do I feel so sick? I barely did anything today compared to them all. Maybe it's because of the pain still?

I turn to the food and start plating it up. "Dinner's done!!" They all run over and I grab some plates and go to start handing them out but stop when everyone takes their plate either from me or the side and sits down at the table. I smile when I see them all digging in and hand their manager a plate of food too. "This is for me?"


"Thank you Kei."

"S'okay." I grab a glass of ice and walk up behind Chan before whispering in his ear. "I'm gonna go now so I'll see you tomorrow."

"To sleep already?"


"Okay get some for me too." I fake chuckle to hide how bad I feel before walking out and heading to mine and their managers room. I get in my pyjama suit in the bathroom before laying down in my bed and putting the freezing cold ice on my bruised side. I squeeze my eyes shut at the pain and sigh as I continue trying to ignore the sick feeling I've got. I fall asleep on top of the covers with a cup of ice in my hand and the camera that's supposed to record our room in case the members come in here get a nice shot of me quietly snoring. The manager comes in and chuckles at the sight before taking my cup of now water from my side and going to put the covers over me but stopping when he sees me waking up. The pain in my side is the first thing I feel and it doesn't help my dizzy head at all. I rush into the bathroom and try not to vomit because I hate it so much but the pain just shocked my body to the point I need to throw up. The manager walks over quickly and crouches down next to me. "Are you okay?" I finish throwing up and he pats my back gently. "Did you take your medication?" I shake my head so he walks over to my suitcase and grabs my pain killers for me. "Thank you." He helps me up but I have to lean against the sink and take the tablets because it hurts so much that my legs are a little bit weak. I take one extra alongside the usual two this time before slowly walking back over to my bed and curling in a ball. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'll be fine... I just need some sleep..." The tablets start making me very drowsy as I lay on my side with my duvet inbetween my legs and arms. My stomach grumbles and I curl in a tighter ball.

Hidden Light | Male reader/OC POV X Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now