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"GET OUUTTTTT!!" A cloud of members rip me away from the treadmill and I just get stood up next to the gym door with a very confused expression. "Wh..." Chan laughs at my confusion and Minho hugs me tightly. "OOOWWWWW!"

"See? You aren't healed enough to work out."

"I was just walking on the treadmill-! WHERE DID MY EARPHONES GO?"

"Oh they're here." Changbin hands me them and I 'tch' them all before going back over to my treadmill and walking again. Minho chuckles and stands next to me before putting the treadmill speed up and I just get off of the machine. He chuckles and then screams when I pick him up over my shoulder and chuck him out of the gym before shutting the door. Chan and Changbin both laugh as I walk back over to the treadmill and Minho sulks as he finally starts doing what he came in here to do. An hour later Chan walks over and pats my back gently. I take out an earphone just in time to hear what he's saying. "WOAH. FIVE MILES! That's enough for KFC." I chuckle and he smiles. "I was supposed to do ten miles but I only just realise that you can't walk ten miles in two hours." Changbin chuckles and I put my earphones back in when Minho walks over. "Yah!" He pouts but I ignore him so I don't give in. "You shouldn't have gone on the log ride after convincing him to go on the other one with you." Minho chuckles and hugs my back. "ACH! SLIME!"

"HEY!" I fake throw up and he looks at me shocked as I continue to gag until I'm out of the gym. I walk back to my room and have a shower straight away. Once done I put a towel around my waist and start cleaning my face. "Helloooo~?"


Defensive systems activate.

He stands behind me and wraps his arms around my bare waist. "Helloo~?"

"Is there a rat in here somewhere?"

"YAH! It WaS jUsT a PrAnK!"

"I tOlD yOu I dOn'T lIkE rOlLeRcOaStErS oR pRaNkS oKaY?!"

"But that's boring!"

"I AM boring Minho! I just sleep and eat food and listen to music that's not exactly a party of a person! Fucking glad I'm never going to become an idol I'd be the most boring one ever." I mumble the last bit as I walk out and he freezes at the nerve he hit. I put on some boxers and jogging bottoms before laying back on my bed and closing my eyes. "You're not boring Kei I just meant-"

"I know what you meant..." He frowns and sits down next to me. "I love you." I sigh and slap his thigh. "OW!"

"I love you too." He slaps my belly and I cough at the slap which makes him chuckle. He kisses my forehead before getting off of the bed. "I'm gonna go do a Vlive with Seungmin."

"I'm gonna nap." He chuckles. "Okay bye~"

"Byeee." He walks away and shouts back. "I love you!"



"I lOvE yOu ToO!!" I sound panicked and he chuckles to himself as he walks out. I have a nap to try and recharge myself but fifteen minutes later my phone goes off. I grab my phone still half asleep and answer it when I see Minho. "Hyung?"

"Okay. So. What do I say to you all the time?"


"Is he asleep?" I hear Seungmin chuckle and Minho butts in again. "Okay okay listen and just don't think about it. What do I say to you all the time?"

"Can I have some of your ramen?"

"No the other thing."

"Don't eat my food-?"

"IT'S NOT FOOD RELATED KEI." I hang up and drop my arm over the edge of the bed. He starts ringing me again and I whine as I answer again. "Mm?"

"Keiko. Three words. I say it to you all the time."

"No you don't Channie-hyung does-"

"ThAt'S bEsIdEs ThE pOiNt!"

"You only say that when you want something. Like my ramen-"

"Just say the words!"

"Buy me pizza and I'll say it."

"I'll come to your room!"

"Oh yeah?" He actually gets flustered at my grovelly tone and whispers. "Please?" I smile. "Hyung."


"I love you." He chuckles and hangs up on me so I go back to sleep for two hours this time before someone else wakes me up. "KeiKeiKeiKeiKeiKei."


"Come to my room I have a surprise. Make sure you're dressed though." Chan hangs up and I sit up confused with my duvet wrapped around my shoulders. The manager watches me confused as I put on my glasses and walk out in just my pyjama trousers. I walk into Chans room and the others look at me and I get hugged as they all start shouting. "He SaId In ClOtHeS!"

"...I... I got trousers on though..." Han laughs as he lays me down behind one of the beds and lays on top of me. "We're on Vlive Kei!"

"...Was that the surprise?"

"PUT A SHIRT ON YOU MONSTER." I sit up completely out of it and they all chuckle. "I'm not a monster when Chan's the one that woke me up AND hung up on me."

"I have a garlic bread cheese pizza for you~" Chan hands me a hoodie of his and I sniffle as I pout and put the hoodie on. "Your hair is awesome Kei." I.N teases me as I stand up and I get cuddled into someone on the bed. Everything is just very blurry and I'm very tired. Changbin enjoys the docile moment whilst he can and they all continue the Vlive as I just nap. "Bye!!!" I wake up a tiny bit as they all scream goodbye and I speak half asleep. "NoOoOoO."

"NOOooOOOoOOOo!" Han joins in and I chuckle. "DoN't LeAvE~!"


"AaAhHhH-!" Hyunjin puts a hand over my mouth and I chuckle as they end the Vlive and stand up. "Okay food then you've all gotta go to sleep." They all start screaming now and I smile as I sit next to Chan on the bed and share a pizza with him.

Hidden Light | Male reader/OC POV X Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now