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"What are you doing? Kei. Kei what are you doing?"

"Well nothing now." I pant as I walk over to my phone and Chan holds it above his head. "You shouldn't be practising right now?"

"I know but I need to be tired enough to sleep on the plane-"

"No in general Kei. You still aren't healed yet."

"But I need to dance..." He hands me my phone back and hugs me. "Not yet... Come on."

"Can I at least sing?"

"I've got a surprise for you." I drop my forehead on his shoulder and he strokes my back. "...I miss performing..."

"I know."

"I'm about to run into a crowd and start dancing to some shitty flute music." He chuckles and I smile before sighing and standing up straight. "Okay. Surprise me." He smiles and grabs my hand. "Let's gooooo." I follow him around and he smiles as I swing his arm. "Oh." I lift his hand to my face and he looks at me confused as I just look at his hand and wrist. "What?"

"How come you have veiny hands?" I look at my own hands and he smiles at my pout. "I don't know Kei." I flick around my arm as we walk and he chuckles. "You tryna flick some veins into your arm?"

"Ah so you know the ways." He chuckles and strokes my hair as I smile. But then my smile drops and I tense up when I see someone that looks like Moon walking towards me. "Where'd your clothes go Keiko?" He speaks in a teasing tone and I look away from him before he bumps into my left side roughly, his elbow digging into my ribs. I don't get angry because I'm too sad and he just purposefully elbowed my left side. I stop walking as he continues and Chan looks at me wide eyed as I crouch down and hold my side with a pained expression on my face. Chan tackles Moon and I look at them both shocked as Chan keeps Moon pinned to the ground. "Apologise!!"

"What?!" Chan lifts Moon up by his shirt before slamming his back into the floor. "H-hyung-"


"I'm sorry!!" Moon quickly does what Chan says before he hurts him anymore and Chan let's go of his shirt as he stands up. He hears Moon chuckle and turns around before kicking him in the left side and making him wheeze and gasp for air. "See how you like it!! Punk!" Chan walks over to me and I'm still crouched down on the floor shook to my core. "Are you okay?"

"...I think this is the only time I'll be attracted to you." He laughs and helps me up. "I better soak it in then huh?" I chuckle and he kisses my cheek before putting an arm around my shoulders. "If he does anything like that again let me know."


"Are you sure your side is okay?"


"Good." We walk to an opticians and I just follow Chan because I'm clueless as to where we are. "Hello we're here for Jeon Keiko's eye appointment."

"Of course can I have you sign here and take a seat please?"

"Chan-" He pushes me in front of the receptionist and I smile anxiously in front of her. She smiles and hands me the form so I read through it thoroughly and frown at Chan. "Just sign it dude. I have too much money right now anyway."

"Don't lie you're as poor as a worm after the food shopping you did." He scoffs and pushes my head. "Just sign it!" I frown and he pokes my shoulders over and over again until I've finally signed the form. "WOO!" I sigh and he strokes my hair. "Don't go sad. I know you hate people spending money on you but it's my gift."

"But I haven't done anything to deserve a gift. I mean I breathed and fucked up my body but that's all I've done."

"You've done more then that. Way more."

"Like what?"

"Like helped all of us constantly."

"But I was getting paid to make that stuff so you don't have to-"

"I don't mean the content Keiko, I mean us. As people. This year's been really fucking shit and then you come out of nowhere and make all of us laugh and smile nearly constantly. And now that you're feeling down and like shit we're going to do the same for you. Plus I want you to not trip over wires when you're backstage." I punch his shoulder at the last part and he chuckles at my pout. "I've never tripped over a wire!"

"Okay okay~ You're getting glasses now and then before you go out I'm buying you some tteokbokki."

"OoO" He chuckles when I'm visually more excited about the food and I look up quickly when I hear my name come from someone else.

Hidden Light | Male reader/OC POV X Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now