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That was a waste of time... They took me with them and I couldn't even help with anything, I just watched... Great... I'm so useless.

"You haven't been home for a couple of days Kei?"

"Yeah I've been with my friends."

"You should've told us. Mum made you dinner and you didn't show up."

"I'm sorry I'll- My work's calling me dad. I'll be home tomorrow morning at around seven."

"Okay thank you. Have fun."

"Thank you bye."

"Bye-" I hang up and quickly answer the call from my work as I grab a pen. They usually ring me to ask if I can bring stuff in like a couple extra vases or some bows so I try ready to write something down. "What stuff do we need?"

"No it's not that this time."

"What is it then?"

"We have to fire you..."

"What? What'd I do?"

"Nothing I'm sorry. We've just hired this new young lady and she's capable of doing what you do so we thought we'd let you go. Now you can find a different job."

"Let me go? Why would you just get rid of me for someone who's apparently the exact same?!"

"W-well Kei a flower shop is for women. It would attract more customers if-"

"For women?! And what you fired me because I'm a big scawy man?! My mother used to work there and you can honestly just fire me because I'm a man?!!"

"Kei I'm sorry but that's just the real world-!"



"SHUT THE FUCK UP WHEN I'M SPEAKING LAUREN!! You better be thankful I have a sensible mind otherwise your shop would be shut down in seconds!" I hang up and let out a deep breath before turning to my left and seeing all of the Stray Kidz members staring at me. I look at them innocently and look down as I put my phone in my pocket. "What?"

"You're terrifying when you're angry."-Felix-

"What happened?"-Minho-

"Why were you talking about sex?"-Chan-
I chuckle and walk over to Chan before resting my chin on his shoulder. "I need to talk to you."

"Okay. I can talk." I smile and grab his hand before disappearing out the front of the apartment. "What's up?"

"What would you think if you got a ninth member?" He takes in a deep breath and sighs at the heavy question before answering. "I think... I think it would be a terrible idea. I mean we're already perfect with eight of us, why would we need someone random to join in?"

Someone random? Terrible idea...

"True... But what if this person added something?"

"They can't." He chuckles. "JYP knows we're perfect as we are so he wouldn't recommend someone anyway. The only reason we'd become nine is for aesthetics of the placings but that's not really needed and we don't want a random person anyway."

"But what if it wasnt someone random?"


"Like what if a friend from when you used to go to school got invited to join?"

"I would respectfully decline. I just don't want anyone else when we're already perfect." He chuckles. "Plus I'm from Sydney and all of my friends from school don't speak Korean." I play along as I chuckle but my heart is aching on the inside. "I need to go but I'll be back later."

"Okay. Was that it?"

"Yeah it wasnt anything serious." I chuckle and he tuts me. "Jesus. I thought something happened you butt head!" I smile. "Sorry. I gotta go."

"Okay I'll see you later." He hugs me tightly and I pout. "What's this for?"

"For all your stress. BE GONE."

"I'm not stressed Chan-" He squeezes me and my back cracks before he let's go. "Then you have no emotions and you were just shouting earlier cuz you can. What was that earlier too?"

"Oh... I got fired because I'm a man and flowers are for women." I roll my eyes at my own words and he frowns. "That's fucked up!"

"Yeah that's what I said."

"Is that why you went on about PASSIONATE MAN SEX-"

"I WAS MAKING A POINT HyUnG." I say 'hyung' in an annoying tone and he smiles. "I know. I can ask JYP if there are any job positions available?"

"N-no- Uh he already has my CV."

"Oh okay."

"Yeah it's fine. I'm a genius I'll get a job fast." He chuckles and hits my arm. "Of course you will."

"Okay well I gotta go."

"Okay bye!" I run off and he chuckles as he walks back inside the apartment.

Hidden Light | Male reader/OC POV X Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now