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"Ah- Shit."

"What happened?" Minho looks behind him and quickly grabs my wrist to put my bleeding finger under the sink. "Ow ow-!!" He let's go of my wirst quickly and I keep my gaze away from him as I put my finger in the sink and let the water wash it. Minho hands me a band aid and puts a hand on my back as he rests his head on my shoulder. "Kei?"

"I-I'm not talking about it."

"I know and you don't have to... I just want you to know that I'm here for you if you want to talk or anything else."

"There's nothing to talk about... I just get frustrated or worked up so I do that because I can't talk about that stuff to anyone."

"You can talk about that stuff to me."

"No I can't. You don't want me to come to you just to tell about things or tell you why I'm frustrated."

"Yes I do. You can always talk to me about anything-"

"I can't because I'm boring enough and you'll leave-! And-! I need to cut the mushrooms-!"

"No- Come here." He speaks quietly and pulls me closer to him before hugging me tightly. I let out a shaky sigh and he clings onto my clothes. "I'm never leaving you. Alright? I wouldn't leave you even if you pissed me off to the brim and we had a huge argument. I'm especially not leaving you if you started talking to me about your feelings."

"But you would..."

"I wouldn't. I still know myself better then you."

"But I..."



"Do you promise?"

"I promise."

"You didn't even think about it."

"I don't need to. I'm not leaving you." I hide my face in his shoulder and he kisses the side of my head. I see Hyunjin walking over and pull out of the hug. Minho makes sure I've got the bandaid on before also making sure I don't nearly chop my finger off again. "Okay now add the mushrooms and chicken breast pieces to the pan."

"At the same time?"

"Yeah. The longer the mushrooms are cooked the better the flavour."

"What about the sauce?"

"We'll add that after the flavours have collected."

"Oh... What else do we add now then? Or is it just the mushrooms and chicken?"

"Salt, pepper, garlic and two cups of white wine."

"Wine annddd..."

"...Salt, pepper and the garlic."

"Oh." Minho smiles and continues to run me through it. "More salt."


"Yup. More pepper too." I continue adding more until he takes the shaker away from me and smile a tiny bit. "I think I need my glasses."

Hidden Light | Male reader/OC POV X Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now