The start of a war

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I got back to the owl house with blood on my face and cloths. "Damn they bleed to much" I say
"Meh it makes you look dangerous" amity says beside me
Hooty opens his mouth for us to enter in the house. Everyone was in the living room. Eda stood up from the couch. "Where is luz" eda ask
"Controlled by belos. If she comes here don't let her in. Or any of our friends" I say
Then Lilith came in. "So he got them. What are we going to do now" Lilith said
"Start a war on the boiling isles" I say casually
They all look at me crazy but king comes beside me. "I know a couple of people I could call. I'll help you" king says
Amity came beside me. "I will to. These are our friends we are talking about" amity said
Eda came next. "Eda you can't be serious. Belos is the most powerful man alive" Lilith said
"But they say the daughter is more powerful then the father" I said
" mean" eda said
"Yeah. He's my dad that left me" I said
Eda looks down before walking up to me. "I've always wanted to start a war" eda said with a smile
We all look to Lilith. She sighs and grabbed her staff. "I guess I should make sure you all come out alive" Lilith said
I nod. "We should go to the blight manor for there support then go to principal bump. Tell him what is truly going on and hope for the best" I said
We all nod and we get ready. I am now wearing retro Jordan's with ripped blue jeans and silver armor. A black hoodie with silver lines on it and some more silver armor and of course my beanie. I place my skull shoulder plate on and place my katana on a back strap. I walk out to see everyone. "Let the crusade begin" I said eda and Lilith turn to there beast mode and we hop on. We flew towards the blight manor and when we got there we saw Emira and Edric. "Shit. Amity come on" I said grabbing her hand
We jumped off and landed on the front lawn. I turn my eyes black and green and green fire coming off my eyes. The four see me. "Oh amity that Serene. I thought you were dead, glad your alive dear" mrs blight said
"Yes we are so glad. Why don't we all go inside" edric said
"Sure" I said going out of cursed mode to not cause anything
"What are you doing" amity whispered
"We got to not start a fight now. It will put your parents in danger" I whispered back
We all went inside and went to the table. "So what happened" mr blight ask
"Well belos killed me and I came back from hell. Luckily still intact" I said with a chuckle
"Well that is some journey. Ed and Em came to see us for some special news" mr blight said
"Ah yes father, we are in the emperors coven" em said
"What I thought you were rebelling against him. He killed Serene" mrs blight said
"Oh so your against his will" Ed said going cursed mode
I drew my sword and my eyes turned pink and black. Amity stood up with a spell circle "ABOMINATION RISE" we yelled
I summoned Cerberus to cover mr and mrs blight from Ed and ems fire magic. While amity made one to attack them. It hit them and sent them back with slime on them. "Abomination puppet" amity said as circles went around her arm. Ed and em went stiff. "Mr and mrs blight go outside and eda will take you to safety." I said returning Cerberus to my blade. "Why are Edric and Emira attacking us" mr blight asked
"They got controlled by the emperor with a curse that can't be cured unless We kill him. I need your twos help to bring him down so go" Amity said
They nod and ran out the door. I turned my eyes green and amity made a pink fire. We both fired it and it hit them directly. But it didn't do much since they now had white fur on there arms and were a little bigger. "Ha you think those can stop us" edric said
" you think your so powerful yet you haven't even seen the devil yet" I said starting to laugh
My eyes turn blood red and horns grow out of my head as my hair glows red with lightning going around my body. "So let us show you true power" amity said gaining a evil smirk
Amity's hair started to rise and lightning started to go through her hair with black and green eyes. We both rush them and the two try to keep up but are easily over whelmed by our power and speed. Every time we hit them a big jolt of electricity goes through there body stunning them for seconds but it feels like forever to them. We stop our attack. "So how does it feel to be in the presence of true power" I said with a smug look
They stood up and they looked angrier. There hair started to glow. Fire engulfed the tips of there hair and fire at the side of there eyes. "Now let the real battle begin" em
They both ran at us and they shot white fire at me and amity in the middle of us and it explodes. It sent us back and we hit the wall. We got up and I drew my katana with red fire engulfing it. Amity had snapped her fingers and a burst of flames erupted from it. She snapped again and and fire ball hurled at Ed and em as they dodge it. I made a slash in the air and a wall of fire hit Ed and em burning them. Before they hit the wall I teleport behind them with my blade raised. I slash down and. Hit Ed in the back with my blade. "AGHH" he yells in agony
"Edric. Get up" em said healing him
But amity was behind the two. "Oh I don't think so" amity giggled
She snapped her fingers and fire explodes on them separating them. "Edric run" em yells
"Going dark" I said
I shoot a emp and the lights go out. Only think that gives off light is me and amity's eyes. I can see perfectly in the dark with my night vision mode. "Can you see them darling" I ask
"Perfectly" amity said
"So how should we do this. Leave them severely injured but not paralyzed at belos footsteps or injured that they can still walk. " I ask cleaning Edric's blood off my blade
"Well I'll give them sympathy since they are my siblings so let's go with they can still walk" amity said
"How about neither" someone said behind us
We both look back to see gold eyes staring at us. "Ah luz. What brings you around these parts." I ask
"Just getting my girl after her mission was done" luz said grabbing my staff out of her glyph
"How's the staff" amity ask
"Good. I use it for a good cause" luz said
"No he brainwashed you. He killed me. He is going to destroy the island luz. Snap out of it" I said trying to convince her
"The luz you knew is dead....I'm the better one" luz said with her voice demonic
All the lights came back on and Ed and em were no where to be found. "Man they got away" amity said
"Yeah teleportation spells are such a grand thing" luz said drawing a big spell circle with her staff and tapped the ground then she vanished. We go out of cursed mode. "Well that's great. They got away." I said punching a wall
"Hey atleast my parents are ok and safe with eda and Lilith. We did what we came here for" amity said trying to calm me down
I sigh. "I guess your right." I said looking up at the stars. "Dad you son of a bitch I will kill you for all the pain you have caused me in life. I swear it." I said
Amity put her hand on my shoulder. "And I will help you with that promise" amity said

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