An encounter not unscathed

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Another day yay. I got up and made some pancakes to make it feel like Texas again. Then I heard footsteps and saw luz with king on her head. "What is this delicious smell. I want it" king says
"Serene is that you making pancakes." Luz ask
"Ye ye" I say still not having my coffee
The. Eda comes in and tries a pancakes. "Wow kid this is way better than rat soup for breakfast. Your cooking from Now on" eda says
"Just give me coffee and it will keep coming." I say as I take a sip.
I get done cooking breakfast and I get my stuff for the market. "Yo I'm going to the market early to scam people" I say
"Try to get anything valuable for the stand alright" eda said
"Alright" I yell back
I use the cloths spell and go through it and now I have a log sleeve hoodie and some shorts with belts on the side holding my sheaths with my batons in them. I get to the market and almost no one is there. I pass a stand and see something I haven't seen since I got here. Nos energy drinks. They are said to have some nitros in the energy drink themselves. "Yo how much for these" I ask
"Oh I was about to throw those away with this big blue canister thing." He says holding a case of nitros canisters.
"I can take them" I say
"Sure" he says giving me all the stuff. I put it all in a sack and go to scam more people to give me free stuff for edas stand. I get back to our stand and see eda and the gang not there yet so I get the nitros canister and look at it. "Man what if I made capsules that can be put in the batons. And when I use magic it powers the flames even more with less use of magic." I mumble to my self drawing up a schematic for this. I get done then I just put it in my sac and wait for costumers or eda. I get tapped on the shoulder when I am getting stuff out for the stand. I look behind me to find the person that looks like eda right infront of me. "Hello there" I say with a British accent
"Serene Cortez correct" she ask
"That would be me miss. And who might you be" I ask
"Lilith clawthorn. And I am to bring you to the emperor at once." Lilith said
"Ah what would the emperor want with me" I ask as I make a spell circle under the table
"He wants to just talk." Lilith says
Alright that's a load of bull shit right there. But I will comply for now. I don't want to ruin edas stuff. "Alright I'll come with you" I say
We both walk together to the emperors place. We make it to his throne room and there is a guy with a mask with horns at the end of a table. "I don't know if I should bow for you or not emperor" I say
"Nonsense it is fine, come sit we have much to discuss." He says
I sit down and Lilith stands next to the door. "So what is it you need to discuss with me great emperor" I say
I am trying to stay cool in this situation. Eda has told me about the emperor and I don't want to make him mad right now. So I am just going to be Kenobi right now and try not to make a battle right now unless necessary. "I just wanted to know how your magic process is since you are the last Cortez right now" the emperor said
I shouldn't tell him about the last resort only about version one. "Well I am learning more about my artist fire and how it is so dense I can stand on it. Also I have just found a chemical for my fire that can make it larger without much magic use." I say
"Ah fascinating. So you have a staff made of the titan that gave us our magic. That is a great tool I must say to have" he said
"Yes it is. It is like a second tank that gives me more magic when I run out kinda."I explain
"Yes, that's good. Well it was a pleasure to meet you Serene. I see you having a great future. Maybe join the emperor coven and be like dear Lilith over there. Leader of the emperor coven." He said pointing to Lilith
"Well thank you emperor. I hope I can one day." I say
He holds out his hand and I shake it. Then I felt a little dizzy and my hand stung. I snapped back and I walked out of the doors with Lilith. I got to the gates of hexide. "Well I guess see you around ms. Clawthorn" I say
"Hm you to ms. Cortez. Hope to see many things from you" she says
I nod and walk off back to the market. I saw eda scamming another costumer for more than I paid. "Hey eda. How's my stuff selling" I ask
"Ah Syphus. You did great all the stuff is making great money for us. So where have you been" eda asked
"Oh about that I kinda got asked to talk to the emperor" I say
Eda spit out a drink she was drinking. "You WHAT" eda yelled
"Yeah. Don't know why though. He just asked how my Cortez spells are coming. I didn't tell him all my stuff but told him something for him not to think I am holding out on him." I said
"Phew good. Did he touch you at anytime or did you feel dizzy" eda asked
"Well we did shake hands at the end and I felt dizzy and my hand stung for a sec." I say
"Oh titan which hand" she said
"Right" I say
She took off the glove and she look worried. "What. What is it eda" I asked
"Well you got cursed. You played yourself. And it is a bad one." Eda says
"Is it too bad" luz asked
"It might be worse than mine." Eda says
"Oh no" luz says
"Wait cursed" I say
I look at my hand and there is a glyph on there right where it stung.

" Eda says"Oh no" luz says"Wait cursed" I sayI look at my hand and there is a glyph on there right where it stung

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"What does it do" I ask
" it is a old curse. I would have to look through my books to find it but telling by the seals and runes on there it's bad" eda says
I sit down. "Great." I say
I grab a nos energy drink. I then grab all the nitros stuff. "I'm going back to the owl house then hexide to look in the library." I say
Eda nods. "Be careful with that curse. We don't know what it does" eda says
"Alright" I say
I drop my stuff off at the owl house then go to hexide with v2 artist lightning. I get close then shut it off so the spy's won't see it just in case. I get to the library and I look for the curses section and found it. I gather what could be related to the curse and go to a table. I look through 5 encyclopedias on curses and nothing but then I found it on the last book. "Alright here it is. It is called the killers curse. It says that if I use a certain extent of my power it will give me dark magic but it will make me sometimes want witch blood and make me slowly lose emotion and once all emotion is lost then the caster controls the cursed. Great. This is fine. I will just sometimes go on a killing spree. Oh it says more. If it doesn't get enough witch blood on the curse mark then it will make you kill people close to you. Well that makes it worse. Now I have to kill people. God I got to tell Eda" I say as I grab the book and run out to the owl house. I made it there a few minutes later and burst the door open. "Sorry hooty. I'll listen to your story's later" I say
"Wow thanks Serene" hooty says
"What is it." Eda said from behind a pile of books
"It's the killers curse" I say
She shoves all the books away. "Oh titan. This is really bad then. Well what did it say" eda asked
"I got to get a good amount of witch blood by killing and if I don't I'll kill everyone close to me. Also I slowly lose my emotions and if I lose all emotion then the emperor controls me. It also give me dark magic." I say
"This curse was supposed to be banned for a reason and he uses it on you. Alright well we got to figure a way. Maybe I can figure out a elixir to sufficed for killing. Then another one so you don't lose emotions." Eda says going to the potion kitchen.
"Wait is the curse active right now" I ask
"Yes so I am sorry but you are going to have to kill until I find a elixir for this" eda says

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