The night a decloration is made

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"Alright. I'm ready. Luz you ready to ask Em and not flunk out" I ask
"Why me" luz cry's
"Because I am helping you" I say
We walk to the school and I am wearing something similar to yesterday. I do all classes and then I see amity. I walk up to her. "Hey amity" I say
"Ah hello Serene" amity says
"So you going with anyone to grom" I ask
"Well im not because I don't have a date" amity says
"What you don't have a date" I say but mentally saying yes
"Yeah"amity says rubbing her neck
"Well why don't I be your date" I say
"U-i-Um sure yeah I would like that" amity said blushing a little.
"Alright I'll pick you up" I say
She nods. And we part was since I am going to the training room. I go in and I see it is a little open. I think nothing of it and I go in. I put my stuff down and I go into my dark magic mode. I test my fire and it is green and my lightning is purple. I shape my fire like a glock and I pull the trigger and a focused flame shot out. I throw a nitros capsule and point my fingers and shoot a lightning shot and it made a explosion of blue flames. I make another spell circle and a ice pillar comes out and then I jump on it and manipulate the ice to my will. I then make a ball of lightning and make it grow around me. Lightning shooting in random places making cracks in the concrete. I close my hand and it comes back to me but then I shot it all at once and the magic candles go out. I made a emp for magic. I try to make a spell circle but it doesn't work. Guess I ran out of magic. Then I go to my regular magic and it worked. Hm maybe to the emp on my regular magic but not the dark magic. I get my stuff and went outside to see Luz sitting there. "Did you do it" I say
She nods "she said yes" luz said
"Noice" I say while hi five her
We walk home and I go to king. "My guy" I say
"What is it mortal" king says
"Amity said yes" I said
"Wow you actually did it" king says
"Wo wo wo. You doubt my skill" I say
"Well when you are around her your stuttering"king explained
"No I don't" I say
"Oh hey amity" king says
"A-amity w-where" I say
"My point proven" king says
"Ok ok I see what your saying" I say
"Alright I'm ready" luz says at the door
"Alright I'm coming" I say
I do my cloths spell and I have a red blazer with a black under shirt and red tie. With black dress pants with blacked out Jordan's. We go out to the door. I pick her up and go v2. We make it to the blight house few seconds later and I put luz down. "How did you do that" luz said
"It is a cortez thing" I say
I knock on the door and Ed answer. "Sup they ready" I ask
"Yeah luz you can go my parents want to talk with you" Ed says
I nod. "Where" I ask
"I'll show you"Ed says
We make it to our destination but I stop Ed before he opens the door. "Tell amity to not get in the way" I say
He nods understanding what I mean. He opens the door and I see a long table. I see the blight parents at one end and I sit at the other. "You wish to see me" I ask
"Yes so your the one that has asked my daughter amity" the male says assuming the dad
"Yes sir mr blight" I say
"Why. What is it that you want with her" the mother says
"It's not what I want from her. It is what she does for me" I say
"What" the mother ask
"She make's me feel like I can do anything. A real friend that pushes me to do more. That is why I love her" I say
"WHAT" they both yell
"Wait you do" amity says from the corner
"Yeah I do" I say
I feel magic behind me and I shoot a lightning bolt through the abomination then light it on fire. "Please mr blight I don't want to fight. You will lose" I say getting cold
"Let's take it outside" the mother says
I open the door and we get to the outside. The father then makes a bigger abomination about five feet higher than me. I get my batons and make lightning blades. I slash it in half. "Please I just don't want to fight right now" I say
"If you beat us you can go with her" the mother says
I don't says anything and connect the batons together then make a large flame on one end. I add my fire to make a axe. "Fine" I say
I run to them and the mother makes a pink fire. She fires it at me I block it with the axe and it gets bigger. I smash the axe in the ground and it shoots a fire pillar but they dodge. They both try to attack me from different angles. I evaporate my flames and put up my batons. I throw a capsule to the dad and make a flame glock. I fire it and it explodes sending him back. I make a lightning blade over my arm and block mrs blights fire. I then punch her in the stomach but it was a illusion and I feel a pain in the shoulder. "Ha aren't so good after all." Mrs blight taunt
I see a hole in my shoulder. It goes into green flames and it heals. "What" they both said
They look at my eyes black as night. Yellow in my eyes glowing in the night. I use v2 and I am now behind them. "Weak" I say with no emotion
I make a explosion sending them across the yard. I teleport behind mr blight and catch him only to kick him back to where he was. I go over to mrs blight and I make a green fire over my hand. She looks at me in fear. I show no emotion and raise my arm. I go down to pierce her in the heart. "SERENE STOP" amity yelled
My eyes go back to normal and I stop a inch from her heart. What happened. I had no remorse. No emotion. It's happening. He is slowly gaining control. I look at my hand and it was red but it went to black. I sigh and look to the blight parents. "Do you yield" I say
"No" they said running at me
"The one to end all.....magic cancel" I say
A blast of lightning comes from my body and it passes by the blight parents and there magic stops. I got my batons and ran to them I hit there knees and pointed my baton ends with flames on them. "Just yeild and accept that you can't control everything thing she does" I say
They look at me then my flames. "Fine. We accept" they said
I evaporate the flames a land sheathed my batons in my blazer. I help them up. "I help my opponents get up after a good fight. I understand you want to keep your image so I'll make myself presentable for your standards" I say
"I accept this so we accept you dating" mr blight says
"I do as well" mrs blight said
"Good I don't want to make my future parents in law mad" I joke
"WHAT" amity yells
I put her on my back and run before there magic comes back. I turn on v2 with dark magic and go with my pink lightning. When we get to the school I see a Luz and Em. Ed sees me and runs to me. "Oh my god your alive and have amity. How" Ed says
"I used forceful negotiations" I say
"Dang." Ed says
"What do you mean by future parents in law Serene" amity said in my ear
"U-U-um I uh" my stuttering gets stopped by amity kissing me on the lips. We look at each other then we turn to tomatoes. "Best waifu" I say
"How my youngest sister and best sis got a kiss before me" Ed said
"Because I don't wus out" amity says still a tomato
"Hey I don't" Ed said
"Oh look it's jerbo" I say
"What where" Ed says
He looks around to not see jerbo
"Oh you little" Ed said
"What do you mean. Oh hey jerbo" I say
"Ha won't fall for that again" Ed said
"Oh hey Serene" jerbo said
"Oh jerbo hey" Ed said blushing
"Got em" amity said
I hi fived her.
"Will the grom queen. You all know her you have seen her "clap everyone" it is Serene Cortez" Gus called out with the thing I told him to say
"Amity may I have your hand" I ask
"Sure" amity said giving me her hand
I felt a little jolt of dark magic when she touched mine. I made a magic circle around us and we teleported beside Gus with flames surrounding us. "The grom beast has arrived" Gus said
I look over to see a slime type of beast. I spun amity and she made a spell circle for a abomination hand hand to lift us. I then made a spell circle for the fingers to catch fire. "Oh getting romantic are we." Amity says
"Maybe" I say
I then spin her around and she makes a spell circle in my color for a lightning ball to show up in her hand when I stop spinning her. I threw her in the air and she threw the ball and it hit the grom beast in the eye. While she was in the air I made a spell circle of flames that did a explosion under me to catch amity in the air. I make half of the spell circle while she made the second half. Hers was pink while mine was yellow. Each side bursted into flames. I go into dark magic mode and the flame turns green. I could have sworn I saw her flames turn a different color but I think nothing of it and the magic circle makes a ball of green and pink fire. It goes into the grom beast mouth and it explodes. I make a magic circle again for a spiral of ice do be made. I hold amity bridal style and slide down. Once we get to the bottom I put her down while still skidding and I spun around on a knee. "Amity blight I love you" I say
"I do to" she says
I go to her and hold her hand to go back down the staircase. I look to the crowd and I see luz dancing with em and Ed dancing with jerbo. "Those fuckers don't miss" I laugh
"Shall we join them" Amity ask
"Oh course me lady" I say
We both go down there to dance the night away. That nothing could take away from this moment right now.

Or so i thought

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