The first mission

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I was in the war room with amity and the black squadron in there with mrs blight making a plan and bump helping her with knowledge of the lands. I started to have a headache suddenly and heard a voice. "Come to me Serene. Come to me for your birth right"It stopped and the headache went. It's getting worse every time. Then Lilith comes in with a file. "What do you got for me Lilith." I ask

She places the file next to mrs blight. "Found a base in the knee when flying around the island. It is lightly fortified so orange division can take it down easily." Lilith said

Mrs blight noticed something on the photo of the base. "Serene one of them is there" she said
She slid me the photo. "Emira" I said
Then one of the main builders for the silver division come in. "Sir we have a development in project 0062" he said
I stood up from my chair suddenly. "Does it work." I said
He nods. "Yes sir we have tested it and it does it. We have finally completed the glyph" he said he slid me a thick metal plate with a glyph on it.

 We have finally completed the glyph" he said he slid me a thick metal plate with a glyph on it

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"Good job. You're dismissed" I said
He bowed and left.
I picked up the metal plate. "I'm getting you guys back. One way or another. Amity get your squadron ready. We need to weaken the target so we can use this. Lilith get all other divisions at the ready. We moving out as soon as possible." I ordered
They all nod and went. I grab my armor

(Ignore blaster and helmet)I grab my sword and put it on my back

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(Ignore blaster and helmet)
I grab my sword and put it on my back. I go down to the secret tunnel entrance where everyone is. "Alright everyone. Today we are going for our first base. It is on the knee so use your magic without limit there. Use the snow to your advantage. There is a powerful witch there so do not engage her. The black squadron and myself will engage her and bring her back to our side. This is what we have been waiting for. A chance to do real damage. THIS IS THE WAY" I say loud at my last sentence
"THIS IS THE WAY" they all said back
Amity came beside me with eda and alador. "All divisions ready kid" Eda said
"Alright let's move out" I said
My eyes turn pink as I use my sword to make Cerberus. "Abomination scatter" I commanded
It scattered into miniature versions of itself the size of a horse. It went to everyone and each person got on there's. Eda turned into her owl form and the three of us got on. We went down the tunnel to the knee. When we reached the end of the tunnel it was cold. I could feel my magic grow in power here. "Abomination return" I said
All the mini Cerberuses melted and went into my blade. My eyes went back to red and sheathed my blade. We start to move to our spot before the base. When we arrived everyone went to there commanders. I made a spell circle and used a telepathic spell. "Alright orange division go, then when they give the signal red division do a assault from the east and west sides. Those are there weakest points. Black squadron. When amity gives the command we all go only for Emira. Don't hurt her to much unless necessary for me to use the glyph" I said telepathically
Those said squadrons moved to there spots while me amity and black squadron stayed in the spot. Moments later a flaming abomination head flew up in the sky and blew up. Red division with eda started attacking both sides and then I felt dark magic rising. "Black squadron let's move in" amity said
They nod and we all run in and burst through the front gate. The first thing I saw was Emira attacking red division soldiers. I go into cursed mode with amity. "Attack" I commanded as I unsheathed my sword and threw it at her. He looks at the last second and gets cut on the cheek. She looks at me with her black, red and silver eyes. "Ah Syphus, I am so glad you could come. It was getting boring for me here just sitting" Emira said
I started to smirk "then let's have some fun" I said
Me, amity, and black squadron run at her. She makes a sword of obsidian from a spell and clashed it with mine. She then made copy's of herself that attacked amity and her squadron. "Never knew you as a sword kind of person" I said
"You learn something new" Emira said as she slashed down at me but I blocked I made a red fire in my hand and punched her in the gut. "OOF" she said as she was sent back.
I made a spell circle that turned into a sphere "room" I said
It made Emira float. I was sweating from how much magic I needed to use. "Chains" I said as black chains made of fire went around her. "Ahhh" Emira yelled from her magic being sucked out. "AMITY THE GLYPH" I said
I went into one of my pouches and threw it to her. She caught it and put it on her curse. "AHHHHHHHHHhhhhh-" Emira yelled as her eyes went back to normal and passed out. I got rid of the sphere and ran to her. Black squadron went up to me. "Sir what are your next orders." The captain said
"Eliminate any stragglers" I said
He nod and teleported with his group.
I ran up to Emira with amity holding her. She starts to wake up. "Ugh...what happened" Emira says
"Well sis we got you back. The emperor controlled you for a while until the silver division made a new glyph to eliminate the curse" amity explained
"Silver what..Serene is that you" Emira asked looking at me now
"Yeah it is...there is a lot that needs to be explained though" I said
Me and amity helped her up. I glance at her shoulder and see the glyph replaced where the controlling glyph was. We continue walking back to hexide for our first victory.

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