Season 2 concept 1: OR HI ME

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It was morning and I saw amity at my side hugging me. I tried to get up but she had her leg wrapped around mine. I sigh. "Ams we got to get up" I said shaking her
She slowly got up. "Huh morning already" amity asked
"Yeah" I say
I then get a hit of a smell. "What the"I say
I smell the air and it smells like bacon and some cinnamon rolls. Me and amity get up. We walk down and I see amity have one of my shirts and some of her shorts. I don't really think much of it since I haven't hade my nitros drink yet. I don't really care what is going on right now so I go for my cabinet. I open it and see my drinks aren't there. I look in the refrigerator. NOTHING. I look at my secret stash. Nothing. I hear a can open and I look to the sound to see eda and Lilith drinking my last two drinks. I go into controlled curse mode. They see me and start sweating. "Oh hello Serene um... how's the weather" Lilith says trying to distract me
"What's that in your hand" I say
They look at there drinks. "king" eda says having king in her hand.
"The other hand" I say
"Umm" they both say slowly getting up from there chairs.
"Oh hey guys wha- OH EDA LILITH RUN" luz yelled
"Why kid" eda ask
"I tried to have one of her drinks one day... I will never go near her stuff.. she is like a hawk when it comes to her stuff" luz said getting chills from that day

Flash back

It was a normal Monday. I woke up went downstairs and go to the cabinet to get my drink for the day. I look and see my full case but one is missing. "Huh I don't remember drink-" I was interupted by a sound of a can of nitros opening
I turn around to see luz with my drink. "Luz why do you have my drink" I say
"Well I was sleepy and I see you have one and it picks you up so I got one" luz explained
I make a fire in my hand. "Serene what are you doing" luz ask
"Wrrrrrryyyyy" I yell as I run to luz
I catch her then I yeet her out of the house. She started to run and I chased her all through bonesbrough. Striking her with all my spells

End of flash back

The two sisters look at me. A menacing aura is around me. My flames make flaming bone arms at each side of me. "WRRRRRYYYYYY" I yell
I run at them with my new found power. "AHHHHHH" the sisters scream in terror as I chase them down. They both got on there staffs to fly but I streatched my flame arms out and grab onto edas staff. "SERENE IM SORRY" eda
I pull myself infront of her but she hit me with a fire spell. I fall into the forest.

Eda pov

"Did you get her" Lilith said
I then heard that frightening scream again down from the forest. "WRRRRRYYYY" it was way darker now. Then that flame arm is now red and it extender to the tree tops I see Serene infront of lily now. "LILY" I yell
"Gomu gomu gomu gomu gomu gomu gomu gomu gomu gomu gomu gomu gomu gomu gomu GOMU" Syphus yelled the last one as he was punching Lilith with his flame arm things. She threw her staff in the air and he jumped on. "Oh no" I say "GUN IT NOW NOW NOW" I yell to owlbert he went faster then he ever had now. I look behind to see lily being thrown by Serene to the owl house. I look infront of me to see him. "WHAT THE" I yell
His flame fist were now lightning. "ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA" he yelled as his fist were punching me. He grabbed me after the last punch and threw me to where he threw lily. I almost touched the ground but owlbert catches me. I look over to see lily on the ground. "Oh my titan" I say
We see her flying back and landing on the ground. She gets infront of us. "What did we learn to today" Syphus said
Her curse was glowing and her eyes were black with her pupils being a blood red. Fangs showing and her hair glowing. "N-not to touch you stuff" lily said
"Good" he says
Her eyes go back to normal and she has bags under his eyes. She then opened the door and closed it. "She is more scarier than the emperor" lily said
"No she's more scary then the titan that makes this island" I said

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