Training and running

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I woke up screaming to a air horn. I look to where the sound came from to see luz with a smug look and a air horn. "Oh ho ho. You think you can get away don't ye" I say in a country accent
"Aw crap" luz said as she started running. I get up and start running after her I finally catch up to her in the field and tackle her. "Got em" I say
I look down and see Luz with a shocked face. "What" I say
I look down to see I only have my bra on and my scars showing. "Shoot" I say getting up
"What happened to you" luz gasped
"Well luz this is what happens when your mom thinks your a freak and has pent up aggression." I say
"Just because of your ears" luz says
"Yeah, but luz I got to ask. What is it like to have a mom that loves you" I say
"Well it is a great feeling. They want you to succeed in life and will sacrifice anything for you to make your dreams a reality." Luz explains
"Hn that's nice" I say
I get my sticks out and start to twirl them around. I then connected them together then hit the tree with the staff. It ripped the tree and it fell. I look to the staff and make it go into its batons and put them in my new sheaths. I go back to the owl house and get a sleeveless black hoodie. Then I get some grey shorts and go out again to see eda looking at the tree I ripped in half with my staff. "Sorry about the tree. Just got angry at past memories and did that with my staff" I say
"Wait you did this" eda asked
"Yeah sorry" I say
"Oh don't worry about it there are plenty of trees.wait you have a staff" eda asked
" yeah" I say getting out the batons and connecting them into the staff. "Got it at the market from some fool that said a flashlight was valuable" I say
"Now that is a rare staff. It is made of the bone of the titan this island is made of." Eda said
"So this thing is made of magic kinda" I say
"Yes. So it will channel your magic easier and make you conjure less magic then needed" eda said
I nod "so what do we learn first" I ask
"Well I say we get somewhere farther from the house in case you somehow burn it down" eda says
"Smart" I say
"Hey guys wait on me" luz yelled to us
She was running over and stopped. "So where are we going" luz asked
"Well we are going to go to the mountains. So Serene here won't burn the house down" eda said rubbing my head
She made a weird circle with her hand and it made a portal to a mountain. We all walk in and we can see the market bellow. "Alright luz I will teach you how to make a spell on paper but right now Serene needs to learn his birthright." Eda said
Luz nods and sits down to watch me. "Alright Serene now think of the heat in your hands and focus it to your finger tips. Then make a circle with it. I nod and I focus to my hand then to my middle and first finger then to the tips of those. I make a yellow circle and a black fire comes out. I move my hand and it moved with it. I then close my hand and it turns to steam and disappeared. "Wow your a natural at this. Now to make it to why it has its name. Make something out of it." Eda says
I nod and do the same thing. I then focus on the flame to make it to a spear. Then a arm then a owl. I grab my batons and make the flame split to two. It then came onto the batons and formed axe blades. I put the two together and put the flames together and made a giant axe blade on a end. I close my fist and it evaporates again. I split my batons and sheath them. "Man good job. You have really good control over the flames. Alright luz get over here with the paper" eda said
Luz got some pieces out and came over. Eda drew a circle but then made a symbol in the middle and ice came out. "Woah" luz said
"This is a simple ice spell" eda said
Luz drew it on the paper then slapped it. It then made a ice pillar like edas. I tried with my fingers and a pillar also came out. "Alright good. Now for one that could come in handy for both of you. Me and luz looked carefully. She did a circle then a different symbol and then she put her arm through it and when she pulled it out it  her arm was covered in armor. "It is a type of spell that can put on any clothing you think of in a instant." Eda said
"So that is how you change so fast" luz said
She nods
I make a big circle infront of me that I could fit through and went in. When I got out I had black joggers with samurai armor on them and a gold tank top. And then I looked down and my eyes widened. I had on a rare Jordan that there was only 15 of them on earth. "Alright this is my favorite spell" I say
I look over to luz having a oversized purple hoodie with cat ears and white pants and some vans on. Good taste in clothes. She looks at me and I give a thumbs up. "Noice" luz says
We go back to the owl house and I do the cloths spell and have on some red joggers with a black line on the side and A black croptop. I sit on the wall and fall asleep.

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