I saw a angel today and it was great

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Hexide, a place with people like me. Where I won't be made fun of my ears and everyone else has them. Great. I look over to luz and she is nervous since she is the only human here. "Hey Luz I know what it feels like to be the only one that's differ from everyone else. Just stay calm and be yourself" I say
"Thanks Serene" luz says
"Anytime" I say
We walk in with eda and get to the principals office. "Hey principal bump. How you doin" eda says
"Edalyn what are you doing here" bump ask
"Well I want to enroll these two in hexide" eda said ruffling our hair
"Ok" he says
She signs the paper work while complaining how much there is. But she gets it done. Luz gets a uniform but I make my own but with my own design. I have a black sleeveless hoodie with a cloak that fades to purple and my joggers with armor on it. And have fingerless purple gloves. We walk out and he said i have to face the number one student to get in. But luz has to know two spells. Lucky. I just accept and start to wander around. I was looking at something while walking that I didn't notice a person waking to me. The person bumped into me and fell. I looked down and helped the person up. "Oh sorry about that. I was just mesmerized by the schools architecture that I didn't see you." I say
I help the person get there stuff and help them up. I see it is a girl with brown rooted hair that fades to green and has a sort of bun at the back. I feel my face heat up a little but keep my cool. "Sorry I should give you my name for that. The names Serene Cortez. And you are" I ask
"Amity blight. I get it, it is a beautiful school. So what are you doing here" amity ask
God what a beautiful name. "Um well I am about to come to the school with my friend but I have to face the top student to get in so I am waiting until I have to do that." I say
"Oh ok. Welp I got to go to the principals office. But see you in the arena" amity says
"What do you mean" I ask
"I'm the top student" she says walking away
Wait she's the top student. That's just great now I have to fight a beautiful girl. I get called back to the office and see eda outside with luz. "Alright kid you ready to get in" eda says
"Yeah" I say
I follow eda to a arena area and students and teachers were in the seats. "Alright kid you just have to make them yield to win. I know you can do it with the spells you got. Now go get em" eda says
I go into the arena with my hood up. I look to the other side to see amity with someone that looks like eda. Hm must be nothing. I get my batons out and get into my stance. "Alright this is for Serene Cortez to get into the prestigious hexide school. She just has to make the top student amity blight yield in a witches duel. Let the match begin" the eda copy said
I connect my batons into its staff form and make a ice spell at the top of it to make a hammer out of ice. Amity make some kind of glob thing that runs to me I swing my hammer and it freezes it then I smash it. She make some more but I do the same thing. She does a ice spell suddenly and I get knocked back. I melt the ice and sheathed my batons. I make a circle and my eyes glowed this time. I felt something click for some reason and it looked like lightning for some reason. The heat rises in the arena and her ice spells just melt right out of the circle she makes. I make wings with my fire and I fly up. I look down at her with my yellow eyes and it meets her yellow eyes. She makes a spell circle and pink fire comes out. Hm another fire user. Finally I can let loose. I smirk and raise my foot I make my wings disappear and I start to fall. But then the fire goes to my raised foot and it acts as a booster for it and it makes it go faster. I make it to the ground and kick down and the ground cracks and then amity looses her footing. I take this chance and get my batons and turn it to a staff and then add the fire to it to make a spear I throw it up and then raise my two fingers up. The spear stops mid air and it hovers. I smirk as it worked. I look to amity. "Do you yield" I ask
"Far from it" amity says almost irritated
She makes her fire bigger and then makes another circle and it made the fire form into a sword and staff. Interesting she adapts, just like me. "Then i shall continue" I say
I flick my wrist to point to amity and the spear flew to her. She blocked it with the sword then deflected the spear into the ground. I try to get it out but it was stuck. I notice it was only the fire that was stuck. Amity runs to me and I close my fist and the fire evaporated from the spear and then I flick my finger and it re ignited and it flew infront of me. To block amity's sword. I thought I had her but she got me with the staff in the side and it opened up a old wound. "Yield" amity said
"No" I say
I got my spear in my hands and went into baton mode. I made the fire form katana blades on the batons and run to amity. I slash at her and she blocks but I evaporate the blade she blocked then re ignited it and we both got struck in the shoulder. I was use to the pain of being burned and had a serious look. But amity screamed a little. "Please yield amity" I ask
"No" she says as she runs to me. I evaporate my swords and make my staff and make a circle with it. "Art is a explosion. You can make anything out of it" I say the spell circle glows red and then a explosion comes out of it. It hits amity dead on and it makes her fly to the wall and she hits it. I then run up to her with my batons. "Please yield amity I don't want to hurt you anymore then I need to" I say
She sighs. "I yield" amity says
I nod and sheath my batons. "Do you mind if I help you to a healer" I say
She nods and I pick her up bridal style and she yelps. I walk out of there with her. I look down and see she is blushing a little. "Amity are you ok" I ask
"Well once I get my shoulder healed then I am good. Wait what about your side." Amity ask
I look down and see the burn mark on the old scar I got. "It's nothing" I say
I find a healer and give her to them. "We'll see you tomorrow amity. I am in your coven after all." I say walking away
I see eda and luz and go to them. "Hey guys" I say
"Serene are you ok. Your side is burnt. How did that happen" luz ask
"It was during the fight I got hit in the side. But the thing is I don't really feel pain all that much anymore" I say
I look to eda and she nods. "Well I got two successful people that are going into hexide so I say we go celebrate" eda suggest
"Yeah" luz yells
"Yep" I say
We get back to the owl house and we celebrate and then we go to sleep. (God good first impression on amity. I mean great you fought her and made her mad. Good job Serene)

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