The begining of wierd

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Welp today is going to be a normal day. Like always I guess. Just going to school and get made fun because of my ears. So I have pointy ears and everyone else has round ears. Doctors say it is a birth defect which makes sense. "Serene it is time for you to go. Get out before I get the knife"my mom said
"Alright" I said back
My name is Serene Cortez. A fourteen year old boy with pointy ears. I walk out of the house and go on my normal route to school like always. But I was blocked off by construction on the road and can't go around. Great now I have to go through the forest. I go in and I walk for a bit and see a shack. Hm I got time. I walk into the shack and I see a weird door with a eye on it. I go into the door and once I make it to the other side I am now in a weird city. "How the hell did I get here" I ask
I walk around but then I see a cool staff.


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Hm. Imma buy it. I go up to the owner of the stand. "Hey can I buy the staff" I ask
"Sure what do you got to trade." He ask
He turns around and he has pointy ears like me. "U-um well I don't got much. Uh how about this" I say as I pull out a flash light. I don't know this is the only thing I got. " oh what does it do" he ask
I flip the switch and it makes a light "I'll take it" he says
How. Just how. I get the staff before ye changes his mind and go. I see it has a line in the middle and I look at it. But I accidentally twist and it made two riot sticks like in call of duty war zone. "Cool" I say
I put it in my hoodie pocket and walk off. I then bump into a guy with a weird mask. "Hey have you seen this person" he ask showing me a wanted poster for a person named the owl lady. "Sorry haven't seen her, but can you tell me where I am" I ask
"Well your in the boiling isles" he says walking off. Wait a damn minute. Boiling isles, portals, weird market, monsters. Am I in another dimension! I run into the forest and run for a while. Then I stop in a clearing. "How in the hell did I get here. I just walked through a door and I end up here. Then that guy had pointy ears like me. And also monsters. I thought they were myth. What is happening to me" I ask all these questions
I then here footsteps I drop my bag on the ground and get my riot sticks. I turn around in a fighting position to see a lady with yellow eyes like mine and pointy ears like me again. "What" I ask as I lower my sticks.
"Who are you. You don't look like someone from around here" the lady ask
"I am Serene Cortez" I say
"Well kid I am eda the owl lady." She says
"So your the one on the wanted posters." I say
"Yep, so what are you doing here. No one really comes out here." Eda ask
"Well I was at my home in Texas but found a shack with a weird door with a eye and went through it to end up here. Found another guy with my birth defect and monsters. The I found you. Who also has my birth defect." I say
"Birth defect? I'm a witch just like you" eda says
"A- hold up. What do you mean the doctors said it was a birth defect" I say
"No your definitely a witch, I feel your magic. It is strong." Eda says
"But I don't know magic. I came from a whole different world" I say
"Hm wait what is your last name" Eda ask
"Cortez. But my father left me and my mom thinks I am a mistake" I say
"Wow you got it tough kid. How about this. I train you and you can find a new home with me and a human" Eda said
I thought about it. Get out of the hell hole and be where I belong. That's the greatest trade deals of trade deals ever. "Sure" I say
I get up and walk with her to a house. It had a owl at the front door. "Hi eda who's this hoot" the door owl said
She poked him in the eyes. "Ow ok your no fun" the owl said opening the door. I walk in and I see a weird dog on the couch and a human. The human looks at me. "Hey eda whose this" she asked
"Well luz this is Serene Cortez. Daughter of a powerful witch that vanish years ago" eda says
"Wait what" me and luz yells
"Wait  I'm the daughter of a powerful witch" I say
"Yep he invented a spell only the Cortez line could use. It is a special kind of fire that can melt anything it touches and can make it into anything. the fire is called artist fire" eda explains
"Wow. How about that. I can use magic. I ain't even from earth" I say
"Wow that's so cool. You can use magic to" luz said
"Yeah, so how did you get here" I ask luz
"Went through a random door in a shack" she said
"Wow so shacks have portals now. Good to know" I say
"Welp we will start training tommorow then I am in rolling both of you to hexide" eda said
Luz looked exited but I asked "what is that" I ask
"School for witches to learn magic" eda said
"Cool" I say
I follow luz to a empty room and lay down on the ground like always. Welp this is exiting.

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