Season 2 concept 3: battle of life

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I woke up slowly and see amity is not here. I get up and go down not having to murder anyone- I mean not have to do negotiations with violence about my stuff. I drank my coffee and made breakfast for everyone. Once I did that I use my cloth spell and I now have on a black beanie, a navy blue blazer, a light green shirt, ripped blue jeans, and black with white Jordan's. I see amity on the couch with a coffee. I go behind her and hug her. "Hey gorgeous" I say
"Well hello beautiful" amity said
"Want to come to the market with me." I ask
"Hmm sure" amity says
She gets her stuff and we go. When we arrive we see it is busy today. We walk around and I see the guy that I first bought my nitros drink from. "Yo" I say
He looks at me. "Ah what can I help you with" he said
"Do you got more of those small canisters" I say
He goes back and comes back with a crate of it. Before he says anything I give him one thousand snails and run with the crate. "WAIT SERENE" amity yelled to me
I stopped and she caught up. "*huff huff* you got to slow down" amity said
"Why" I said
"Because one I'm going to lose you and two people might think your stealing that" amity said
"Well can they stop me really" I said grinning
"Good point" she said
We continue to walk with my stuff and then amity stops at a stand with stars in her eyes. I go to her. "Hey babe what you looking at" I ask
I look to see a guitar.

Then she basically closed the case and ran

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Then she basically closed the case and ran. I sigh but then I see a bass.

 I sigh but then I see a bass

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"T-thunderstruck. How did it get here." I grab it and run as fast as my legs will take me. I see amity in the distance and catch up to her. "Why" is all I ask
"I don't know. It is cool and we are powerful, now why that" amity ask
"From a famous band in my world" I say
We make it to the owl house tired as heck. "We did it. We made it back" amity said
"Ha where's the goody too shoes I saw when I first met you" I ask
"Dead when this thing got there" amity said pointing to her mark
"Guess your right. You want to go to your house and see if luz is there. Because she isn't here" I said
"What makes you say that" amity said
I point to hooty and he yells to us. "Oh hi hoot, luz went out" hooty said
I give a thumbs up. "Want to go" I said
"Sure. Parents haven't seen me in a while so why not." She said
I drop my nitros in my secret compartment and then we leave with a bass and a guitar in hand. We make it to amity's house and before amity touches the door bell I stop her. "What is it" amity ask
I pull out my new bass. And have a smug look. "Ho don't do it" amity said
I play dance till your dead. The door opens to a dog with edric's hair dancing. I stop and the dog looked at me sad for a sec until it became edric. "Wasup" edric said
"The sky" amity said
"Pfft, good one babe" I said
"Ok ok don't rub it in that I don't have a girl yet" edric said
"Well that's ok edric, I just guess you didn't have what-" "BUT I DO HAVE A BOY" edric yelled
"Oh you got jerbo" amity said
"Yes he did" jerbo said behind edric
"Sup jerbs" I said
He nodded. "Nothing much" he said
"Oh come in. I bet mum and dad would love to see you mittens" edric said
Amity had a red face after that. We walked in and found Emira's door closed when we passed it. Must be out with luz. We walked into a living room with a fire place. The two chairs beside the fire place had both blight parents in them. They both looked up from there news papers. "Ah amity, where have you been" Alador said
"Oh I was just with Serene. We went to the market and I found a new guitar and he found a bass" amity said
"Ah I didn't know you played Serene. Could you give us a demonstration" mrs blight asked
"I would love to mrs blight" I said
I pull out my bass and started to play southern nights. When I got done they clapped. "Wow and such a good voice to" Mr blight said
"Thanks. My dad taught me before vanishing one day" I said
I look at the time. Almost midnight. I look over to amity and see the runes on her curse glowing purple. "Oh um hey we got to go." I said
"Oh why don't you stay a bit so we can catch up" Alador said
"Oh I promised amity I would show her a new spell" I said
"Oh ok, we got the back yard you could use" mrs blight said
I look over again and it started making one of her eyes go dark. "Oh it's kinda explosive" I said
"Oh it's no problem" Alador said
Amity was trying to hold it back for a while and now my curse is glowing. "Well I wanted to do it on the bone of the titan because it takes a lot of magic so we are going to go" I said
I run to amity and we get on my staff. "God I can't take more Serene" amity said with one of her eyes being black and purple. "Fuck I know I know just hold on" I said looking for a town
I look west and found one. It's near the castle though. The emperor will be on us the second we start killing. I look at amity and her other eye is starting to turn black. We need this. "Alright we got to be quick. It's near the emperors castle." I said
"A-alright let's just go" amity said almost taken over
I press the red button and the fire on the back goes. We make it to the town and we just go at it. We break into houses and kill everyone as fast as possible. Trying to get out of there. Me and amity make it to the last house and we look at each other. "Alright last one. After this we book it. Got it" I said
"Yep got it" amity said with a spell circle. I make mine and we put out fist in. We lift two fingers then split them and the house looks like swish cheese. It then fell with the body's in it. "Alright let's go" I said
"I wouldn't say that" a familiar voice said
My eyes go wide. I get my staff out. "Amity go" I said
"No I'm not leaving you" amity said
"I know" I say as I make a spell circle over amity and teleport her to the owl house.
I look back and see belos with the whole emperors coven. "You know. I use to dream of being in your coven when I first heard about it. It was a powerful coven, all magic being used. But then I saw what you are doing for your own selfish gain. Cursing me, and amity, almost killing eda. I can't forgive you. So I will kill you" I said
"I would like to see you try. Attack" belos commanded
The soldiers then ran at me with all the elements. I go into my new mode. My cursed arm goes completely black, the curse glowing yellow. My eyes turn to dark red with a yellow circle around it. My fangs grow longer, and I have a helmet that is the shape of kings skull. Green Lightning envelopes my arm. I run at them
And stab them all with my arm. It did nothing to them. "Ha it did nothing. My magic is more powerful then her's" one soldier said
"What is given to you by the great titan can always be taken" I said I snap my fingers and my curse glowed blue then went back to yellow. They draw circles with there hands but nothing happens. "W-what happened. I can't use magic" a soldier said
"Like i said. What can be given can be taken. Now let your souls rest" I said
I grab my staff and tap it on the ground twice. It made a ring of fire around them all. I light one end with fire then press the buttons on each end and it got bigger. I shape the end into a great sword. I run at them and start to murder them. All screamed in terror but did they listen when they were attacking innocent people. NO. When they were all slaughtered it was just me and belos standing in the ring of fire. "Only one of us shall leave this ring alive" I said
"I know. And it shall be me" he said
He made a spell circle and I made a big circle with my staff. I put my fist in, then put two fingers up and split them apart. The circle shot out millions of balls at belos and it bombarded him with explosions. I felt him behind me and made my fire in my body. It is a thing I'm hoping works. He had lava on his hand and punched through me. I didn't feel anything though. I look down and see that the area around his fist are on fire. "What" belos raged
"That is from the books of fire fist ace" I say as I coat my cursed hand in red fire and punch him in the gut. It burned that area and could now see a burnt chest. "You pest" belos said
I run at him with v2 and started bombarding him with punches. He melted away and was at the other end of the ring. He was bleeding from multiple spots. "Just die already" I said
"No" he said behind me
He did a spell that made fire come out. It hit me and my top part of my cloths were gone. Some areas burnt. "Why do you keep fighting. I can't be beat" he said
"Because I fight until death. I fight for my friends and family. And for amity" I said
I grabbed a canister of nitros and swallowed it. The curse turned orange and my eyes turned blue. Steam was coming off my body. I made a fire in my hand and it was blue with hints of green. I go at him with great speed and fire multiple fireballs at him. But he blocks most of them. I get in-front of him and rail him with punches but he punches back with ice covered fist. We were punching each other but then I pushed us back with a blast of fire. "SERENE" amity and luz yelled
I look over my shoulder and saw them. "Get out of here" I yell
"Not without you" luz says
I look back and don't see belos. But i see him behind both of them with fire in both hands. I rush over there with my staff and I block the blow with my body. Blood came out. "Serene no" amity says crying
I use my staff to get them on and send them away. "SERENE PLEASE" amity yelled
She tried to get off but luz stopped her. She looks back to me. "I love you ams" I said
I made a final piece over my head. I threw the final piece at him and it exploded. When it was through. I stood there still bleeding. I go out of curse mode. "I guess I didn't die" I said with a laugh
"No you do" belos said
"I should have guess you would pull something. Let me guess sold your soul" I ask
"No just being a Cortez helps" he said
I go wide eyed but he stabbed me in the chest with black fire. Everything starts to go dark. Everything flashing before my eyes like a movie. The first time I met eda and luz. Me and kings adventures. Me and the blights meeting. Our first kiss. I guess this wasn't meant to be. I hope amity finds someone. I felt someone carrying me "I love you.....Ams" I said with my last breath.

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