On the stairway to heaven

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It was morning and I woke up and went to the kitchen. I saw eda fumbling around for something. "Hey eda what's wrong" I ask
"I-oh um nothing" eda says with a scarf specifically around her chest where her gem
is. "Why do you have a scarf" I ask
"Oh I um I thought it was cold" Eda said
"Edalyn tell me the truth" I said serious
Eda knows when I use her full name I am
Serious. "I can't hide anything from you. *unwraps scarf* i am running out of time" eda said pointing to her gem. "What does that mean" I ask
"So when this thing turns full black I turn into this owl monster. Usually I can come back with a elixir but not this time. I can't come back." Eda said
"God. There's got to be a way. There's got to be" I said stressing
"No kid. I'm sorry there isn't" eda said grabbing my shoulder.
"No, I don't want to lose you. You've been more of a parent then I have ever had. I don't want to lose that again" I said crying a little
"I know.... I'm sorry". Eda said
I then hear footsteps and I stop crying and start to make pancakes and waffles. "Ooh both" luz said eating the waffles and pancakes.
After everyone got done I got my emperors coven attire on. "God I hate this" I said
I walk out with luz. "So your apart of the emperors coven. That's kinda cool. But don't you have to capture eda" luz said
"Well no actually it's the opposite. Since I joined eda and you are not to be chased after by anyone in the emperors coven. So y'all are safe because of me" I said
I didn't tell her about how amity or my curse was involved in this since I don't want her wording about three cursed people. "Wow that's great. Now I don't have to use me legs as much for running from guards." Luz said
"Yeah I guess your right. *looks at watch* oh we got to go" I said picking her up and running to hexide
"What's wrong" luz said
"Well you got a field trip to the emperors castle and I got to chaperone it" I said
"Oh really that's so cool" luz said
"Yeah I guess" I said
We made it and I dropped her off with the group. I then found Lilith all beat up. I snort a little. "What happened to you" I said
"Don't want to talk about it" Lilith said
"Alright I guess we should get this over with" I said
She went in but I was going to be the cool one to do a dramatic entrance. "Hello students and welcome to the emperors castle. I am Lilith the leader of the emperors coven" Lilith said
I then came in while ridding my staff. "And I am his right hand man Syphus Cortez" I said
"Wow. He's so young" one person said
"Well yes. If you have enough power. The emperor sees greatness, not age" I explained
"Well let's go" Lilith said
Ok might not be too bad actually. Lot of people asked questions about me and I could see Lilith glaring at me. "Ms. Cortez what is your staff and mrs Lilith staff" Gus asked
"Well my dear friend I don't have a palacment yet since I haven't graduated from hexide but it is mostly in my staff that holds great power. You see this is made of the bone that the great titan that gave us magic. Also I have a compartment where I can insert  a special capsule that produces flames so less magic is needed" I said
Everyone was amazed. They then turned to Lilith. "Now my staff as you see has a palacment. His name is ravneth. *turns ravneth* he is a great companion really. Good with making magic just as I can. My staff is made of a special wood from a snowing tree." Lilith said as ravneth returned to the staff and she turned him back. We continue down and we arrive at the artifact room. "And here is the artifact room. Where most of the emperors greatest treasures are. Like this hat that can heal any magic inflicted." Lilith said pointing to a hat. I saw luz talking to Gus and Willow about stealing it for eda. They look to me and I nod. I have to try to get Lilith distracted. We walked into the next room and I saw luz gone. Alright now distraction time. "Alright Lilith where to next. I say we go to where the training room is so they can see what true witches are" I say
"Hm pretty good idea." Lilith said
But then it shocked me what happened next. She disappeared. She was a illusion. FUCK LUZ. I teleport everyone back to hexide and
Then go to the bridge before the throne room. When I get there i see Luz in a blue ball. "Lilith we had a deal. I stay worth you and the emperor and nothing happens to them." I say
Before she could answer I feel someone behind me. "Oh titan, Eda stop your pushing yourself." I yell
"I'm sorry kid but they got luz" eda says
Lilith throws her staff at eda with great speed. But eda catches it. The. She throws it back but with her golden lightning. It nearly passed Lilith and got stuck in the wall. "Let her go Lilith" eda said
"Not until you come with me" Lilith retorted
Lilith runs to her staff and then they go at each other. Lilith and eda battle each other through the air and then luz gets rolled off but I use my magic with the boards to roll her back. Eda gets hit down. "Since you hurt her the deal is off then." I said I go controlled curse mode and got my staff. I rush Lilith with v2 but then a red aura stopped me. "Belos you bitch" I said
"No the deal is not off unless you want to lose amity forever" belos said
I go wide eyed "you said that you wouldn't chase eda or luz anymore" I said
"I just altered the deal. Pray that I don't alter it farther" he said letting me go. I then see luz get dropped off the bridge. I send my staff down and she caught it. I look over and see eda stopped while looking at her stone which is all black. "Eda....no" I cried
"I'm sorry kids. I'm not going to be able to bounce back from this one. Clean the house every so often. Feed king your pancakes Serene. Clean hooty every so often. And thanks for being in my life." Eda said as she glowed
"NOOOOOO" me and Luz yelled
A bright light came from her and when it disappears she is in what seemed like her owl monster form. I send Luz off. Not wanting her to see this. "Serene help me" Lilith said
I sigh. I go into cursed mode and lift her up with a green ball. I walk to the throne room. "Ahh good job Lilith you have finally captured the owl lady" belos said
The guards chained her up and dragged her off. "Taking her to the healing chamber I presume" Lilith asked
"I will not be healing her" belos said
She looked shocked. I was wondering if she went into this just to heal eda. But this is what belos does. Betray your deals for his own gain. "Leave us Lilith" belos said
She left and it was only me and belos. "Why. Why did you alter it. I was doing what you ask yet you took the only thing that gave me a motherly support I never had" I ask
"Because she refused my system. But I got a better deal for you" belos said
"What could be better after this" I ask
"I get rid off the part in amity's curse that makes me control her and she keeps all that power." Belos said
I think. This means amity is free. But there's always a catch when it is this good. "What do you want from me then" I ask
"You have to let me finish your curse." He said
Wait it's not complete. "What does the rest do" I ask
"It shall get rid of me controlling you to but you become a emotionless soldier when it's time for killing. This is why it is called the killers curse " belos said
"Fine" I said
He touches my hand and the curse vanished. His hand lighted with green fire and he touched my right shoulder with it. After that I felt a lot of pain. I look at my shoulder and it has a new glyph.

 I look at my shoulder and it has a new glyph

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"What the hell" I say
I feel my eyes burning. But then it stopped. I go cursed mode. I light a flame and it is red now. I do my lightning and it is red. I see a reflection of my eyes. There now red with the whites being black. My pupils look like a dragons with it being a line in the middle. "You better put your end of the bargain up. And no altering. I'm being there when it happens. If you cross me then....you will fall to my flames being just ashes Beneath my feet" I say with a dark voice at the end
"Don't worry I won't cross you now. Your a good ally. I need you to enforce my will." Belos said
"Good" I said
I went v2 and dashed out of there. I got back to the owl house and I saw the front door open. I get closer and hear crying. I cry a little since I remember again what happened. I go to the roof. I pull out my bass. And play stairway to heaven. This was edas favorite song I played. I cry more and more after each measure and by the end I shoot a final piece into the ocean. When it blew it made a crater with all the water flowing into it. "EDAAAAAAA" I yell to the heavens

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