Take take take

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I was up in the morning another day of school. I went downstairs and drank two nitros. My lines and eyes glowed for a sec before dimming again. I saw luz with Emira come down. Emira had luz old hoodie on while luz had emiras coat on "Ooh what is this. Two love birds coming down for breakfast" I said wiggling my eyebrows.
Luz makes a gold spell circle and fired a ice spell at me. Put I separate into a flock of crows. I become myself after the crows come back. "Rude" I said
I gave them some biscuits and gravy. "Oh I missed your cooking" luz said
"Yep it is so good" Emira said
"I know" I said
Then edric and amity comes down. I pass amity one of my nitros and some biscuits and gravy while I give edric a coffee and some eggs. "Wait she gets to have your drink" luz said
"Yeah I mean I do love her" I said
"Dang I really want some" luz said pouting
"We'll just get your own stash and I won't touch it" I said
We all ate breakfast and then we went to school. Luz was riding her staff with Emira. Edric was riding my Cerberus. While amity was riding my back. "Well this is a nice walk. Just a little slimy though" edric said
"Hey don't complain. Cerberus might throw you off" I said
Amity laughed a little. "I mean he is giving you a ride" amity said
"True" edric said
"I think my ride is better though" Emira said hugging luz.
"No this is where it's at" amity said hugging me tighter.
We made it to the school finally but something is wrong. Edric got of the Cerberus. "Abomination return" I said with my katana out. It went in and I sheathed my blade while my eyes turned back to normal.
"Why are there so many emperors guards here" edric said
"I don't know but I got a bad feeling about it" luz said
"How are we going to get in without them finding out Serene is alive" Emira asked
"Well I could become crows" I said
"That could work but what if they suspect something" amity asked
"We could just walk over and distract them while you fly in" luz said
We all nod at the plan. My eyes turn blue and I turn into a flock of crows. The gang walk over and Emira dropped her books. "Oh whoops" Emira said
The guards came over and helped. I flew in and then when the coast was clear I became myself again with red eyes. "Phew that was close" I said
I look over and see the gang come over to me. "So what are they here for" Emira asked
"Yeah there has never been guards here before" edric said
"I don't know, there's got to be something going on" I say
We all walk but principal bump came over the intercom. "Would all students go to the auditorium for a special assembly" bump announced
"What they never said anything about a special assembly" amity said
"I think it has something to do with all the guards" I said
We all walk to the auditorium but I split off and do a shadow spell into the darkness. The stage lights up and principle bump is there with a row of emperors guards. " hello students, today is a special day, some of our top students have been hand selected by the emperor for his coven" bump said
All cheered except for the gang and me. "Will Luz noceda, edric and Emira blight, Willow park, and Augustus come to the stage" bump said
Shit. Why are they picked. I start to get my katana but I see amity looking at me with cursed eyes saying no. I sigh and sheath my blade. They all get to the stage. "These students are the best of the best. And luz noceda is the first human in history to do magic. The emperor wanted all this to keep the peace in this land, give a round of applause to these candidates that get into this elite coven" bump said
Everyone cheered for them but I just don't want them to go to that man. He is a Cortez, someone that uses the artist fire. He's to powerful for them even if they work together. I look at amity and she nods and also does a shadow spell when the gang starts to be lead out. We both trail them and we were walking all the way to the emperors throne room. Amity gives me a worried look. "Go get eda and Lilith just in case" I said
"No I'm not leaving you this time" amity said with a stern voice.
I look at her real good. "Fine just get out of there if it gets real bad" I say
She nods. We walk in the doors at the last second and we both go into a dark corner. "Ah my fine candidates have arrived. How was the trip" belos asked
"It was fine emperor" Willow says
"Ah good. Well I have selected you all for your great magical abilities like the human" belos said pointing to luz
"You will all make such great soldiers in the coven. Glad I could have you in my ranks" belos said
"Oh just like Serene Huh" luz said
"Hm, oh him yes she was a great soldier. She was going to replace Lilith after I killed her but that all fell apart after she betrayed me when I did her a favor" belos said
"Yet you still double crossed him by having amity kill innocent people. Slowly breaking there minds" luz said getting angrier
"I still needed there power and a reason for her to stay by my side" belos said
"Well I'm not going to be apart of that" luz said
A guard grabbed all there shoulders and made them go to there knees. "Oh but all of you don't have a choice" belos said
"Amity get out of here I don't want you to see me" I said
"Alright if you wish" amity reluctantly went out quietly
I look back and he put them in a curse circle. I go into cursed mode. I start to sing. "We'll meet again, don't know when. Don't know where but I know we'll meet again some sunny day" I sung ominously
"What who is that" one of the guards said
I try to go in the circle but I was blocked off by a shield spell. "Fuck" I said
I start to do a spell circle. It then turned into a sphere. "Room" I said
All the guards were looking around and belos was trying to put the curse on them quick. All of them were screaming from the pain but they couldn't move. "Shambles" I said
I draw my katana and cut all the guards but they didn't die. "Execution" I said
The sphere disappeared when I sheathed my swords and all the guards instantly imploded and became blood puddles on the ground. I was laughing like a maniac. Hell did a lot to me, this is what I don't want amity to see. The monster I became. I look over and the gang is passed out on the ground with steam coming off there shoulders. I un-cloak myself. "Belos, what have you done" I said
"Serene... I thought you were dead" belos said calm
I go out of curse mode.
"I am. I'm not what I was. I went to hell and became this...cold machine that has no mercy. *goes into curse mode* a monster you created" I said as I draw my katana
He has a black fire in his hands. I make a red fire on my sword. The lines on my face glowing blue. I run at him and slash his face he phased through it but when he punched me it went through me and I fell to the ground bleeding. "I guess it ended up like last time." Belos said
I point to the left. He looks that way to see me perfectly fine with my blue eyes. He looks back at me and I turn to crows. "You can't kill a demon that easy belos. I thought you knew that" I said
My eyes turn pink and I make my Cerberus abomination and it attacks belos. The two fought and I went behind him with my red fire on my sword and I struck him in the shoulder. "AHHHH" he screams going to a knee
I still have my blade in him burning him slowly. "This is what I felt when you gave me this curse. This burden that slowly kills this island, that is why it is band yet you still used it. Now here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to let you recover. And let you watch as I slowly kill all that your worked so hard for. Then kill you and take the throne.  Hope you recover well...father" I said I took my blade out and went over to my friends. I look at each of there shoulders and it is amity's curse but with different times on the outside. "So they won't kill for power but it has a transformation rune on it. Hopefully we can use the elixir eda use to use. It also has a control rune" I say they start to wake up slowly. The curses glowing. "Gah that hurt. So when did you figure out i was your father." Belos said
"Oh I could just say this is something I might do if I was backstabbed" I said
He snaps his fingers. "Chaos control" he says
A blue fire ball flys past my face. I look behind to find everyone with black eyes but luz has golden eyes, willow has green eyes, Gus has blue eyes, edric has one silver eye and one red eye and so does Emira. "Guys" I said
Luz fires another fireball at me. "Guys it's me, snap out of it" I said
Now Willow fired a vine at me but I cut it in half. "Please guys I don't want to hurt you" I said
Edric Emira and Gus make a army of them. The copy's make fire lightning and water spells. I draw my blade. "Guys stop" I pleaded. I cut down the army and all the spells they fire at me. "They can't hear you. There under my control" belos said on his throne
I go into curse mode and into v2 and run at him with my katana but luz gets infront of him. I stop inches from her face. "Luz no" I said
She smirked and hit me with a lightning spell. I got jolted back and now Willow hit me with a flaming wood axe in the leg. I look to see Ed and em make a ice spell. It turned into a spear and it was flung at me by Gus. I caught it and threw it at belos but luz does a fire spell and melts the spear. "I'm sorry guys. I'll come back for you" I said
I do a emp and all there magic goes. I turn to crows and fly out of there. I fly back to the owl house and get to the front door. Amity opens it. "Where are they" amity ask
I look away.... "I'm sorry amity. I failed, the emperor has control over them with a curse. I'm sorry ams" I sobbed
She hugged me. "We'll get them back...we always do" amity said

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