Mission delta

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I woke up in the infirmary and don't remember what happened after I heard a voice. I get up and see Willow and edric. "Wait what is Willow doing here she should be in a cell" I said
I walk over and then see her shoulder with gold flames and a green pentagram with no control glyph. "How the hell did that happen" I ask
I see my cloths and grab them as I go to the bathroom to change. I come out and see edric awake. "EDRIC" I yell as I run to his arms and hug him. "Huh.... SERENE IVE MISSED YOU BUDDY. Have you became my sister in law yet" edric ask
I look at him a sec before punching him in the gut. "Shut up or I kick your ass" I say
"Owww I regret nothing" edric laughs
"Oh you bet you gonna regret it when I use my damn sword" I say grabbing my sword
"Could y'all both stop it you two are giving me a headache" Willow says getting up from her bed. "YES MAME" me and edric say
So you see both of us are afraid of Willow because of her.......out worldly strength. We all go to the mission room and amity comes up to us. "Ser I got a mission for us" amity says
"So what you got am" I ask
"It is a small base under bonesbrough. Heard on the street that they were experimenting with a new magic. Security is tight so we are going to need a special team of four" amity said
"Alright so you Emira edric and Willow will go since we are the most powerful here so it should be easy" I say
She nods and edric tapped me on the shoulder. "You sure it is a good idea. I mean we just got back" edric says
"Don't worry bro, you and Willow are going to be good for this since y'all have those things on your shoulder." I said pointing to there curse marks
They nod and we go to the front where Emira and amity are. "Glad you could finally join us" Emira said
"Hey be happy that I am letting you come with us on the fun" I said
"Yeah yeah sure" Emira said jumping down from the ledge she was on and transformed into her bird form. Everyone climbed on except for me.
"Aren't you coming" amity ask
"No got something else I got to do" I said
She looks at me for a sec but nods and they flew away. "Time for mission delta" I say taking off my beanie showing all the mechanical parts in my head. My eyes turn blue as I turn into crows and fly. I arrive at the emperors castle. All the birds land on the top of a single rib and I form myself again. My eyes turn a bright red as red lightning sparks around me and I am now at the top of the castle. I draw a spell circle and it melts a hole In the roof. I go in and I see a guard and stab him. Now my eyes turn black and red as my curse glows. "Oh let's just... make there army smaller a little" I say as I gain a smirk and my wires and lines glow. I start to go around the castle as I see a patrol unit around the corner. I make a grenade launcher out of fire. I go around the corner with it in my shoulder. "Oh hello boys" I said
They immediately start to shoot water and fire spells at me. "Weak" I said as I point the grenade launcher at them and it fires a ball of green flames at them and it explodes enveloping the hall in fire. I put my beanie back on. I go through the flames and I have my sword out looking at the guards they shoot fire and water spells at me. I absorb the flames and evaporate the water. But then someone hit me with a wind spell that slashed my back revealing my metal spine. "I was wondering when you would get here" I said
"Yeah lots of stupid paperwork but then you showed up so I can bring you to your dad" luz said with my staff at hand
"Oh and what makes you think you can do that little one" I ask
"Just a hunch" luz said as she spun around her staff and hit it on the ground twice. A guard fired a ice spell at me and I blocked it but when I look back with luz she hit me with a flaming sword. But I block it with my arm. The sleeve burned off to reveal a full metal bone arm. "Man hell did some shit to you" luz laughed
I knock the sword back and punch her sending her through a wall. The guards surrounded me. My head starts to hurt as I hear a voice again. "Use my power Serene. USE IT" the voice yelled

"Fine you fucking voice" I said as I focus on a light and now my eyes and lines were gold. "So this is what happened yesterday. Oh you are all screwed now you shits." I yell
I sheathed my katana and hit the sheath on the ground as gold lightning shocked all the guards. "What the fuck is going on here" Gus says with a trident in his hand. "Just go back to sleep you midget" I say
I then catch his trident before it hit my face. He stood on the Handel of it. "I just wanted to sleep man" Gus says with bags under his eyes
"Bitch then leave" I say as I do a backflip kicking the trident away. I then catch a flaming boomerang. "And you just chill yo ass" I said as my left eye turns turquoise and I do a spell circle as it freezes her legs stopping her from moving. My left eye goes back to gold. "Your last because I want to face the old man and you so I'm going to get Gus" I say as gold lightning trailed behind me as I ran to Gus. I make a gold spell circle. "By the will of thy titan that gave tis land magic. I free you from this false prophet" I chanted as the curses flames turned gold and the pentagram turned blue. The control glyph going into flames. I go out of curse mode with my eyes still gold. I pick him up with his trident and look back to luz struggling. "You know Emira misses you. Just come back luz. Before you get hurt" I say teleporting back to the new world leaving luz to her thoughts.

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