You Really Are Incompetent

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"No no this way, no that's not what I said. Hold it up towards you, not to the side. Vali it's a simple movement aren't you supposed to be a genius or something how hard is it to hold it up for god sakes there is freezing cold water dripping down my face that smells like its fresh out of a toilet." My eyes were clenched closed so nothing got in them, I already had sensitive eyes I don't think they would be too happy if I got soap in them.

"At the rate you're talking I'm surprised you haven't drowned from the intake of water. What's the point of holding it back when it needs to be washed anyways?" I froze and wiped the excess water from my eyes, looking at Vali in the dirty mirror in front of me. We had walked here after the whole commotion, the unfortunate souls that walked in the bathroom were horrified when the giant sent a burning glare their way.

I sent a sharp sideways look his way, slapping his large hand away so he released my hair, his eyes were evident of amusement but everything else was set to stone. I submerged my head under the faucet and scrubbed the remains of the failed experiment out of my hair. I took the cheap smelling soap and washed my hair in aggravation, the day wasn't even over and I already had one for the books.

"Hand me a paper towel please." I watch Vali stare at the automatic paper towel dispenser trying to figure out how it worked. He pushed the top and sides not knowing what to do which made me laugh out at how clueless he really is when it comes to human inventions. I could sense him slowly getting aggravated at it so I grabbed his hand and swiped it in front of the censor, making the machine spit out the paper towels.

"You really are incompetent when it comes to human things huh?" I dry my face and scrunch my hair to get the water out leaving it in dark curled ringlets on my face. I throw the paper into the trash can and swing my backpack over my shoulder, giving myself a once over and walking out with Vali behind me. I knew we had missed free period so I prepared myself for an angry Grayson after school. We never missed it, he didn't even like when I was a minute late so it be quite the sight next time he saw me.

I wasn't used to having wet hair so you can imagine my frustration when my paper kept gaining another drop of water as I hovered over it writing. I threw it up in a top bun to stop the dripping but the fact that my teacher apparently hated the heat caused a shiver to travel down my neck when it was exposed.

The sound of the led pencils squeaking as it met paper filled my ears along with the smacking of my teacher chewing gum at her desk in the front. I heard the readjustments of bodies in their seats and chairs scraping the ground as students stood. Every sound just seemed to catch my attention slowly taking it away from my work I had been completing.

I was relieved when the bell rung and everyone rushed out talking to one another, I heard brief murmurs about Vali but it seems they were too scared of him to speak and louder. My incomplete work slides right in the gray tray at the front as I follow Vali out of the room and down the halls.

Every sound is unusually loud right now, the sounds of lockers closing, feet shuffling, talking and laughing, they all seemed to pierce something deep within me making me feel anxious. I was confused but I still walked on through the wondering crowd of kids that were ready to go home and sleep the rest of the day away.

My vision was focusing in and out making me stumble slightly down the hallway while keeping my eyes on Vali ahead of me. My fingers each rub across my closed lids before meeting at the bridge of my nose and pinching it. Once I pulled them away my sunglasses fell back into place but what I didn't understand was when I opened my eyes everything was extremely bright. It was almost as if my sunglasses weren't even there while someone shined a white bright light in my eyes.

They burned to the point I was sure tears were going to start pouring out, a sharp pain flowing from behind my eyes to the back of my head over and over. My arms and legs tingled with numbness immediately drawing my attention to them, I saw the same weird thingy happen with my veins but this time the liquid that flowed through them were a bright white instead of amber.

Don't fight it.

A monotone voice whispered to me, it sounded extremely unfamiliar to me catching me completely off guard. I couldn't see anything, it felt like I wasn't even walking down the hallway as I heard a screech in my ears. I felt unbalanced and completely alone, cut off from the world around me and the people in it.

One second I was blind and unaware of anything, waiting to hear the voice again and the other I was back in the hallway like nothing happened. No one was looking at me and Vali was walking ahead completely oblivious to the whole thing, although I could only see his back I could also sense that he was sending glares to the people who stood in the way of us walking.

My mind was switching back and forth between reality and what had just taken place a few moments ago. I felt a rush of relief when we walked through the front doors and out into the cold autumn air, the chilliness filling the expanse of my lungs. My hair was still wet making the wind that passed by even more colder than usual, my hands shook as they clutched the straps of my backpack.

Vali turned on his heel looking back at me, "You ready?"

A bile in the back of my throat made it impossible to squeeze out a verbal answer so I settled for a nod. His eyes checked our surroundings before his fingers brushed my forehead and a deep roll of tongue emitted from his mouth.

Life seemed to be on repeat now, I would have a dream or an 'episode' and then things would go back to normal. I would build myself back up again and then another would hit- tearing me down. None of it made any sense at all, everything caught me off guard and there was always something different about each one.

The episodes always consisted of my body going numb and my senses enhancing but the thing that differed them was the color of liquid that ran through my veins. In the dreams I was always hurt or on the brink of death. I knew they meant something but I wasn't sure what...all I knew was that it was the reason Vali was watching over me.

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