The Fountain of Unknown Pt.2

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My knees fall weak under my weight when I step through, my legs turning to jelly and my mind feeling airy. My eyes scan the room or space my body is emursed in, the darkness oddly welcoming for my presence. I didn't expect to get answers from a fountain but I needed them so I had to push all of my external thoughts to the side and walk through. I feel a light hand on my shoulder that almost makes me pee myself, does everyone in have a problem with talking?

"Leaigh Maraigne?" I jet my head up in the direction of a soft female voice but see no face, nor hand on my shoulder when I am a hundred percent sure there is something still resting there. "Yes?" I stand up to feet, allowing my legs to build strength before applying all my weight. "My name is Ahria, you seek answers of your life?"

"I do."

"What do you want to know?"

"Why is any of this happening in my life? Why do I have Vali?" I sense her give me a smile but I can't be completely sure that's what she's doing. She could be shoving her middle finger graciously in my face and I wouldn't even know it. "Then the asnwers you shall recieve. I'll start with what Vali actually is." The blackness fades into a scene of the room Vali and I were previously in, but it is evident that this was a very different time in history. Looking around I see a man run up the path to the throne with a worried look on his face, he too, wears a white himation. Except the difference is he wears a solid golden chestplate underneath.

When he reaches the throne before him Ulfric sits in the chair, eyes bright like thunderstorms that hold underlying savagery. The man collapses to the ground on his knees out of breath, his face three shades lighter than the rest of his face. "He is here sir." Just as the words file out of his mouth someone pushes through the large wooden doors and slowly walks in. A man with dark long raven hair and grey eyes walks past, his cheekbones extremely sharp and his cheeks quite sunken. A dark glow surrounds his eyes leaving ghastly shadow on his face, he reeks of wickedness and vulgarity that is a strong contrast to the man that sits up on the throne.

"Silas." The name drips off of Ulfric's togue like poison, immediately you can see the hatred the men have for each other.

"Ulfric." Silas gives a wicked grin at the obvious distaste the man has created towards him, black clothing wraps around his body along with a black serpent mark around his throat the trails down his spine. I immediately see the similarity between the man's mark and Vali's, walking up closer as the men glare at each other I almost want to kick both of them in the head. It's almost childish to have a quiet standoff, they could at least throw some shade or give some good comebacks.

"It is my time, I assume you will hold up your end of the deal and take care of my son?" I furrow my eyebrows at Sila's words, these men are so detatched from each other but still have a deal in place, I'm mildly surprised. "Your son will take over when he comes of age. He will rule in my place over the Watchers. He was bred to be the leader."

"Make sure my ways don't consume him. Don't tell him about me." I almost break at the sadness hidden in Sila's tone, he is not giving up his son willingly but something tells me it wasn't for his gain. He is doing this for his son and it's breaking him from the inside out. I stand between Ulfric and Silas, out of nowhere Silas waves his hand in the air and a child appears in his arms. A child with midnight black hair and bright grey eyes, brighter than his fathers.


Silas places Vali in Ulfric's arms before placing his fingers on the child's head and whispering an incoherent sentence in another language, one I have grown familiar to. Silas gives a look before storming out and leaving Ulfric with Vali and wondering eyes.

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