From A Distance

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A/N: You can listen to the song while you read ^^^ :)

Every ounce of breath in my crushed lungs are stolen from me as soon as I make contact with the other side, I squeeze my hand into fist at the odd sensation of my fingers going numb. The feeling is so abnormal yet so familiar to my consious, perhaps those little 'incidents' of the little geist trying to play with my mind. The thought of the hoodie man's conniving scheme brings harsh agitation and anger to the outer layer of my skin, burning my veins and leaving my muscles to spasm with the need to relieve the stress.

I seriously need a bottle of Gatorade and my Cheez-It's right now.

The hoodie man, he was good at his game, the reason any of this was set in motion. But one thing he didn't know is that I know everything, I'm not going to kill my family, and I'm not going to turn into some dark monster only heard of in stories. He's not winning me over now that I know his game, so now I have the upper hand. I just have to figure out how to fight him.

At the sight of the giants salient beauty, I find myself thinking back to what Ahria told me. I was just one unlucky soul mixed with the other's that went through grief of losing a parent. But he, he never had one, no one to pick him up when he fell too hard and scraped his knee. No one to give him wise advice or help him with the establishment of him as a person.

No one to reassure him that he's not a monster.

I don't know his entire story, and I'm sure it would take years for him to tell me all about it. But just from what I got from his mother, he hasn't had the easiest going in his long never ending cycle. Now it's obvious as to why he rarely shows slight emotion and always acts so cold. Vali was destined to be something dark and evil by the reputation his father created, and somehow, he went against destiny and ended up being good.

I can see him battle his natural insticts to be swallowed by the overpowering darkness but something so strong and superior makes him fight it off. It's extremely fascinating to know that just beyond his eyes are levels to his madness, the stories of why his eyes turn black when he's angry or how long he spent practicing his every move to perfection.

That day in the warehouse he took it easy on me but he was so graceful with every flick of the wrist, swinging the sword like he was born with one in his hand. Now all I could imagine was what else the borded up being could do.

The guilt starts to eat at my insides, I swear those grey eyes can be so poisoning at times. I know so much about what he came from and he doesn't even know anything, he just thinks he came from a merciless creature who wielded the deadly need for power. In the end, though, the creature realized what he had become and what fate it led him to. He knew he couldn't let his innocent child fall victim to his selfish actions so he gave him up, hoping that he could break the continuous cycle and let the boy have a good life. One where Vali wouldn't be judged or held accountable for what Silas had done in his life.

I admire the puzzle piece before me, staring back just as strongly as I do. Probably having thousands of thoughts run through his head but at a slow, delayed pace. It seems as if in that moment, we were both trying to figure each other's mysteries out. The way his eyebrows sit so furrowed above his enchanting eyes leaves me helplessly wishing if I could climb into his head and listen to his thoughts.

The only thing my mind taking an extra second to linger on being the look of concern on his face, mixed with dashes of anticipation. Perhaps slightly worried of my reaction to all of this. Though as much information I had gained about myself in the span of a few minutes, the only thing trailing over my thoughts are of the warrior standing tense in front of me. Neither of us speak a sound for solid minutes until he breaks it with a quiet tone,

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