Follow My Lead

36 13 3

I'm not taking it easy.

Me and Gray separated and went our own ways, promising to meet up at the car at 1 am. The three cups of fireball and six jello shots coursed through my veins with unnatural heat, my vision a little loopy but I was handling it a little well. Me and Jack...or James....well whatever his name is, are up against two other bimbos whose names I didn't really know, in an intense game of beer pong.

I swear I was just on the dance floor dancing with someone I never met before, but somehow I ended up over here whipping these fools tails in a game I'm best at. I close one eye and toss the ball into the last upturned cup, the rest of theirs are turned over, empty. When I make it in Jake or James...I really need to learn his name, picks me up and spins me around in the air.

I didn't even notice everyone was watching the game until I heard the cheers of my name over take the blasting music. I laughed uncontrollably while in the air, my stomach upturning as I forced it down with a drink someone gave me, which I can't decipher the name of. When what's his name puts me down, I stagger back but catch myself before I can truly fall back on the ground.

I thought I was okay but whatever that drink was, was strong and tipped me off the deep end. My limbs feel heavier than normal, but my head feels airy while I try and walk to the bathroom. My stomach feeling like it's going to regurgitate whatever I put in it in the last three hours.

I pass couples making out and pushing each other into bedrooms, but I feel to on top to care about the mushiness taking place beyond these walls. I stagger along the hallway that seems like it never ends. My shoulder smacks into a picture frame that's tilted and looks as if it's barely hanging on.

What an odd way to decorate.

Oh wait that was me...oops.

When I finally reach the bathroom door I bust it open on accident, making it slam against the wall. If I cared I would have looked at the wall to make sure the door knob didn't go through it, but I don't so oh well. I think seeing the toilet triggered something in me, because as soon I saw the bit of porcelain my mouth opened and barf spewed out. I made it only in the nick of time, my hand held my hair while my other held the brim like I was afraid I was going to fall.

When I finally stopped, I stood up and rummaged through the drawers, finding a travel sized kid toothpaste and a cheap plastic toothbrush still in its cardboard package, untouched. I scrubbed my mouth until my gums started to swell, making me seize before they started bleeding.

I was thankful when I saw my makeup wasn't smeared, for once I was smart and decided to buy water proof, because I mean with me, you never really know. I opened the door, the cold air of the bathroom getting stripped away and the smoky atmosphere gathering around me.

I walk past a second living room or den and see a bunch of people around my age sat on chairs, all with a cigarette or a blunt and passing it between people. The air is clouded with thick gray smoke, making it difficult to see people clearly.

But through it I see a guy sitting in between two girls, dressed in all black, with a cigarette and a bottle of beer in one hand. The smoke cleared a little bit enough to see his dark hair and sharp facial features, it didn't take 20/20 vision to tell he was insanely attractive, the girls that basically threw themselves at him were evidence enough.

His essence drew me into the room, I felt eyes on me but I didn't care. I dropped on the seat beside some random dude who was staring at me with a creep-ish glint in his eyes, when he went to take a pull from his cigarette I plucked it and sent him a smirk.

The feeling of menthol spreads throughout my senses and burns bits of my nostrils and throat but it's a good burn. It makes me relax but I give it back to rando beside me. Then I remember what I came in here for and it sure wasn't a cigarette, when I look across the room I make eye contact with Mr. Mysterious. I feel his eyes search deep within me, making me want to squirm but I remain still.

He continues to stare into my eyes while a girl in a dress that really isn't even a dress at that point, crawls in his lap. Her arms lazily wrap around his neck but he pays no mind to her, and instead looks over here. I take the cigarette again and inhale, mystery man seems so familiar but I just can't put my finger on it.

Before I know it he grabs the girl by her waist and pulls her off of him. His height towers over everyone as he smoothly walks over to my side of the room, cigarette in mouth, beer in hand. I don't look up but see his long legs stand in front of me, the cigarette getting smashed on the wooden coffee table along with the bottle of beer being sat down, I feel a large hand grab mine and pull me up in a second. The cigarette in my mouth gets ripped out and flicked at the dude I took it from, causing me to look up at the person who did it.

I see gray orbs and stumble back but a hand gets placed on the center of my back, completely stopping me from moving any further.

"Vali why are you here?" A grin spreads across his face for the first time ever, allowing me to see his perfect white teeth and dimples. I giggle at how cute they are, but that just leads into hiccups that make his smile grow more.

"I had to make sure you don't get yourself in danger, which by the way you would. But I'm not going to sit back and watch you get hurt, that wouldn't make me a great watcher now would it?"

"No, I guess not." Vali bend his head and whispers in my ear so no one around can hear,

"That male you just sat beside has been staring at the way your dress has ridden up, in fact he is planning to do something as soon as you are by yourself." My breathing hitches deep in my throat, my stomach feeling as if it has dropped to the floor beneath me.

"Follow my lead."

"Wha-" I don't finish the question before Vali's hands grab the back of my thighs and lifts me up to his waist, my legs wrap around him before he walks us out of the room and into the hallway. I watch in the reflection of one of the picture frames, the dude I sat beside watching the doorway we just disappeared through.

"Should I be concerned about anyone else?" I felt high up while he held me, the hall deserted from anything alive other than us.

"No I'm pretty sure you're all good, just go home."

"I don't know where Gray is."

"Who is Gray?" My head tilts to the side, arms still wrapped around his neck, making me shiver at how I seemed like the girl from earlier. A lightbulb goes off in my head and everything clicks.

"Oh sorry I mean Grayson." Vali nods his head, I watch as his eyes shut. I look at his facial features more closely, tempted to touch it to see if they are as sharp as they seem. No scars or pimples line his face, or even scruff from a growing beard, his face is smooth and tan.

"βρείτε το Grayson." (Translation: Find Grayson)

When he opens his eyes they are a more rich gray color, a shade lighter from black. He stares into mine,

"He's in the kitchen."

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