Leaigh Needs You

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Vali's POV

I know it's trying to overtake her, at the rate it's moving she will be deteriorated before the day of 18th birthday. It's against the centuries old Watcher rule system for me to interfere with her internal battle in this stage. Normally it wouldn't bother me but hers is deadly, and I feel like she isn't going to be strong enough to win this one.

It starts with internal exposure, attacking and quickly weakening her senses, completely changing her perspective on life and herself. She'll start to notice things of a separate reality that no one else can access but herself. It'll be the reality her brain has formed over the years of her existence, constantly changing based on her thoughts.

But when it happens she won't know it's just a mere visage of what her conscious has created, she will think it's real the whole time. The only thing I am able to do is hope she can separate reality from her produced reality with the signs she is given.

It will mess with her mental on extreme levels-if she doesn't realize its fake- until she gives up trying to understand it, then it will overtake her. It supposed to take place on her birthday, but based off of its impatience it's trying to take control of her early.

The Geist in her soul has turned into the most powerful evil I have ever seen in all of my existence. Even Ulfric is trying to comprehend how it became so powerful to begin with. There are severe traumatizing details in her life that have taken place at some point.

Whether it happened long ago or not, it was so awful that it made her forget that particular piece of her life and her Geist to switch to the evil side. At first we thought it was based solely after her car accident and the death of her father, however we came to the conclusion that it is something else...and whatever it may be, it's 10x worse.

I've had my share of seeing traumatizing things and how they affect people, so it's actually really concerning that it changed the major details of her life. The worst part of all is that she has no idea what is going on, but her ego and constant mentality of handling things herself will prevent her from asking anyone. Imagine what it's like to try and save someone from their self but you can't do anything but watch from the sidelines.

I receive glimpses of what she sees and hears, even though she thinks I'm oblivious to everything...but I have to keep it that way. It's eating her away and it's extremely obvious, she makes less snarky and sarcastic comments and when she smiles it doesn't reach her eyes. She doesn't even yell at the humans kissing in front of her locker.

Grayson's disappearance off the face of the earth isn't helping either, she thinks it's because of something she did but that's far from right. I don't understand the concept of basic human neural impulses, I always perceived it as weak and pathetic...but that's how I was created to think. Sure I get angry sometimes but it is far more complicated than a human emotion, especially when it involves a non-human.

But now I can't help but feel worried for her and it made me extremely confused since I wasn't used to experiencing this. I never went farther than helping humans and moving to the next human like clockwork, maybe it was because Leaigh's story is different than theirs. Maybe it was the way she kept her sarcasm fresh or never mirrored the people that surrounded her but she was intoxicating. She was different and it was causing me to slack off, Ulfric berated me the day after he found out I got drunk at a human party.

I knew I was putting the Watchers at risk by being to reckless but I wasn't thinking at all when I decided to do it, and that was extremely unlike me. I was always an over thinker and analyzer, it showed through my work and success with humans. After I pulled the stunt I started returning back to the place everything started a long time ago. That's where I am now. In the sacred land of Watchers as they put it, but I continue to think the name they gave it is ridiculous.

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