Sir Yes Sir

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"You know what Leaigh, you're the definition of a brat, always sauntering around like a lost cause trying to get pity from any and every one."

A crowd had gathered around, listening to the dispute with attentive ears, occasionally muttering an 'ahh' or 'ooh' when one of us said something juicy. My patience is a short fuse at default, but Rachael just decided to stop me in the middle of the hallway and start an argument. I could practically feel my jaw hurting from the pressure I was applying by clenching it.

"Yah know what Rachael, you're the definition of a pseud, always trying to act like you are something when you're not just to feel on top and better than everyone else. There's a dictionary in section 3 of the library in case you need it. Oh and a little word of advice, stretch before you reach, next time I won't give you an English lesson I'll just shove my fist twenty inches down your esophagus." I walk away through the crowd towards my third class of the day.

I don't have to look back to know her face is radiating heat from anger and embarrassment. Duke, a kid I rarely talk to, comes up with his hand fixed in a high-five motion, probably waiting for my hand to slap his but mine just dangles by my side.

"Go to class Duke." I don't spare him a glance and huff at my already tardiness to class. I hear him mutter a 'Yes ma'am' before scurrying off, I don't mean to be rude but bickering back and forth with Walmart Queen B put me in a piss-poor mood.


Fed up with everything I ignore everyone, including all the stares I receive when I walk into World History ten minutes late, especially when I'm always one of the first to class.

"Care to explain why you're late Ms. Maraigne?" I hear Mr. Lakis's deep voice rumble out from his desk but I continue to walk to mine.

"Mmmgh." No words leave my mouth, but the sound seemed to be a good enough answer being that Mr. Lakis got started on the lesson without another word.


"Leaigh, I think I'm in love." Gray tells me, an unusual sparkle in his eyes, and extra pep in his step. "With what?" As soon as those two words left my mouth Grayson gasped, his right hand flying up to his hurt as it he was wounded.

"Not what, who." I looked back at Gray but look ahead again, but when I think about what he said my eyes go wide and my mouth lifts up into a small smile. "And who might that be sir Grayson?"

"Eww don't ever call me that again, but anyways her name's Alessandra, she just moved here and she asked me to show her around."

"Aw true love at its finest." The words taste bitter as they spew out, making my face contort into a disgusted look.

"Watching you try to speak positive about something you hate is hilarious." Gray laughs out loudly, making me roll my eyes and grunt.

"Shut up, just don't be that couple that kisses each other every five seconds. I already have to deal with that enough as it is." Apparently saying this jinxed it, because ahead of me in front of my locker was, yeah you guessed it, a couple standing with their tongues down each other's throats.

"Scram." They stop and look at me as if I had said something in a different language, but the look I give them must let them know It's not the best time to argue back with me. When I put my stuff in I slam my locker hard, a little more than necessary but I would redo the task again and again just to get the frustration out.

I look down and see bloody crescents engraved into my palm, probably a result from clenching my fist so hard. "How bout we go to a party Gray, I need a strong drink." I say with the most enthusiasm I've had today.

"Sounds good to me."

Me and Gray agreed he would pick me up at 8:30 to go to the party, at the moment I'm rummaging through my closet for an outfit to wear. My room in a mess covered in colorful clothing while I pace back and forth picturing multiple outfits in my head.

I finally settle on a soft satin purple mid-thigh length dress, with thin straps. I pair it with silver stilettos and a straight middle part hair style. When I get finished dressing I look at the time on my phone and see I have only five minutes to grab my phone and rush downstairs. Gray is always on time, like right on the dot, and he does not like having to wait.

I hear the car horn sound from out in front of my house.

Impatient idiot.

I slide in the passenger seat, not listening to Gray go on and on about how I was a minute late. When we finally pull up to the party, there is a bunch of cars and even more dancing bodies with red cups in their hands. Trash liters the lawn while we walk down the driveway towards the front of the house.

As soon as Gray open the front door and we walk through, I feel hot body heat surround me. The smell of alcohol, perspiration, and warm electricity takes over my senses. Loud music booms through the house, louder than I expected but what I expected wasn't accurate anyway, you could literally hear the music before you even got out of the car.

The aura of no one giving a care about anything in life right now, fills the air in a thick cloud. People dance against each other, moving along with the rhythm of the music while it vibrates through the room. I drag Gray towards the punch table and grab a cup for us both before filling it up with the dark blue punch.

"You know that's probably spiked right?"

"Uh yeah that's the whole point."

"Take it easy on the drinks okay."

"Sir yes sir."

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