All Of My Power

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Me and Damen made our way to the empty dance floor, everyone silently gathered around to watch our performance just as we will watch everyone else. The song creeps on, we take our places in the middle, my back facing Damen and my hand in his. His hand raises to my waist, stilling to wait for the first key. Everyone's strong gazes are on us, bright smiles staring back simultaneously. I take a deep breath and prepare myself for the show that begins.

Hot summer nights, mid July.

Damen's hand presses down on my hip to guide my body into a side dip, his other hand sliding down the other side to support me under my arms. He pulls me back up and spins me on the tips of my feet, both of us falling into a backwards step and turning. The skirt of my dress flies up off the floor in a graceful manner as we dance across it. I take a deep breath as the moment comes where he dips me backwards so I face the audience. He guides me into the backwards sweep, hair almost hitting the floor had he not picked me up in time.

Will you still love me?

This round he falls backwards a step, I step forward and to the side before taking a step backwards. Everyone watches mesmerized when we fall into a soft waltz. My eyes dart around the crowds shamefully looking for him, a sign of him, anything. I keep my eyes off of Damen, all it would take is a short glimpse and he would know there was someone else I'd much rather dance with than him. My feet stumble when I spot him behind the crowds, his height towering over everyone else before him. I catch a glimpse of his terrifying beauty.

I've seen the world, lit it up, as my stage now.

His gaze burns my skin, dark silver stare among the other normal eyes. My heels ache my feet, my body growing heavier at his judging gaze, watching Damen guide me around. The song slips into my pores, dousing me in rhythm to keep my body flowing against all of the anxious stares. Vali's hair is gelled back down his head, a single lock refusing to be stored away. The golden crown wraps around his head like a second skin, like he was born to fit it. I can't see past his chest, but I know he wears an all black outfit. Somethings will never change with him, but I don't mind.

At the sight of his smirk I almost fall, sending a glare in his direction but silently thanking Damen for his sturdy grip on me. We switch parts, this time me leading in the backwards step and Damen stepping forward. My eyes shoot to Vali whenever we turn his way, a mischievous glint in his eyes. My mom stands at the other side of the room near Damen's mother and father. They look like the definition of sophisticated, nothing like the people who live in this town. Right now in their element, fitting perfectly among the star dressed attendees.

Dear Lord, when I get to heaven, please let me bring my man.

We reach the final stretch in the dance, when our moves become sharper and bolder. Damen uses my left hand and lets go of my waist, spinning me out in the direction of our parents. I send a smile to my mother before I get reeled back in, back turning towards Vali's direction and Damen's hand slides under my back. The lights from the chandelier are almost blinding when I look up. I study the details of the mural covered raised ceilings when I fall back into the final dip. My hair reaches the ground under me, head tipped back to see Vali standing at the front of the crowd. He does something I never thought I'd see, he sends me a small smile and a wink. It's reassuring, something I craved for the past few weeks in which I was denied. My teeth show for the first time today, in a genuine smile, just as the last key is played to the song.

Will you still love me? When I'm not young and beautiful?

I still smile when I come back up, applauds and cheers sound throughout the room. My mother has a full stream of tears down her face, the waterproof makeup being put to use. We bow and walk to the surrounding crowds, excitement finally flowing through my veins and extinguishing my feared thoughts. He made me feel untouchable, stronger than anything I'd face tonight, but I had no idea how he did it. It was so odd seeing him do such a human thing, I couldn't help but take off in his direction behind the crowd, dipping out without alerting anyone of my disappearance.

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