You Ever Been Drunk

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Vali walks us to the kitchen, where I find Gray laughing with a girl I've never seen before. It's one of those laughs that make you stomp your foot or hit your hand on the table, or rather any surface within reach. I look back at Vali, who is watching the whole ordeal go down like he's never seen anyone laugh so stupidly before.

I laugh and smack my face into his shoulder, before asking him to put me down, to which he obliged.

"Grayson?" I stand in front of Vali, the whole room goes silent and Gray looks between the both of us. "Who's that?" He ask, looking to Vali with a confused but drunk look.

"Who's that?" I point to the girl he now has his arm wrapped around.

"Leaigh this is Alessandra, Alessandra this is Leaigh." A large smile spreads across her face, making me smile and wiggle my eyebrows suggestively at Gray.

"Nice to meet you." When I go to stick my hand out I stumble forward again, why did I get drunk again? Vali grabs my shoulders and straightens me back up, I mumble an incoherent 'thank you' but I think he understood what I meant.

"Nice to meet you as well." Her voice is soft and smooth, it wouldn't be that big of a surprise if I found out she could sing. She definitely needs to work for Audible, her voice could lure in anyone. She looked and seemed perfect for Gray, and I barely even knew her thus far, but the smile on her face and the way she laughed with him just told me deep down they were meant to much as that makes me want to barf.

I hear Gray clear his throat and look at me expectantly, making me turn to Vali, "Umm..." He nods his head, letting me know it's okay to tell Gray his real name.

"Gray this is Vali, Vali this is Gray." Vali keeps his right hand on my left shoulder and shakes Gray's hand with his left. Vali's left handed like Gray?

They don't say anything to each other, which makes everything silent and awkward in the room...speaking of which I noticed no one has entered since we came in.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Not really, is it too much to ask if we can stay another thirty minutes, if you don't want to we can leave now." I shake my head with a small smile on my face. "No no, y'all have fun me and Vali will just go play beer pong." Vali nods his head, I grab his hand and lead him toward the beer pong table.

"I didn't know you were left handed."

"I use both but I saw Grayson use his left so I knew he was left handed."


"What's beer pong?" I stop walking and look back with a smirk on my face, Oh he is in for it. "You'll see."

When we reach the table I grab a bottle of some brand of Lager and pour it into the red cups on the table, I fix them in the correct positions and place Vali at the end. "Okay so the way the game works is you toss the ping pong ball over here into one of these cups, you make it in, I drink it and flip it over while you can go again. If you miss it's my turn and I throw it into the cups in front of you, I make it, you drink and I can go again. It's pretty simple but it is hard if you have horrible aim."


I toss the pong to Vali and he catches it, "You can go first since it's your first time."

He tosses it and It makes it in, so I pick up the cup and drink the contents of it before flipping it over. He throws again and makes it, making me repeat the same action. When misses I throw the ball into one of his cups and he drinks it, he eyes the rest after he finishes it making me laugh.

"That tasted like dirt." I laugh harder and throw again, and again, making it in each time then watching Vali down the cheap disgusting beer. He has two left but I miss and he gets the ball back, and of course he makes it, knocking the number on my side down to the same as his.

I pour the beer out of the cups and replace it with hard liquor, making the game more interesting. I down the liquor when he makes it, welcoming the familiar burn that runs down my throat and courses through my veins. He misses and I make it in his, when he drinks it his face doesn't twist but he just shakes it off, throwing the cup over his shoulder.

I line up the last shot and make it in, winning the game, making Vali drink his last cup and mine. He stumbles to the side, which looks funny in my twisted vision.

"Please tell me Watchers can't get drunk." I hiccup out, my whole body feels like when your leg falls asleep and you finally move it, making the blood rush through quickly.

"Nope, they definitely can. And I don't like it." Vali's voice comes out deeper and huskier, with a slight rasp to it.

"Wanna go again?"


Vali and I went again, me winning of course while watching Vali get drunk off his tail. It is a hilarious sight to say the least, him uttering out sentences or words that made no sense, I also took notice that he was changing languages every time he talked.

By the end of it we were both drunk out of our minds after ditching the beer and just using the liquor. The room started spinning, the floors felt like they were moving in different directions while I tried to walk to him.

"You look funny." He chuckled out at me. His hands grabbing my face and tracing my nose with a hilarious look on his face.

"I think I'm going to fall." He says with a serious look on his face, making me laugh so hard my eyes watered. Just as he said he falls, but unfortunately for me, he falls forward... taking me down with him. I get squished under his body weight, gasping for air as he laughs.

"Val-li get o-off of me-e." He rolls of and looks at the ceiling like it's the Milky Way. I sit breathing in air at a scary pace, I sound like an unfit dolphin that just tried to go for a swim for the first time in years.

"What's today?"

"What?" He questions.

"What day is it?"

"Friday...I think."



"I'm just relieved that's all." He looks over at me, my breathing back to normal.

"You ever been drunk before?" I question this time, holding in a laugh at how his face is he is holding in pain, laughter, and a sentence.


"You'll see why tomorrow."

Hidden In The Dark (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now