They're Just Dreams

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"Leaigh?" Large hands shake my shoulders, pulling me away from the deep darkness in my lifeless eyes. Vali stands before me with a concerned look on his face, his hands still on my shoulders.

"Leaigh, what happened?" My mouth opened but my brain apparently struggled to properly formulate coherent words, so only stutters protruded from my open mouth. "Listen to me Leaigh, what happened?" I shake my head when I feel hot tears gather at my lids and threaten to spill onto my face.

Vali's hand swipes at my cheek, removing the tears that I failed to keep in on my damp face. He holds my face, immediately stopping my wandering eyes that were moving around everywhere at an extremely fast pace, I look him in the eyes but I can't tell what those gray but mysterious orbs hold.

"Breathe...and tell me what you saw."

"It was a-a room, and it was dark and completely destroyed," The flashes of blood puddles that sat scattered around the room filled my head, "there was blood everywhere." Vali nods his head, signaling for me to continue speaking.

"And I was there...on the floor in a puddle of my own blood." My eyes flicker to the ground and back up before he can say something about them leaving his. "You should've seen me Vali," my lip quivers, making me mentally slap myself on the head for being so weak. "It's like I wasn't really there, like I had already accepted my fate and I was just waiting to die."

He takes a step back, clearly fazed by what I said about myself. He runs a hand through his hair in I guess agitation, which is something I never thought I would see. I make the idiotic decision of looking down at his bare physique.

I feel my face turn red while my eyes wander over him like birds in the sky, especially the ones that scatter and break away from the group. Literally what is the point of wearing a shirt when this could be on display for everyone to see 24/7??????

Oh dear God help me!!!!!

The lines and indentions, like a perfect written essay, okay you see one Greek God of a body and you're already spitting corny stuff like there is no tomorrow. He is definitely drool worthy, I have to force my eyes away before he looks back up to me with a blank face and I pray that he doesn't see the embarrassment that is written all over my face.

"How many of these dreams or visions have you had?" I can't help it when my eyes flicker down to his stone carved abdomen but I have to force myself to look away.

Lord give me strength I'm begging.

I clear my throat which has gone dry from the view in front of me, "Just 2."

"You shouldn't be having them that's impossible." My eyebrows lift but instead of asking I make a stupid statement,

"But they're just dreams." I remark confidently, but I knew deep down it didn't make sense and that obviously wasn't the answer, especially if Vali was involved.

"No Leaigh they aren't just dreams."

"Well then what is it, because it's bothering me Vali. They seem so real that I actually believe I'm there... until I wake up and everything is different, its making me question everything, even my sanity." I pull at the locks of hair that escaped by bun throughout training.

"I-I don't know wha-what to do." Tears pour down my face at a rapid pace, too quick to even brush them out of existence before they drip down my face. A strong wave of heat starts from the center of my back and spreads across by body like fire towards the front.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME????" I roar out, through wet blurry vision I see Vali flash me a look of confusion and a smirk works its way onto his face, one that makes me want to stomp on his incredible beautiful face.

What is so amusi- why is he so attractive?

What, no shut up.

My eyes widen, my mouth dropping from a snarl into an o-shape. I purse my lips, my mind already coming to a conclusion but I was just ready to go home.

"Take me home please." Vali gave me a skeptical look but nodded nonetheless, probably worried on how I would react if he said no. I don't even know how we got here to be honest, I just remember waking up on the hard cold floor fully dressed in exercise gear... I didn't ask a single question.

"So like do I need to prepare myself for wings to come from behind your back or no?" I wasn't trying to be funny, I've just ready too many books...watched too many movies.

"I'm a Watcher Leaigh, not an angel."

"Whatever, take me home."

"Your wish is my command."

I feel the tip of Vali's long fingers gently touch the skin that covers my forehead, a cool feeling spreads upon the surface of my smooth skin when his finger makes contact with my head. A deep rumble sounds from deep within his chest, before projecting from his throat.

"Σπίτι." (Translation: Home.)

My eyes flutter shut at his command, the once soft glow that seeped through the skin of my eyelids, disappeared without a trace. It was so dark for a moment that It made me almost frightened to open my eyes.

But, when I did, I was met with my empty spotless kitchen. All sleek and modern but I didn't necessarily like it, it just seemed to be something that wanted to be perfect, when I loved imperfect. It felt empty and cold, no paint peeling or nails loose, void of character and memories, just.....perfect.

I rushed to grab a Gatorade and a box of Cheez-itz, my all time favorite snack and drink duo. After doing what was necessary in the bathroom, I collapsed in the spinny chair in front of my dark wood desk. Although my energy was almost out, I managed to change into fresh clothes after a hot shower.

If I hadn't used it all up earlier today I would have went for a few spins, but the heavy aching feeling that settled itself deep into my muscles and bones, refused to let me do so.

I ate the cheesy goodness until I was sure I was made 50% of it. I groaned as I tried to crawl out of my bedroom window, but being tired and sore along with having a full stomach...proved it to be more difficult than I previously assumed.

And no I'm not sneaking out, I don't put THAT much effort into something. Especially when I knew my mom would let me go as long as I was with someone at all times, and was being responsible.

I finally made it to the other side and walked up the roof towards the highest point. Remembering how terrified I was the first time I decided to scale the roof made me laugh at my stupid antics.

The view wasn't the only reason I was up here, though it is gorgeous. The thing I come up here for is the wind that you don't feel when you're on ground level, it's colder and more powerful. The kind of wind that makes your lungs expand more than deemed possible, while your eyes gloss over at the sudden temperature drop.

Those winds that make you hold yourself, and think about everything...those are truly the best winds. The sun is close to beginning it's decent, ready to let the beautiful white moon take it's place and glow brightly instead of shinning.

I wish I could stay like this forever, time on pause and not slipping out of my grasp like it always does. I want to stay here, calm and cool, embraced by the air and cocooned by the earth.

I want to stay....

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