Shut Up and Listen

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I decided to walk home alone since Gray had soccer practice after school, now even though me and my mom are really good in the money section I told her to never buy me a car. I know it sounds dumb but they are not my thing anymore, I use to love the idea of having my own car to drive everywhere but after the accident I never brought myself to drive one.

The very accident that took place 2 years ago with me and my father when we were on the way home from buying my mom her Mother's Day presents. The crash included three cars and a Jersey barrier and resulted in two casualties, one being my father. This also resulted in me loosing my vision for 2 months and then after gaining it back they were extremely sensitive aka my Photophobia.

I know people can be traumatized but I in a way wasn't, I can get in a car without a worry in the world but a soon as someone brings up me sitting behind the wheel I freak. I've been through the grief and I guess I fear being the one responsible for causing someone else to go through it.

I continued to walk down the sidewalk until I got off of campus grounds. Yes I know you are probably screaming at me to not walk home alone cause something bad will probably happen but trust me I have been walking the same route since I started high school, I'll be fine.

I break off and cross the street to get on the other side, this sidewalk has a chain link fence that stretches all the way down the road and blocks off strangers from someone's property. Uncut trees hang overhead casting a shadow on the ground, the trees break apart revealing a rickety looking cottage beyond the fence.

I always called it sweet pea since every time I walked in front of it I would catch a whiff of sweetness, though I didn't know what caused it.

I came up on the worst part of the walk, the part where it was completely dark and eerie, even at the peak of daylight. Even though my town hardly had a bad reputation in crime it still freaked me out to walk through it.

"Okay you got this Leaigh you're a big girl." I took a deep breath in and picked up my pace as I entered the dimness of the alleyway.

I was a quarter way through when I heard a clatter of metal which made me take off down the dark pathway, the downside of this creepy alley was that it went on for minutes and minutes in length. I didn't look to see what caused the noise and just ran to create some distance between me and it.

Maybe if I had some other friends besides Gray I would be able to FaceTime them so at least they could see if I was kidnapped and call someone. I stuff my hands in the pocket of my leather jacket and continue walking down, glancing everywhere around me making sure no one was following me. My black Dr. Martens scruff against the rough ground making my presence known to any rat or person around.

Thankfully I was wearing black ripped jeans with black boots and a cropped black thrasher shirt paired with a black leather jacket. The only thing that gave me away was my light skin and rich brown hair, which even then you could barely see.

I kept focusing on the light at the end and watched as it slowly came closer. I was half way there when I heard footsteps behind me, I turned my head quickly to see who it was and picked up my pace when I saw nothing but the light from the entrance of the valley.

I turned back around and grabbed the straps on my backpack harshly to rid myself of anxiety.

"You have to be a very cretinous child to walk down a dark alleyway unaccompanied, although you are a child after all." A deep stoic voice came from behind me. I spun around to be met with an extremely tall.... person.

"Who are you?"

"A being that hardly wants to be here."

"Okayyyyy I'm just gonna um go." I turned on my heel and began to walk away before the deep voice called out again. It scared me not being able to see any of his features but the fact that he was almost 7ft tall.

"I would reconsider your actions." This made me stop dead in my tracks, the voice sounded terrifying almost like his voice itself knew all my worst fears and was using them against me.

I could hardly make out any of his face but I could see that he was wearing a black hoodie with black jeans and also black Timberland boots. I felt that at the moment the light in the alleyway was playing tricks, I could see his whole outfit but for some reason couldn't see anything else.

Everything in me was screaming to run and don't look back, but his voice and choice of words made my feet stick to the ground and my legs go weak. I continued to look at the tall figure behind me, well in front of me now that I had turned around.

"It seems that I was assigned to you, Leaigh Maraigne."

"Assigned?" I questioned back, even though it wasn't the smartest idea to even be talking to a stranger in a dark alley.

"That is what I said." Totally not answering my question. I lifted my arm and looked at the imaginary watch on my bare wrist,

"Okay well I'll see you around, I should be getting home." I turned and began to walk off but was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I winced from the vice grip like hold he had on it,

"What do you want!" I snapped, trying to shake his hand off but it wouldn't budge.

"Okay listen clearly, I don't have the patience for your stupidity so shut up and listen." He growled out between his teeth, on any day that voice would make my blood run cold.

I fidgeted with my sunglasses that were folded in my right pocket, there was no sense in wearing them being that it was dark and my eyes would be fine.

What have I gotten myself into now?

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