You Should See Him

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I'm going to rip my hair from my head and shove it down Vali's throat.

"Is the world ending?" Not bothering to sit up on the bed or open my eyes I grumble out at Vali who is currently running around my room shifting things around like a mad man. At least that's what it sounds like, either way he's being too loud for it to be the early morning. I know what he's doing, he can try to disguise his true intentions as an accident but I know he's trying to get me up on purpose. Why? I don't know.


"Are you dying?"


"Then why on the surface of this dying earth are you in my room trying to wake me up at 3 in the morning?" He supposed to be here in a few hours not now, I want to get as much sleep in before he runs me until I turn into a slug. It's already horrible enduring the work I put on my body, especially since I have to go to school soon after we finish. But now he's interrupting my wonderful cherished sleep, one that I'd like to return to soon.

"I have to meet Ulfric at the time we were originally supposed to train so we're training now. Here get dressed." Right as he grumbles out there is a black fabric that is flung to my face, smacking me but remaining draped over my vision as I stiffened. There is nothing that sets me off more than waking me up from my sleep at such a forbidden hour, but being unnecessarily rude came really close to it.

I rip the fabric off of my face to glare at him, he stands in a military stance before me. Legs clad in black cargo pants with a black glowing sword at his hip. Black boots are laced up over his feet and a tight black shirt covering his chest. With leather gloves on each hand he looked like he was going into some sort of battle. It was definitely in contrast to what he normally wore.

"You look like a hit man ready to have some fun." Vali doesn't laugh at my words nor does he change his harden face in the slightest. No traces of amusement in his eyes, although there rarely was anything other than blank. After letting out an aggravated huff I grab the outfit and change in the bathroom along with doing my other necessities. When I return he's standing in the exact same spot, same expression on his face, almost like he's frozen. I wave my hand up in front of his face to catch his attention as his eyes remain glued to the same spot on the floor.

The more I examine his face the more I see the thoughts running through his head, they seem so loud they echo through the air, but I just can't hear what they say. "Vali?" He just stares blankly, I reach my hand up to his chest to give him a hesistant pat, but right before my hand can meet him it goes right through. I stare horrified at my hand thats disappeared into his chest, my hand feels normal like its waving through air when I flex my fingers, but there is no flesh. He turns so suddenly and sharply that I jump away from him, his eyes not normal with a glossy coat and his face morphed into a more animalistic structure instead of human.

"You have to wake up." Vali's voice is completely empty, lips moving mechanically like he was programed to say it in that certain way.


"WAKE UP!" His eyes go black and his mouth pulls up into a snarl, I hadn't realized how scary he was until he was right in my face. This wasn't him, there's no way it could be. He's never acted or looked this way at I'm the enemy. His hand wraps around my throat tightly before he shakes me, constantly yelling 'wake up' in my face. Only when I feel my vision go black do I wake up in my bed with a gasp, but still find a hand wrapped around my throat.

A black hood covers my vision, so close to my face that I can feel the cold breath on my face while I start to lose mine. A deep growl is masked by the pounding in my head, there were no sounds other than me trying to heave in oxygen, but the hand squeezing my throat denied that. The shadows of outside made the figure darker than they actually were, but I still recognized it as the Hoodie Man. Nows the time to put that training to use, Leaigh.

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