6 And A Half

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"What are you doing?" I hear Vali's deep voice ask from behind me as I climb onto the stump remains of a light post. I'm probably the reason he thinks humans are idiots but at the moment I just...don't care.

"Have you never watched The Karate Kid? Come on man this move is legendary. I just have no clue how to do it." I pull my knee up into the crane kick motion and flatten my face out to make myself look serious. I know if I look down at Vali who watches me in amusement I'll lose all seriousness and break out into laughter.

"What is this Karate Kid you speak of?" My jaw almost drops, who doesn't know what the Karate Kid is? "I'm going to choose to ignore the disrespect to the backbone of this nation." My hands curl out over my head mimicking two King Cobra's.

My body tilts slightly but I try to retrieve my equilibrium before I fall and bust open my head. The longer I stay there the more my conscious tells me to get my butt off of there so I go for it. I've heard the saying not to try these stunts at home and that they are performed by trained professionals but like no one listens to movie warnings.

When I switch legs it doesn't play out like it did in my head, instead of going further out and landing on the ground I end up hitting the edge of the post with my foot and falling forward to the ground. I groan in pain as my cheek makes contact with the cracked concrete, I just sit there accepting my defeat.

Vali's face holds one of those 'you're an idiot' smirks on his masculine built face. I wince when I swipe over the skin of my cheekbone and grab Vali's extended hand. "We will never speak of this, understood?"

His hands presses against my cheekbone, my instinctive response to jerk away but I move back to his touch. A warm tingly feeling flows from his fingertips to my face until it disappears replaced by numbness. My eyes widen and my fingers press my face, I have kind of accepted this whole thing but I still can't get over the fact that he can do this stuff.

"Have you always been this asinine?" On cue a warning alarm goes off in my head when I realize that word isn't in my vocabulary. I have good grades in school but when it comes to being so eloquently spoken it's a no for me. And yes the only reason I even know the word eloquently is because I saw it on a video.

"I have no freaking clue what that means but I'm just going to say no."

What follows is nothing but mere silence and cold air, the sound of my boots scuffing against the rough ground. Vali though, makes no sound, not even a cloud of breath leaves his nose or mouth.

"Vali were you always a Watcher?" His face is solid blank and for a moment I think he is just going to ignore me but his hand brushes against his jaw. "No, I wasn't created to be one, not like the others."

"There are more?"


"Ooh can I meet them oh my God that would be sick! Wait do they even like humans? Are they like you? I have to meet them now!"

"No." I do a double take at his chilled answer, don't get me wrong he always sounds a bit dead inside but he just sounds scary now. Like he's just an entity waiting in the shadows for the perfect moment when your most vulnerable.

Okay now you just sound like a weirdo Leaigh.

"I'm a little confused of which question you were answering." His gaze makes me regret my playful manner, I gnash my teeth at him like I'm trying to bite him.

"Did you just bite at me?" I can't contain my laughter when he ask with his left eyebrow arched up. I see his eyes do that weird expanding thing for a split second until a small smile appears on his face. My jaw drops to the ground at the unexpected facial expression.

Hidden In The Dark (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now