A Little Too Young

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Vali's POV

One month prior.

"You're still not getting them, not now but soon." The face Leaigh made let me know she was loosing patience with me. But I knew the scolding I would receive from Ulfric was worse then this little devil human. So if I had to give it a go then so be it, deep down I was doing it more for her safety too.

It was dangerous for her to know all the information,  the reality was a bit complex for just a basic human to understand.

But she's not just any human

"Ugh you always say that! Soon was two weeks ago and I'm a very impatient growing girl." And there she goes. I felt bad for anyone else who dared to stand in the way of what she wanted.

"With what just happened I think you're more of a grown man." I try not to laugh at the excess water dripping down the sides of her face near her headlines. I watch her wind the rag up and get ready but her body freezes. Her eyes widen and flicker down to her wrist before back up to mine.

"Leaigh!" My hands go to grab her when she falls backwards, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. I shake her shoulders but her semi lifeless body just lays on the ground without response. "Leaigh! Wake up."


4 weeks later.

My fingers weakly skim across my temples to try and ease the horrible pains but just like the last couple of weeks it just gets worse. The shattered glass sits in shards on the ground beside me, my back leant against the kitchen cabinets.

Leaigh still hasn't woken up and it's destroying me, physically and mentally. The doubts started to roll in and it only angered me more than I already was. She couldn't give up now, not when she's got so much to fight for. I'm not ready for her to give up on herself, she's one of the strongest people I know and she's a human. Now that's something I never thought I would say.

I fight the urge to succumb to the darkness that wants to overtake me and never let go. Every watcher has a physical connection to their human but what I found confusing was the fact I felt every emotion she did. The days we're passing and I became weaker the more she turned into a vegetable.

I made the foolish mistake of underestimating her Geist and now it's it proving how powerful it is. Visiting Leaigh everyday is getting harder not just because I'm weak, but because realistically it pains me to see her like that. When you hear that specific persons voice so much, it really begins to take affect when you can no longer hear it echoing in your ears leaving that sweet warm feeling behind.

At this point I was completely cut off from everything, I can't talk to anyone and I can't leave. For the past 4 weeks I've been stuck living like a sick human all alone. That detail use to never bother me. In fact I preferred to be alone then surrounded by humans or beings. But now it appears it does.

On the verge of losing my mind, I try to pick myself up of the ground using the top of the cold marble counter. I feel a small arm slip behind me and under my arm, a grunt comes from a mouth next to me as my weight lightens and I get lifted up. "Why were you always such a buffalo." Failing to send her a glare, Naomi threatens to take her support away from me with a snicker.  "You always thought you were funny, little did you know the only reason people say you are is because they sympathize for you."

"Oh shut up you ancient piece of existence, one blow and you'll return back to dust gramps." The smile on my face is wiped off by her use of the word gramps, the same word used by Leaigh when we first met. That was how I figured out that she wasn't like any other human, now I wished that she was...maybe then I wouldn't feel this way.

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