Like Fecal Matter

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When my eyes spread open, a sharp pain erupts in my head, covering every inch of my skull. Just by trying to lift my head, it felt 1000 pounds heavier than its normal weight. I massage my temples in hopes the cut throat pain will settle down enough for me to get an Aspirin.

I couldn't even tell what time it was, or how I even got home and ended up in my bed. Everything that happened last night was hazy, all I remember was playing beer pong and meeting someone.


Yeah that was her name, I think she was a friend of Gray's, "I think I might be in love..."

I remembered him saying that about her yesterday, causing me to sit up quickly in my bed and groan. I met her and I don't even remember what actually happened....what if I was mean, or stupid, or crazy?

I hear a loud thump on the floor in front of my bed, followed by a deep groan. I immediately sat up and looked over the end of it, ignoring the pulsating feeling in my head all the way to my neck.

"Τι μου έκανες?" A husky voice grits out, the sentence sounds slurred, no doubt in a different language. I roll off of the bed, hitting the floor while I grabbed at my scalp to ease the tension. "Egghh Vali, what are you doing here?" My voice is raspy and dry, like I have smoked cigarettes for the past 40 years of my 'existence'. (Translation: what did you do to me?)

I crawl on my knees and see Vali laying on his face, a black tank top and black sweatpants on, no shoes but socks the color of black...of course.

"Dude what happened to you? Yah look like fecal matter."

"We got drunk you idiotic CHILD." He growls out, but it's followed by a sound of pain. He looks up, his pupils flashing between gray and black while the white that surrounded them took the color of red and pink.

I laugh but wince when it scratches my raw throat.

"Come on."

I climb up and walk towards the door, I hear all types of sound come from behind me, grunts, growls, curses, mumbles, thuds, bumps, slams...the list goes on and on.

"Put pants on Leaigh." I look down and see I just have a long shirt on, my bare legs out to the world. "Oops." I run over to my dresser and pull out a pair of joggers, pulling them on without flashing my under garments.

"Now we can go."

I lead Vali downstairs, him ducking under all the archways or his head would be taken off. "Why are you so tall?" I grab the bottle of aspirin and give both of us two each.

"I don't know." I hand him a glass of water.

"Don't chew just swallow them with some water." He does and so do I right after him, I look up to him longingly.

"What exactly happened last night?"

"You were drunk, we met whatever her name is and I met Grayson. Then you taught me how to play beer pong, but for some reason we didn't even use beer. You got drunk, I got stupidly drunk, ended up holding your hair back while you hurled, then I hurled from watching you hurl. Grayson and I carried you up to your room while your mom was asleep, I fell down the stairs trying to get back down. Went to my apartment and then blacked out."

My eyebrows shot up sometime while he talked but I smiled nonetheless,


Vali's eyes dilate then close, "I have to go." I don't answer before he mumbles out something and disappears into thin air. Man I have got to get used to him and his...stuff.

I look at the time shown on the back of the stove, seeing it's almost three in the afternoon makes me rush upstairs and grab an outfit to take a shower. I turn the temperature in the shower up to the hottest it can get, and lather myself with my dove body wash. I stand there, the steaming hot water plus the aspirin easing my headache and instantly making me feel ten times better.

Normally I would hook my phone up and play my music on the speaker while I washed but the hangover that was present right now told me to not even get near my phone.

When I get dressed, I grab my wallet and head out of the house into the outside world, with my sunglasses perched on my nose.

The headache was fully gone now and a smile took its place instead, the sun was bright with no clouds in view. The temperature is the warmest it's been at in a month, everyone seemed to take notice to it because everyone sat in there yards relaxing or watching their kids play in the grass before them.

It was so bright, to the point it almost burned my eyes through the tint of my sunglasses. I soaked it all in while I still could, because before I would know it, the weather would be back to its normal dark and gloomy tomorrow.

I texted Gray but got no reply, but I didn't worry, he was probably hanging out with that sweet girl Alessandra. I didn't mind that he didn't answer, jealousy was something you could only feel if you were selfish and didn't care about that person. Now don't get me wrong, it's only human to be jealous, and there's nothing wrong with feeling that way sometimes. But my friend's happiness comes first before my wants, and that's a rule I'll always live by.

As I walk by Craig's deli, I don't stop in for a visit, but instead wave at him through the window while he helps customer after customer. Something that I'll never get used to is the bright pastel colored houses that sit in a row along the streets. Ranging from the colors of blue, red, purple, pink, green and yellow, along with an odd colored one that you saw every often among the rest.

The way the sunset reflected against the old bright paint, made you feel that magical essence, and you would suddenly understand why the original painters choose those colors.

They make you feel....breathless.

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