Chapter 3

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It was loud when Kazuichi stepped into the class room. Most people were already there. Akane and Nekomaru were standing on tables and Sonia was watching excitedly, cheering them on. Ok, what do I do? Miss Yukisome isn't here yet, and if I sit down straight away then people will notice. Wait, people still think I'm in love with Sonia, I'll go talk to her.

"Hello Miss Sonia!" he walked over to the beautiful girl.

"Hmm? Oh, hello Soda, what do you want?" she didn't seem impressed. At all.

"Nothing, just wondering what a beautiful lady like you is doing this morning!" he grinned.

"... what's on your face?" Sonia asked flatly.

"Oh uh, heh, I uh, ran into a wall..." he responded.

"Well that wasn't very smart, idiot."

"I didn't mean too!" Kazuichi whined. Sonia resumed her observation of her classmates who were standing on the tables. Kazuichi rocked from foot to foot, thinking of what to say.

"So um, what are you going to be doing for Christmas?"

"I am going back to my home country for a few weeks."

"Oh! That sounds fun!"




"Well so um..."

"Hello class!" Miss Yukizome burst through the door. Kazuichi sighed with relief and pulled out his chair. Thank god, I always forget how hard it is to hold a conversation with her... maybe she'd like me more if I stopped poorly flirting with her... probably... ugh, whatever.

"Ok, how is everyone this morning?" Miss Yukizome took her place at the front of the classroom. By now, everyone had arrived. Kazuichi realised everyone was actually answering her for once, and called out a, "pretty good!" to satisfy his teacher.

"I'm good!"



"This morning has been quite officiant."

Kazuichi looked up. Who was speaking like a lord of the rings character? Oh, Tanaka. The boy was sitting, slightly slouched against the back of his chair, around the front of the class, a hamster asleep on his shoulder. Ugh, weirdo. Well, I mean... Kazuichi didn't really hate him, but most of the class thought Tanaka was weird, so Kazuichi kind of just... joined in. He literally brings hamsters to class, who does that?

Miss Yukizome started the class and Kazuichi started to zone out, staring at the wall. His class mates were all weird, why didn't they like him? Well, Tanaka was weird and no one really liked him, but Kazuichi thought of himself as relatively normal. I do obsess over Sonia, but that's not even real! I'm just pretending to do that! Komeada follows Hinata around all the time and... a few people like him.

"Ok! Get into threes and we can start the project!" Soda snapped out of his thoughts. Oh shit. I have no idea what this is for.

"Oi, Soda shark, join me and Peko." Kazuichi looked to the side to see Fuyuhiko gesturing at him to come over. He stood up silently, moved across the classroom, and sat himself down next to the tiny blond man and the grey haired girl.

"What's the project about?" Kazuichi whispered. "I uh, zoned out."

"We gotta make a project on relationships, like our parents and shit," Fuyuhiko sighed. "Damn, me and Peko are gonna be shit at this, our family is weird as hell, I'm relying on you for this Soda."

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