Chapter 16

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It was very late when they arrived home. Ms Tanaka had gone to bed and they quietly creeped past her room to get to Gundham's. Gundham rushed over to the hamster cage, pulling off his sweater, Kazuichi following behind, a wide smile plastered on the mechanic's face. Gundham looked up at him. "Do you wish to hold her?" He asked, standing up, one of the hamsters snuffling around in his cupped hands.

"Uh, I uh, I guess," Kazuichi took off his own jacket and held his hands out nervously. The tall boy shuffled him over to the bed. They sat down together and Gundham let the tiny rodent scurry onto Kazuichi's palms. Kazuichi made a gasping noise as the hamster started to sniff around. He couldn't work out if he wanted to rub it's soft fur against his face, or throw it across the room. He decided against both.

Suddenly, he heard a laughing noise. Gundham was covering his face with his scarf. "Oi, what's so funny?" Kazuichi wrinkled his nose.

"You are staring with such disbelief, it is amusing!" Gundham chuckled, lowering the scarf to reveal his smile.

"I'm not surprised, I just uh, dunno what to do with it ok!" The mechanic protested.

"Do not worry! I do not mean to jest, it is... endearing!"

"Did you just call me cute?"

Gundham flushed and pulled up scarf up again. "Of course not, what would give thou such an idea," he muttered.

It was Kazuichi's turn to laugh now. "God dude, you're red as a fuckin' uhhh, red thing, it's like you're embarrassed or something-" he stoped, gently biting his lip. No I'm gonna stop there.

The silence was awkward. Kazuichi tried to focus on the hamster's scratching little claws.

"May I?" Gundham reached out to take back the little rodent.

"Of course," the smaller boy mumbled back.

The animal scurried back to it's master and climbed onto Gundham's arm, hoisting it's way up his sleeve up to his shoulder.

Kazuichi suddenly realised how tired he was. He yawned as a wave of exhaustion swept through his body, making him comfortably warm. He relaxed a little. Without realising what he was doing, he sleepily leaned on Gundham's shoulder.



"Are you in need of slumber?"

"Whaddya mean?"

"You are yawning and resting on me."

"Shit sorry," he muttered, sitting up again. To his surprise, Gundham put his arm around him and pulled the shorter boy back to lean against him. Kazuichi felt his face heat up again. "Wha-?!"

"You may rest."

"I can just... go on my bed," Kazuichi mumbled blearily.

"It is ok, you may stay here," Gundham pat him on the head. Kazuichi was too sleepy to retort and let himself flop back onto Gundham's side. I'll just sit here a second, then I'll get up and go on the camp bed. He squinted, watching the hamster scamper around Gundham's lap. Just another moment. I'm not enjoying this, I'm just tired and can't be bothered to move. I'll get up in a minute.

Gundham looked down at the sleepy boy who was slumped against his side. He chuckled. He is pretty, very pretty. I like him. He is nice. A lot nicer than he has been. Gundham stared at him for a few moments, watching his body rise and fall gently with his breaths. So peaceful. I won't disturb him.

The hamster crawled up his arm and snuffled around his neck. Gundham laughed quietly. "Hello Sun-d, how are you this fine evening?" The hamster made a small squeaking noise. "Ah I see, you are enjoying yourself? Good good, I'm glad you are comfortable. Do you wish to go back to your home? You may soon, I do not want to disturb the Soda." He glanced down. "Mortal Soda, do you wish to rise?"

Kazuichi didn't respond. Gundham's eyes widened. He has fallen asleep on me. I hope he is not a light sleeper, I need to put Sun-D back in her cage...

Gundham tried to slowly shift Kazuichi off his shoulder and let him flop onto the mattress. Kazuichi mumbled something, then fell still again. Gundham plopped Sun-D back in her cage, said goodnight to all four hamsters, and came back to the bed. Uh. How do I. Hmmm...

He pulled of his scarf and sat down next to the sleeping Kazuichi, then lay down with him. Gundham tried to curl himself around the mechanic without waking him. He did not succeed.

"Gundham?" Kazuichi mumbled sleepily. Gundham responded by wrapping an arm around Kazuichi's middle.

"What? Ugh, whatever, I just... mmfmfh..." Kazuichi fell back asleep again, breathing slowing.

"Goodnight mortal," Gundham gently pulled the boy towards him, moving his own head up so he wouldn't breath down Kazuichi's neck. "Sleep well."

It didn't take long for Gundham to drift to sleep either. Soon the only sounds were their gentle breathing and the scurrying of small animals in their enclosures. It was peaceful.

Kazuichi opened his eyes slowly. He hadn't been woken up by anything except his body clock. It's dark. What time is it, like 7:00am or something? Why am I so warm? He wiggled a bit, making his body sting a little, and realised with a start that there was someone lying next to him. He yelped and fell onto the floor. "Ow!"

Gundham sleepily sat up, awaken by Kazuichi's movement and noise. "Mortal? Are you ok?"

"Why was I sleeping with you?! Wait that sounds bad. Wait no both would be bad!" Kazuichi's voice was very high.

"For one thing, you fell to slumber upon me, I did not wish to wake you," Gundham explain, brow furrowed. "And for another, why on Earth would that sound that awful?! I do not understand."

"I... uh... whatever," Kazuichi pulled his legs towards him and pressed his face sulkily into his knees. He watched awkwardly as Gundham pulled himself out of bed and wandered over to feed his hamsters. He found himself staring at the way the tall boy moved. Gundham was strangely elegant.

"Mortal? Are you alright?" Kazuichi jumped as he realised the breeder was looking at him in confusion.

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine, why?"

"You have been watching me for the past five minutes, I am befuddled."

"Ok for one thing, I've never heard someone say befuddled unironically before," Kazuichi chuckled, moving his arms to glance up at the taller boy. "And uh, yeah, I dunno, it's just... fun... to watch you... move." He gently tugged on his braid, embarrassed. Gundham didn't respond verbally, holding out his hand to help Kazuichi awkwardly to his feet.

"Shall we go breakfasting?" Gundham mumbled.

"Yeah I guess..." Kazuichi replied. "God you talk weird."

"I shall take that as a compliment."

"Go ahead."

Kazuichi followed him downstairs, stumbling a little. I can't believe I slept in the same bed as him, what the hell?! I'm not gay, I'm not gay, this is all just stupid, yeah he's really pretty and I kinda wanna kiss hi- but I'm not gay. We're friends. I think? We're just friends...


Fluffy <3

I love QwQ them so,, much

Song: Vas by Jagger Finn (playlist of all songs on spotify, my account is "Squid :D")

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