Chapter 6

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TW: Physical and verbal abuse

Today was... better than normal. I made a friend, that's something new. I kinda wish she'd talked to me sooner, but this works. Kazuichi tensed up as he finally reached his house. He'd been overthinking as usual as he'd walked home, but the sight of his home brought him back to reality.

He quietly turned the door handle and as silently as he could, crept inside.

"You're late," came a voice from inside the kitchen. A voice he knew way too well.

"Sorry dad, teacher wanted to talk after class," Kazuichi lied. In reality, he'd been trying to take as long as possible so he didn't have to see his father as soon, but why would he admit that?

"So you got in trouble?"

"No, I just... wanted to ask about some homework." Kazuichi walked into the kitchen, avoiding looking at the man sitting at the table.

"So you weren't paying attention them, huh?"

"I was, it just didn't make much sense."

"So you're telling me you're a fucking idiot, yeah?"

"No, I-" Kazuichi felt his heart rate increasing as he heard the screech of chair legs against the floor. He didn't dare look up as he heard his father's footsteps getting closer. He tried to hide his gasp as his shoulder was painfully grabbed.

"You're an idiot and you'll never be anything else," Kazuichi clenched his teeth as he was shoved against the counter top. "Act like it." He gasped again as his father stomped down on his foot. "Now get out of my sight."

The pink haired boy scrambled to his feet, grabbed his bag, and raced up the stairs. The second his door was shut, he couldn't stop the tears from flowing down his face.

He couldn't take this anymore. He didn't want to. He had to get away. He...

I could run away. He looked around at his room. Maybe... maybe Ibuki would take me? I dunno where she lives, but... or maybe the Kuzuryus? No, that's a mafia gang, why would they let me in. I could wait until tomorrow? Then I can ask Ibuki for her number and ask her where she lives.

Wait no it's Friday... fuck. No. No I can't take another weekend of this. I'll leave tonight. I'll hide in a forest or something, there's one nearby. I have warm clothes... I think. I...

He jumped up and glanced at himself in the mirror to check his injuries. The plaster on his face had peeled off and the cut had started bleeding again, but the only new injuries were what he assumed was a new bruise on his back, and a sore foot. He wiped the pink blood off his cheek with his cuffed sleeve and replaced the bandaid.

Ok, what do I need? Money, clothes, special items I guess. Is that it? Sounds about it. It didn't take him long to gather everything he'd thought of.

"Ok, seems good," Kazuichi whispered to himself. I'll leave tonight, when he's asleep.


Jeez, sorry, these chapters are really short o-o

Again, it was 3:00 am so I couldn't really tell how long they were

Song: Nowhere to Run by Stegosaurus Rex (this song is kinda funky but you've probably heard it on tiktok)

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