Chapter 4

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"So uh... I don't think I can write about my family, or at least feel comfortable about it. Sorry ma'am. Kuzuryu and Pekoyama seem ok with talking about theirs, even if it's weird, and Tanaka is... fine, but I don't feel ok talking about mine. Can I make up a family?" Kazuichi looked down at his feet awkwardly as Miss Yukizome watched him, listening. She smiled.

"Of course that's ok! Thank you for asking me first though! You may go back inside now," she gestured to the door and Kazuichi obediently re-entered the classroom.

He sat back down on his chair and checked what his group-mates were doing. Peko and Fuyuhiko had finished writing and were quietly talking about something, while Tanaka was still drawing. He'd draw a horse and a few deer now.

Damn that's a lot of animals. I wonder where he keeps them all? Kazuichi was genuinely interested, but could never ask. I wish I had some kind of pet... dad would probably get rid of it if I ever tried though. I wish I had a dog... or a rat actually. Wait no rats are cool. I want a rat...

"Hello again, mortal." He was jerked out of his rat-filled thoughts as Gundham coldly greeted him.

"Hi," Kazuichi hesitated before he said. "Your animals are... kinda cool. You're good at drawing."

"I... thank you?" Gundham seemed confused. "Why are you complimenting me, pink haired one?"

"I dunno, it's just... cool. You can draw, I can't do that."

"I shall accept your compliment and respond by explaining the fact that I am better than you at many many things, but I shall also inform you that that does not make you a bad person, Soda. Thank you," Gundham responded.

Kazuichi stared at him. Gundham had never complimented him before.

"Mortal you are pinker than normal," Gundham commented.

"Than usual?"

"Yes, than usual, if you have somehow not noticed, you are actively dying your hair pink. However, your sharp-toothed face is currently also a shade of pink, it seems you have failed to notice that either."

Fuck, am I blushing? Why am I blushing?!? Fuck fuck fuck fuck- WHY AM I BLUSHING?! Stop goddammit!

"Mortal Soda, are you ok?" Gundham was still looking at him. Kazuichi realised he'd been zoned out staring at the other man's chest and quickly looked away.

"Yeah I'm fine," he muttered. He looked down at the table, trying to pretend to be interested in what Fuyuhiko had written.

Fuck, what did I look like? Is he suspicious of me? He probably is, isn't he? Oh god oh god oh god... why did I blush? Did I even blush?? Was he lying?! No, why would he, he's Gundham fucking Tanaka, he doesn't lie, he literally says whatever he thinks about.

Goddammit I'm screwed. Does he think I like him? No, he probably just thinks I'm embarrassed cos I complimented him... I'll go with that. I need to stop worrying so much.

"Again, mortal, are you ok? You seem lost."

"I told you, I'm fine!" Kazuichi snapped, a little louder than the previous time. God I need to stop thinking so much.

"Do you have anything you would like to write?" Gundham asked. He was being a lot more polite than normal, but Kazuichi could tell he still wasn't happy to talk to him.

"Not really."

"Ok class! That will be the end of this lesson! Please keep track of what you have made today, and clear up," Miss Yukizome interrupted to the class. Kazuichi relaxed a little as his group started to pack away their stuff. Saved by the bell... kinda.

He watched as Fuyuhiko and Peko shuffled paper into their bags. Gundham was carefully folding the drawings and notes and slipped them into his side bag. Everyone stood up and left as the bell rang. Kazuichi pulled himself out of his chair and followed the rest of his class to lunch. He was glad the lesson was over. I guess it's time to overthink every fucking thing, like I usually do.

Ibuki was following him and Gundham was walking next to him. He felt the taller man brush his shoulder and noticed his face going hot.

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Why do I keep blushing?! Ok, let's ignore this and pretend nothing's happening. I need to pretend I still like Sonia. I know I don't, but... I need to pretend I do. I need to pretend to hate him. Cos I don't have a chance with him- wait why am I thinking about that?

I'm not... I don't like him. I don't like him. He has a girlfriend. He's straight. He's... I'm straight. I don't want a boyfriend. I want... I want to be with Sonia. I want to be with Sonia.

"Hey, Fizzy boy! You ok?" Kazuichi was jerked out of his thoughts by Ibuki bouncing towards him.

"Fizzy boy...?"

"Yeah! Cos you're Soda! Get it?" She beemed.

"Uh, sure, heh," he grinned back.

"Wait you should come up with a nickname for Ibuki!" The excited girl gasped.

"Oh uh, sure. Hmmmm," Kazuichi thought. "Your spiky hair things look like ears. Can I call you cat girl?"

"Wha wa wa? Oh! They're meant to be horns but that sounds cool as hell! I like it!" Ibuki snorted. "Hey we should hang out more, you're cool."

"Oh uh, th-thanks," Kazuichi stammered. "You're cool too."

"Wanna go get some lunch?" The brightly coloured girl asked.

"Uh, sure! I don't have much else to do, so..." Kazuichi smirked to himself.

"Let's go then, c'mon Soda man!"


Ok so I was up at like 3:00am this morning writing cos I couldn't sleep, so time to binge upload

Song: Problems by Mother Mother (@AnxietyButWeird this is for you lol)

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