Chapter 19

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TWs/CWs: none

Kazuichi and Gundham plodded slowly back to Gundham's house in silence. Kazuichi didn't what to talk, and Gundham found it uncomfortable to. They'd wait until they got home. As they reached the front door, Gundham finally spoke. "You are safe here, remember that, mhm?"

"... yeah," Kazuichi mumbled.

"Ok good." The two boys went inside, Gundham locking the door behind him, shoebox under his arm. "I am thinking my mother is not home," he wondered out loud. Kazuichi watched him make his way to the kitchen, not having the energy to follow. He heard Gundham place the shoebox on the table. "It would appear so, she has left us a message! 'Went to meet up with a friend, will be back in time for dinner'," Gundham peaked his head around the door, his earrings swaying as he did. He seemed to be waiting for Kazuichi to respond.

"Ok," was all the boy to muster the energy to say. Gundham frowned.

"Mortal, what is wrong? You do not usually act like this," the tall boy strode back into the hallway. "You have been much quieter since we were at your father's home."

Kazuichi was silent for a minute or so, not knowing what to say and barely having the composure to think about it. "I guess I just forgot how much I hate him. Only took a day or two aha." He felt a rush of sudden sadness and groaned, bringing his hands up to his face. He took in a deep, shuddery breath, trying to calm himself. It felt like his brain was falling. He sniffed. He didn't want to cry in his poor friend's hallway. Then he felt a pair of gentle but firm arms wrap around him and he couldn't stop some of the tears from running down his face.

"Apologies, am I allowed to hug you?" Gundham's deep voice was soft as he held Kazuichi against himself.

"Yeah..." the pink-haired boy replied. He let himself fall onto Gundham's body, hugging the tall boy back. They stood there in the hallway a while, Gundham swaying gently as Kazuichi tried and failed to not sob into Gundham's jacket. Gundham quietly stroked his hand up and down Kazuichi's back. Kazuichi felt stupid, but he liked it. The touch made him feel safe. The movement reminded him that time was passing which he also liked.

"Are you ok, my mortal?" Gundham asked quietly. Kazuichi shifted his head so his ear was pressed against Gundham's chest. He could hear his heartbeat.


"Do you know why?"


"Do you wish to say what is wrong?"

"Not really."

"That is ok, I will be here if you are able to speak another time."


Gundham lifted his hand up to Kazuichi's head and wound his finger's through Kazuichi's hair. Kazuichi felt his chest lurch a little, but decided to ignore it. He didn't have the energy to think about it. He just wanted to feel safe.

And then the boys were interrupted. A sudden meowing cry erupted from the kitchen. Gundham looked up. "Are you content with me going to find out what he wants?"

"Yeah of course," Kazuichi mumbled back. Gundham released the shorter boy and hurried over to the kitchen, Kazuichi following behind him. The kitten was trying to climb out of the shoebox. It had managed to push the lid off and was crying as it wobbled around on the ground of it's cardboard enclosure.

"Hello my dear, you seem hungry," Gundham pet it gently between the ears with a finger as it cried at him. "Let us get you some food."

Kazuichi watched the kitten intently as he wiped away his tears with the edge of a sleeve. It was a good distraction now he'd calmed down. Gundham lifted the kitten from it's shoebox and held it securely against his chest. No wonder he's so good at calming people down, he does it with animals all the time. "Mortal may you bring the box with us?"

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