Chapter 18

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TWs: child ab//se, discussion of child ab//se

The walk to work was enjoyable at least. Kazuichi liked talking, or at least listening, to Gundham, who was watching any birds in the area and explaining what species they were as they went. It didn't take long to arrive at the car repair place.

"Hi sorry I dunno if I'm late at all, aha," Kazuichi grinned awkwardly at the tall, dark-haired man who wandered over as they approached.

"Na you're good," the guy ran a hand through his hair and shrugged. "Who's this?" He glanced at Gundham.

"Oh uh, this is my friend Tanaka," Kazuichi explained. "I was staying at his house so he offered to walk me here."

"Oh neat," the man held out a hand to Gundham, who shook it in confusion. "I'm Natsuki Toshiaki."

"Tanaka Gundham," Gundham replied in his deep voice. "I must be on my way, farewell Soda, I shall meet you when?"

"Uh, in like, two hours I guess."

"Splendid. Have a good time."

"I'll try aha," Kazuichi mumbled as he watched Gundham wander off into the town center.

"He seems interesting," Natsuki chuckled, watching Gundham leave.

"Yeah I know him from school," Kazuichi didn't particularly want to talk about the tall boy, but that didn't seem to be an option.

"Fun," Natsuki started to make his way into the building, followed closely by his pink-haired employee. They arrived at their destination and Natsuki indicated a slightly battered looking car. "Alright Soda, we gotta get this guy fixed up in an hour, Iruma should be here to help as soon as possible."

"Is she late again?"

"It would seem so," the tall man checked his watch.


"Speak of the devil."

"Hi Iruma," Kazuichi said as the apparently excited woman strode into the room.

"Heya Soda!" She called back. "What we got today?" She itched her nose and put her hands on her hips.

"This," Kazuichi indicated the car as he rummaged through a box of tools.

"Ah, neat, this'll be great," she cracked her knuckles.

"Yeah, aha," the pink-haired boy tried not to sigh. He usually liked work, what was wrong? Why do I feel so disappointed? Do I... miss Gundham or some shit? He frowned, confused. This sucks.

A few hours later, Gundham arrived back at the repair garage. "Mortal? Have thou finished your work?"

Kazuichi sat up quickly, catching his head slightly on a car's wing mirror and yelping. "Gundham? Oh," he checked the clock on the wall. "My shift's over."

"Oh c'mon Soda, help me finish?" Natsuki stood up too.

"I... think I gotta go, sorry, I'll do some overtime soon, alright?"

"Yeah yeah sure fine then," the boss grumbled.

"Thanks, I'll be back tomorrow I promise."

"Whatever, get outta here," Natsuki grinned at him.

"Thanks," Kazuichi grinned back and ran after Gundham as the tall boy started to leave. "Gundham wait up!" He caught up with him as Gundham was at the door.

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