Chapter 15

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"Ok boys, you're all set," Gundham's mother placed a pillow on the end of the camp bed and gave it a pat.

"Thanks Mi... Mrs? Miss?" Kazuichi started and trailed off in confusion.

"Ms Tanaka, don't worry," the woman smiled.

"Th-thanks Ms Tanaka," the boy mumbled back.

"Much thanks mother, you may leave us now," Gundham crossed his arms calmly.

"Come get me if you need me," the woman shuffled her way out of the room, leaving the two boys alone. With no reasoning, Kazuichi suddenly felt himself getting embarrassed. Why am I flustered I'm literally just with another boy this is fucking stupid I-

Gundham stood up and left, not closing the door behind him. "Hey! Where the hell are you going!?" Kazuichi's voice came out a lot squeaker than he wanted it to.

"Come along mortal," Gundham's voice called back through the hallway.

"Where are we going?!" Kazuichi jumped up and followed him, confused as ever.

"A venture into the night!"


"A walk!"

"Ohhhhhh," Kazuichi scrunched up his nose. You could've just said that...

"Where are you boys off to then?" Kazuichi heard Ms Tanaka ask as he caught up with the taller boy, running down the stairs.

"We are off to adventure into the night!" Gundham replied cheerfully.

"Ah, well be back soon, you should try get some sleep," the woman replied sternly.

"Of course, of course," Gundham answered as Kazuichi arrived at his side. "We will return soon, do not worry dear mother."

"Alright then, look after yourselves."

"Where are we going?" Kazuichi asked, following Gundham out into the street that was lit only by a few streetlights and the remaining light from the setting sun.

"We shall go to the forest?" It was a question, not a statement.

"Uh, sure."

"Let our journey commence!"

"It's just a forest dude..."

"It is an adventure!"

"It's a walk in the dark..."

"It shall be fun!"

"Hopefully." Despite his tone, Kazuichi could feel himself smiling in the dark at how excited Gundham was, just to go on a simple walk. The boy obviously found a great comfort in anything to do with animals or nature, and Kazuichi honestly found it... cute. No. Not cute... he's not... fuck no just we're stopping there.

It was just light enough to see Gundham's tall outline walking along in front. Kazuichi followed close behind him. The night air was cold but not painfully so. The mechanic felt himself start to relax as he walked, breathing in the cold and looking up at the sky. "How are you finding our expedition my mortal?" Gundham glanced behind himself.

"Eh it's fine- hold on 'my' mortal?" Kazuichi felt his face heat up. I'm glad it's dark, jeez.

"Hmm? Of course, you are my friend, my mortal, my acquaintance. What is wrong with that?" The breeder seemed confused.

"Oh, uh, yeah yeah, sure, sorry," Kazuichi stumbled over his words a little. They were starting to arrive at the forest and trees were appearing around them.

"It is not a problem my mortal." Kazuichi felt a shiver go down his spine at the 'my'. Not a bad shiver. I'm... I have no idea how to feel about this.

Gundham led the pink-haired boy deeper into the trees. By the time all the light had left the sky, excusing a few pinpricks of stars and a sliver of moon, they were surrounded by tall wooden branches and the sounds of civilisation had been muffled by distance and leaves.

Suddenly, Kazuichi bumped into Gundham's back. The tall boy had stopped walking and was glancing around. "Huh? Mortal?"

"Didn't realise you'd stopped walking, sorry," the mechanic explained, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Ah I see," Gundham turned around. He seemed to be able to see the shorter boy even in the dark.

"You... good?" Kazuichi asked, confused.

"I am fine, my mortal Kazuichi, are you?"

"Y-yeah I'm good."

"Your voice is faltering, are you quite sure?"

"Yeah don't worry."

"..." Gundham paused. Kazuichi couldn't tell what he was doing. Then the tall boy hugged him. Kazuichi gasped. For the third time that day, he'd been hugged by boy who, only a few days before, he'd hated for liking a girl neither of them even had feelings for. The pink-haired boy felt tears prick in his eyes. Fuck... I... "my mortal Kazuichi, are you ok?"


"My mortal?"

"C-can you stop calling me 'my'?" Kazuichi mumbled.

"Oh, why?"

"I'm... never mind. Ignore me, don't worry."

"Mortal if you do not wish for me to call you-"

"Nono, it's fine, please ignore me."

"Ok mortal Kazuichi," Gundham gave him a gentle squeeze and Kazuichi's stomach wobbled with some kind of happy anxiety.

Kazuichi pressed his face into the tall boy's chest. "Heh, I'm... thanks for this."

"What do you mean?"

The mechanic looked up at the cloud scattered sky. "It's really nice out here. And you're really nice so uh... yeah."

"Your opinion on me has greatly evolved in the past few days."

"Yeah I guess."

"You hated me on Friday, now it is a Saturday evening only a day later and you are resting in my arms."

"Oh shut up, you hugged me," Kazuichi laughed.

"And you didn't pull away," Gundham replied, chuckling.



Sorry it's been so long, I've been writing a Kuzusoda book as a way to vent, and I know this story is literally about Soda being homo for Tanaka, but if you're able to deal with dark shit and don't mind Soda being homo for Kuzuryu instead, it would mean a lot to me if you'd check out my book "Saving You" ^w^

Anyway, sorry this is short ( ._.) I just wanted to get another chapter out

Hope you enjoyed! Fluff as promised >:]

Song: Telescope by Cavetown (the playlist has been made! My spotify account is "Squid :D" and the playlist is "Pink bruises (soudam)")

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