Cancelling this fic

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Hey guys!!
It's been a good while, but I don't think I'm gonna be finishing this fanfic, I'm so sorry-

I wrote it during a shitty part of my life, I'm doing much better now and have moved onto different medias and ships and writing styles that are much better for me mentally :3

To make up for it, here's where I got up to in the planing I had laid how, have my pure unedited writing plan:

Sunday (continued) - they spend the afternoon playing with Fuku. Then they have dinner and Gundham's very excitedly telling his mother about Fuku and stuff. They mention Kazuichi's dad calling and Ms Tanaka's like "you're my son now" (but not literally because that would be weird cos Gundham and Kaz are gonna date at some point). They go upstairs and Kazuichi sleeps on the camp bed with Mayonaka and Gundham's watching him like ":]". Monday: O SHIT SCHOOL. Kazuichi leaves by himself to pick up the DVDs and the people at the pick up place are kinda creepy. He runs outta there and meets Gundham and everyone at school. The first lesson is another one with the family project and Fuyuhiko is like "y'all like each other now??? Kinda sus bro" and Kaz is like "aha yeah we talked a bit" and Gundham's like "he slept in my room" and Kaz is like "STFUUUU" and Fuyuhiko's confused. IBUKI AT LUNCH MY BELOVEF <333 Kazuichi goes home and is vibing

So yeah that's it, thankks for sticking with me this long guys, I'm glad you enjoyed this fic, it's one of my favourites of the ones I put out during this era :3 Stay safe guys, if you wanna read the podcast fanfic I'm much more enjoying writing then you can find it being slowly published on my Ao3 under the same name of this account :3 



Song: Willard! by Will Wood 

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