Chapter 8

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"Your what?"

"What you may know as a house."

"You're taking me to your house?!"

"Of course, where else would we go?" Kazuichi could tell Gundham was looking at him in confusion.

"Ugh, I dunno honestly... just... just do what you want to do."

Kazuichi gasped quietly as Gundham grabbed his arm and started speed walking. He stayed silent. There wasn't a point in saying anything.

They finally arrived at a slightly distant house. It wasn't near any other visible houses, but it wasn't too far from civilisation either. Kazuichi could see Gundham in the light of the outside electric lamp. The taller man's hair was down rather than gelled up like normal, and his eyes looked odd without his usual eyeliner. Kazuichi watched him fiddle with the key.

"You need some help there?"

"No I am fine," the door swung open and Gundham walked him inside.

"Won't your mum be upset?"

"My mother will be understanding, she is accustomed to it."

"What, you usually bring home random kids from your school at four in the morning?"

"No, I often find hurt creatures on my dark-time walks."

"It's making me kinda uncomfortable to hear you calling me an animal, dude-"

"Shhh, my mother may awake if you keep your voice at this tone." Gundham took Kazuichi's hand in his and swiftly took him to what was apparently the kitchen.

Fuck I'm blushing again, aren't I? Dammit. I know I like men, but not this one. Definitely not this one. Thank god it's dark.

Gundham moved as silently as Kazuichi did around his own house. Kazuichi heard only the gentle clinking of kitchenware, soft footsteps, and the quiet rush of a running tap, and then he was being handed a glass of water in the dark. The pink haired boy greedily drank down the water, feeling the relief from his dry throat. "Thanks," he whispered, trying to hand the glass back to his tall host.

Gundham didn't reply with words, just put away the glass and took Kazuichi's hand again, this time walking him quietly up the stairs and to his room.

"You may speak now, mortal Soda," Gundham told him as he closed his bedroom door and turned on a dim light. "But softly, if you must."

"I should probably say thank you, so... thanks Tanaka, I guess," Kazuichi muttered.

Gundham seemed pleased with himself.

"You are most welcome, shark-faced mortal."

Kazuichi surveyed what he could see of the breeder's room. In the low light, he could see a heavily blanketed bed and a few shelves, and could just about make out a few small animals rustling in their cages. There were only one or two cages, so he assumed Gundham kept other animals somewhere else.

"What are those?" Kazuichi indicated the closer and smaller of the animal enclosures.

"That is the temple in which I keep my dark devas when I am unable to watch over them," Gundham explained. Kazuichi noticed he was avoiding eye contact.

"Don't they keep you awake? They're kinda loud."

"I for one, find it comforting." The breeder was still refusing to look at Kazuichi in the eye and kept glancing at the cage that housed the four hamsters. He seemed to make an internal decision and suddenly moved towards the hamster enclosure. He snapped open the door, gently withdrew a fat looking ball of fluff, and sat down on the floor. Kazuichi followed him, sitting down too.

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