Chapter 10

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"Be careful with her, you don't want to scare her, spirits are very vulnerable in these forms so can be easily frightened."

Kazuichi nervously cupped the soft little body in his hands. Gundham had been telling him about his animals, and had decided to let him hold the injured rat that was in the smaller cage. The mechanic was hesitant and visibly anxious, but Gundham had insisted, and honestly, it was easier than he'd expected.

The warm little creature sat easily in his palms and didn't move much, so he didn't have much trouble holding it still. Gundham stroked a finger down it's back. "Well done Mortal, she trusts you."

Kazuichi smiled at him.

This is... nice. Heh, I never thought I'd enjoy time spent with Tanaka.

Suddenly, Gundham looked up at the door. The sounds of someone moving around on the other side had reached his ears. "My mother has awoken, and soon must I, mortal. I will introduce you."

"Wait no, why? Please don't..." Gundham noted the panic in the mechanic's eyes.

"Why do you not wish to meet my mother, Mortal Soda?" He asked softly.

"..." Kazuichi looked down at the floor. "... don't laugh at me, ok?"

"Of course not."

The pink haired boy took a deep breath, and then, "people's parents scare me, I know they probably won't be like my dad, but there's still the dumb anxiety."

"Ah, I see, irrational fears," Gundham glanced thoughtfully at the door.

"Not irra- well, actually, yeah, pretty irrational," Kazuichi chuckled a little at his realisation.

"Exactly. Now do you want to meet my mother?"

The mechanic was silent in thought for a moment. Then, "yes... yeah ok."

Gundham smiled at him. "I shall alert her before hand, wait here."

"Oh uh... ok."

Gundham stepped outside his door, shutting it quietly behind him. His mother was apparently downstairs in the kitchen, so he made his way downstairs and entered the dining room.

"Greetings mother."

"Morning Gundham, I heard you go out last night, did you find anything?" The woman greeted him.

"No, well, not really," he responded.

"What do you mean not really?"

"I discovered a classmate of mine hiding in the woods from his family, I offered to give him shelter for the night and he accepted," the breeder explained.

"Oh!" His mother seemed surprised, but not upset. "Are they upstairs? Bring them down, I'll make them food."

Gundham nodded and turned around to go back upstairs. "Thank you mother, this will reassure him."

"Hey what did she say?" Kazuichi asked as he opened the door again. He could tell the pink-haired man was anxious.

"She is making you food."

Kaz seemed surprised. "Oh, uh... was she mad...?"

"Of course not, Mortal, do not be frightened."

"I uh... ok fine I'll come downstairs."

Kazuichi anxiously followed Gundham down the stairs. When they got to the kitchen door, he stopped. Gundham looked back at him.

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