Chapter 7

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*b e e p b e e p b e e p*

"Mmmf... hmm?" Kazuichi blinked in the low light. It's not morning, what...?

*b e e p b e e p b e e p*

He suddenly sat up in realisation. Is he asleep? He was silent for a moment, listening. When he didn't hear anything from downstairs, he jumped up and grabbed his backpack. Money, clothes, important stuff... makeup, ok. I've got everything. He took a deep breath. Ok. Let's go do this.

Kazuichi opened the door and quietly crept downstairs. He was genuinely a little impressed with himself. The door was going to be the hardest. It made a recognisable enough noise whenever it opened. He just hoped it wouldn't be loud enough to wake his father.

He gently turned the doorknob and opened the door. It barely made any noise. Yus. The door made a familiar clunk behind him as he shut it.

Ok. I gotta get away. I'm outside, but I have to get away. It's colder than I thought it would be, but... Where should I go? Uh, forest. There. Ok. Let's go.

He started walking. And then he was getting faster, and faster, and then he was running. When he eventually felt a tightness in his chest, he stopped. Where am I? He was at the edge of a group of trees. He'd gotten there at least. He was away. "I'm free..."

Suddenly, he noticed the dryness in his throat. "Oh shit I forgot water... and food..."

Kazuichi walked a little further, into the trees. I need to hide. My throat hurts. Trees are nice.

Eventually, he slumped down against a larger tree and wrapped his arms around his legs. I'm so fucking tired...

He pulled a thick turtleneck out of his backpack and shoved it over his head. It was cold too. Was this a bad idea?

He wasn't sure how long he sat there for, but it was definitely a while.

Cold... throat hurts... I wonder if I can fall asleep... I wonder if I'd ever wake up... oh god I'm gonna starve aren't I? I'm getting hungry... why did I do this... I hurt but at least I was warm... wait what was that?

Kazuichi's eyes snapped open. Crunch, crunch, crunch. Someone was in the forest with him. And they were getting closer. Crunch, crunch, crunch. He could barely see a thing. It was so dark. And cold...

"W-who's there?" Damn my voice is scratchy. "Who's there?!" He called out again. The crunching stopped. He noticed the vague silhouette of a person nearby.

"I said who's there, ok?! Answer me!" Kazuichi hissed loudly.

"Wait... that's... I know that voice."

Kazuichi jumped as he heard the response. "Wait..." he whispered. "I know you too."

The shadow got closer. "In no means of offence, Mortal... what in the name of all things dark and devious are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing Tanaka," Kazuichi answered. It hurt to talk. His throat hurt.

"I was simply attempting to find the fawn who ran away earlier. Their mother is missing them, they need to return to shelter. But back to you. Soda Mortal, what might you be doing freezing to hell at what you humans decided to be 4 o'clock in the morning?"

"... hiding," Kazuichi answered shortly.

"No, come here," Gundham ordered.


"You are lost, alone, and possibly hurt. It is my duty to care for animals who need it."

"Hey I'm not a pet-!"

"I am aware. However, humans are animals too. Come with me." Though it was cold, Kazuichi felt a flutter in his stomach as he grabbed the breeder's outstretched hand.

What the fuck. Who decided I like him? Nope. I don't. If he's anything, he's the dude I put up with in my work group in school. Now shut up. It's just cos I'm nervous.

"Are you ok, Soda?" Gundham asked as he pulled the pink haired boy to his feet.

"Yeah I'm fine," Kazuichi muttered.

"The fawn can wait, may they stay safe. I need to get you to warmth."

He gasped as Gundham began to walk, pulling him behind him. "Where are we going?!"

"To my abode."



I swear these were longer when I first wrote them



This year has been absolute shit, but... eh, fuck it, this year was also the year I've felt the closest to anyone, I worked out my gender, had my first proper romantic relationship, and started writing again. I also found so many fandoms that I know are gonna stay with me for a good long while, so... thank you guys :,3 writing various gay shit on this platform has made the last few moths of this year bearable. Thank You ^w^

Song: This is Home by Cavetown (cos that song got me through this year and this is the last thing I'm posting in 2020)

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