Chapter 12

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TW ab//se, high anxiety, slight blood

Kazuichi was silent the whole car journey to the police station, and just as quiet when they arrived.

"You're dad'll be here soon, Soda," one of the policemen attempted to reassure him. This was, however, quite far from reassuring. It took everything he had to not have a panic attack. "I'm sure he'll be pleased to see you, don't worry."

He's gonna kill me. That wasn't even an exaggeration from Kazuichi's point of view. He was sacred. Scared of what his father could do to him. I can't. I can't go back. No no no no no no no no nononononono- "no." It wasn't loud enough for anyone else to hear, but... Kazuichi clenched his hands around his upper arms, digging his nails into his skin, trying to find some stability.

The time it took for his father to arrive was both excruciatingly long, and far too quick. He identified his father's footsteps before he saw him. The middle aged man rounded the corner and Kazuichi felt his blood turn to ice the moment he did so.

He said something to the policeman that Kazuichi couldn't hear, then beckoned him over. Kazuichi knew his father had said something, but his heart was pounding so loudly in his ears he didn't hear it. His hearing was still muffled as he entered his father's car.

The old man didn't say anything the whole journey. Or at least Kazuichi didn't think he did. He wouldn't be surprised if he had. He could barely hear a thing. They arrived home and he pulled himself out of the car. It was safer outside the house. He didn't want to go inside.

"C'mon," his father muttered. Kazuichi jumped a little. At least he could hear again. He reluctantly follow he man inside. As soon as the door was shut, and locked, Kaz felt a sharp pain in his shoulder and he fell against the wall. His father crushed the boy's shoulder with his fingers.

"How did you get out."



But he couldn't. He just couldn't. His father's face twisted into a snarl. "SAY SOMETHING YOU BASTARD."

Kazuichi just shook his head slowly. He felt his skull hit the wall and tears start to flow down his face.

"You're crying, you fucking baby."

Kazuichi stayed silent. He was suddenly thrown to the ground. He felt a shoe kick him hard the stomach, and then footsteps walking away from him. He glanced around a little. His father was gone.

He pulled himself shakily up, pain throbbing through his body. He touched his head and winced. He drew his hand away. There was a small amount of pink blood on his fingers. He dragged himself up the stairs. He was going to stay in his room for the rest of the weekend. He'd get food and water and he'd use the toilet at night. He couldn't risk leaving.

Suddenly he remembered. Oh fuck I have work tomorrow. It's not for too long, but I still have to leave the house. Leave the house. Hold on. Leave.

Kazuichi pulled his phone out of his bag with a shaking hand and opened it, putting in a new message to Gundham. He was the only person on his contacts he could trust. Well that's changed a lot, heh.

He typed a little and sent it.

Kazuichi: Are you home tomorrow?

It took a few minutes for Gundham to respond.

Gundham: Is this Soda?

Kazuichi: yeah

Gunham: did you get home safe?

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